Anderson Cooper announces he is a father

Publicado 2020-04-30
CNN's Anderson Cooper reveals that he has become a father. His son's name is Wyatt Morgan Cooper. #CNN #News

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @biozio186
    I became a 1st time father at age 44. Greatest gift ever. Congrats Anderson
  • @CraigGriffiths
    When your son asks “what was it like when I was born”, boy will you have a story. Congrats.
  • @tracicory6862
    My dad died when I was 5 months old, my mom left this earth 1 1/2 years ago. I am 62. I have kids and grandkids. Your son is beautiful and, clearly, loved. He carries all the love of your mom and dad and brother. Watch him grow. You will wish your family could be here with you but your son is the very continuation of all that is family and all that is love! Blessings to you and Wyatt!
  • I like that he found the list of baby names that his parents had for him. <3
  • @Badonky11
    How he says with a joyous giggle, "my son" just melts my heart!
  • @jillsalkin7389
    So happy for all of them! I love Anderson because he is a caring, compassionate person.
  • @mg4468
    He’s beautiful and very lucky to be your son...CONGRATULATIONS!
  • @jeredalmeida1880
    Why would anyone want to restrict gay people from experiencing this kind of happiness? This is BEAUTIFUL!
  • @a1228a
    I can tell Anderson was holding back tears of joy. He's going to be a great dad.
  • @jordanwalker4194
    Anderson's smile while he's talking about his son is literally the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my entire life😭❤️😭❤️
  • @bflobribean8811
    Congratulations Anderson! As another gay guy, this story brought tears to my eyes! The two of you are both blessed to have each other!
  • There is no greater joy than being a parent. Congratulations Anderson, you will be a sweet and tender dad I'm sure. Take good care of your precious son.
  • @jesss3725
    NOTHING LIKE CHILDREN ANDERSON! He’s beautiful. Happy Birthday Wyatt Morgan Anderson!
  • @davidv7275
    One of the greatest things about having kids is the joy they bring, the wonder of simple things, and how much they teach us about love. Enjoy, your life will be richer.
  • @KarlaElaine100
    Anderson cannot stop smiling; and looking at his son’s photo. So sweet! Congratulations!
  • @found_theplace
    Anderson can hardly contain his joy and astonishment. 🗣 And I’m here for all of it!
  • @jaqenhgar7732
    Anderson deserves happiness. I'm very happy for him.
  • @laura2372
    This bundle of sweetness is lovely beyond words! Congrats to you, Anderson and may all the blessings of the universe be yours and Wyatt's! :)