💚 Heart Chakra Healing with HANG Drum + Rain Music || Attract Love || Let Go Of Emotional Pain

What Blocks Heart Chakra?
Heart Chakra is our center of love and compassion and it is blocked by emotional pain, trauma and stress - usually caused by bad memories and/or stress.

How to Unblock Heart Chakra?
First step is to connect and tune into your heart chakra. As you sit for meditation, this track's frequency will help to bring focus gently to heart center, (its composed using the primary resonant frequency of heart chakra). As you settle down, place both palms on your heart center and silently recite these affirmations.

My heart is open to love's abundance.
I am deserving of unconditional love.
I forgive and let go, freeing my heart.
Love flows through me and connects all.
Compassion guides my actions.
Gratitude attracts more love to my life.
I embrace vulnerability and deep connections.
I honor and express my emotions.
I create love and harmony in all relationships.
I love and accept myself completely.


Thanks for making Meditative Mind such a positive and inclusive place for everyone. If you have any questions about chakra healing or meditation in general, do not hesitate to leave the comment below.


🌈 Unblock 7 Chakras with Magical Chakra Chants :
👉    • Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for ...  

🔆 Guided Meditations for Healing Chakras :
👉    • Root Chakra Healing Guided Meditation...  
Explore One of the Biggest Chakra Healing Library on the Youtube.

❤️ If you would like to hear pure music without rain, it is available in our app & youtube
👉    • HEART CHAKRA HEALING Hang Drum Music ...  


Spotify : open.spotify.com/artist/1PTLyE54UyxphMo43yaSc7
Apple Music : music.apple.com/artist/meditative-mind/566257399
Official App : meditativemind.org/app


ISRC : AUTMZ2090504
SKU : Mv0PwVr5M_4
UPC : 9356546010241

Music & Vocals : ‪@DilpreetBhatiaMusic‬
ⓒ ℗ 2009 - 2022 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved.
Audio & Video for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling etc not permitted.

#meditativemind #MM_HeartChakra #MM_ChakraHealing

コメント (21)
  • @goldiebear55
    to the person reading this video god and your ancestors are with you. you are never alone nature is all around you step outside and enjoy the beauty. Beautiful soul I love you and you deserve all the best things this world has to offer. Sending love and light energy to all that read these beautiful comments ❤❤❤😊😊😊
  • @lalaluxor9466
    To the person reading this comment: sending you the embodiment of peace/purity & soak in complete divine love & eternal nourishment🫶🏽♾️& if no one told you today, I love you!
  • @BG6-xy9bh
    I might be late on commenting on this video and maybe nobody will see this comment, but I come here every morning and afternoon because of my depression. This calming music helped me a lot. I just wanted to say thank you for letting me through my tough times.
    If you are reading this, I truly wish you are empowered, calm and in tune with yourself. I send you love and strength ❤
  • @ttpower88
    Whoever is reading this just know that it does get better. Sending you love, healing and comfort.
  • @TheFineSpace
    Who ever is reading this , Sending you so much love and healing , from the bottom of my heart 🙏🏽 💚
  • @lmg88.80
    I am giving myself strength to be alone. I will find my tribe when im ready. I will not rush anything.💚💚💚
  • @dripmotorspa
    To all who have ever felt hurt or betrayed the universe has never forgotten you. You are being prepared for something greater, you are deserving of love at its highest level at all times.
  • @hara3435
    To the One whose eyes
    read this message, a gift;

    A hug from the Creator ❤
  • To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
  • A tip for taking baths: not sure if you’ve been doing this but I like to listen to sound frequencies and allow the water molecules in the bath to absorb the frequency and let my body literally lather in the vibration carried through the water. This can have great healing benefits, especially when keeping your head in the water and allowing the frequency to carry through your ears and vibrations coarse throughout your body. I also listen to frequencies when showering. Or put them around water before I drink it. 💗💗lots of love, Myia
  • @MyKeYs_592
    To all who read this… I’m hurting, depression has gripped me tightly. I miss the way I used to love myself and not require it from others. My ego seems to be running unchecked through my life. I’m sad. Seeing all of your lovely messages reminds me of the love that is always here and there at every moment. It’s difficult to see and remember sometimes. Thank you all for keeping it safe for me until I come back to it.
  • @jennieL73
    To the person reading this, you are absolutely perfect❤️ you are absolutely powerful, you are absolutely loved🙏♥️
  • @miventania8666
    Please, my friends, do not give in to the illusion of separation. We all are one. You are part of a bigger plan. Your evolution is helping the mother earth. You are unique and so worth it. Give yourself some grace, let's keep loving flowing to ourselves and the others ❤
  • @Breakthrough9
    Going through a job loss and starting to feel depressed and this video popped up on my feed, I started reading the comments and started crying...thank you everyone for the messages you wrote. They were a blessing to read. ❤
  • I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!
  • I am safe. I love my life. I allow myself to be in the present moment, right here, right now. I have everything I need. I am open to new ideas. I am here, here in my body, and all is well. I am aware of my thoughts, feelings, and body in the present moment. I am grounded and connected to the earth. I trust myself. I am open to new ways of thinking. I embrace change. I love myself. I let go of my past. I am. I feel deeply rooted. I am connected to my body. I feel safe and secure. Just like a tree or a star, I have a right to be here. I stand for my values, for truth, and for justice. I have what I need. I am grounded, stable, and standing on my own two feet. I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation, and connection with nature. I am open to possibilities. I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform. I trust in the goodness of life. I make choices that are healthy and good for me. I trust myself. I love life.

    I embrace my sexuality and sensuality. I feel good about my body. I let go of repetitive thoughts. I am in touch with my feelings. I am connected to my core. I take care of my emotional needs. I am open to sharing my feelings. My feelings are the language of my soul. I nurture myself. I use my creativity for higher purpose. I am kind and compassionate. I love and enjoy my body. I have healthy boundaries. I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses. I am passionate. I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take. I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water. I know how to take care of my needs. I value and respect my body. I am open to touch and closeness. I allow myself to experience pleasure. My sexuality is sacred. Emotions are the language of my soul. I take good care of my physical body. I am at peace.

    My body is strong and healthy. I am open to playfulness and gentleness of my soul. I am open to spirit. I take responsibility for my thoughts and feelings. I sense that everything is a lesson on my spiritual journey. I create my own life. I feel connected to greater life. Just by being, I am valuable. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose love, light, and healing. I have the courage to be myself. My power is in the gentleness of my soul. I love and accept myself. I stand up for myself. I am strong and courageous. I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect. I choose the best for myself. I confidently express myself. I am proud of my achievements. I honor myself. I choose healthy relationships. I am authentic. I direct my own life. I appreciate my strengths. I feel my power. I am free to choose in any situation. I seek opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. I am at peace with myself.

    I allow myself to feel my tender heart. I surrender and let go of fear. I open myself to deep self love. I feel embraced by the love of the Universe. I open myself to healthy and nurturing relationships. Peace is a way of my life. I forgive myself and others. I am grateful for all that I have. I sense that everything is interconnected. I am loving and compassionate with myself and with others. I accept myself and others as we are. I feel connected with greater life. I am open to love. All love resides within my heart. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I nurture my inner child. I am wanted and loved. I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude. I love the beauty of nature and the animal world. I forgive myself. I am open to love and kindness. I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to transform and open up to love. I am connected with other human beings. I feel a sense of unity with nature and animals. I accept things as they are. I am peaceful.

    I express myself clearly and in a healthy way. I speak my truth. I feel safe to express myself. I think before I speak. I am connected to deeper parts of myself, to my soul. I live in truth. I express the spirit within. I listen with the ear of my heart. I listen to my intuition. I can say "no" when I need to. I am peaceful, tranquil, and serene. I love myself and I express my love for others. I am open, clear, and honest in my communication. I have a right to speak my truth. I communicate my feelings with ease. I express myself creatively through speech, writing, or art. I have a strong will that lets me resolve my challenges. I nourish my spirit through creativity. I live an authentic life. I have integrity. I love to share my experiences and wisdom. I know when it is time to listen. I express my gratitude towards life. I listen to my body and my feelings to know what my truth is. I take good care of my physical body. I am at peace.

    My life moves with grace. I use my intuition wisely. I see connections and the deeper truth. I have deep sense of knowing everything I need to know. All that I need is within me. I dwell in the state of presence. I am a timeless, eternal being, connected to the wisdom of the Universe. I see challenges in my life with great clarity. I learn from the challenges in my life, they are spiritual lessons. I open myself to the wisdom of elders. I love and accept myself. I open myself to insights and clarity. I can consciously create my life. I am in touch with my inner guidance. I listen to my deepest wisdom. I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences. I am wise, intuitive, and connected with my inner guide. I nurture my spirit. I listen to the wisdom of elders. I trust my intuition. I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn. I forgive myself. I love and accept myself. I know that all is well in my world. I am connected with the wisdom of the universe. I am open to inspiration and bliss. My life moves effortlessly. I am at peace. I am the source of my truth and my love.

    I feel connected with other beings, with heaven and earth, the whole of Universe. I know and I understand. I am one with the Divine. I am grounded on earth and connected with heavens. I understand deeper truth and connection. I experience, peace, love, and joy. I honor the divine in me and in others. I experience everything as grace. I understand the deeper truth of suffering. I am at peace. I am. I am part of the Divine. I honor the Divine within me. I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences. I cherish my spirit. I seek experiences that nourish my spirit. I listen to the wisdom of universe. I trust my intuition. I am open to letting go of my attachments. I live in the present moment. I am grateful for all the goodness in my life. I love and accept myself. I know that all is well in my world. I am connected with the wisdom of the universe. I am open to divine wisdom. My life moves with grace. I am at peace.
  • Your Heart Chakra is the space of love, compassion, and kindness. Thank you for helping us unblock it Meditative Mind, sending peace to you. Love and kindness to all.
  • @jakekokot
    To you who are reading this, you are loved as you are, and you are worthy of your own love!