If you're attached to your pain, you probably won't wanna listen to this.

Published 2024-04-25
I thought I'd post this video again and just chop it up differently without any fancy music or anything to see how it would be received by the algorithm. (more like... how it wold be received by you!)

I didn't even bother to create a thumbnail or include any hashtags because if you're meant to see this video (even if you're seeing it again, but in this different version), then it was definitely meant for you.

Make sure you leave your comment below!

All Comments (10)
  • @speciallion1135
    ‘If I didn’t have any bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all’ ‘poor me, poor me…pour me a drink’ ! Negative people, are very difficult to be around for too long, like you said, no one is coming to fix them & these people cause a lot of damage to those around them, who have done the work. It’s draining to healthy, secure people. Something I have observed, social media; tends to thrive on negativity. People seek out reasons to get angry, where these unhealed folk, project their fake empathy. For example, If someone posts up where they were perceived to be wronged by another, there will be all manner of responses, in ‘empathy’ with their pain body, lots of emoji’s too! It’s concerning, actually, becasue in the broader scheme of AI, it’s learning that there are more responses to negativity, than there is to positivity. Could this be one reason, that people are addicted to their dopamine hit of likes & attention, thus keeping them in a cycle of enablement to their perceived pain.
  • @re8837
    'normalization' People sometimes have issues with imagining themselves emotionally/relationally better. Or they don't want to look at what their parents did was wrong. Or they know after they grow, their relationship dynamics will shift, if not lose relationships.
  • @stellafig
    I like this version without the music better. I find the music really distracting.
  • @sailormike
    Hello Fraya!! How about the people that are numbing themselves with alcohol and drugs to mask the pain rather than do the work to heal from the trauma.