How Squad Busters Is Doing 3 Months Later...

How Squad Busters Is Doing 3 Months Later...

コメント (21)
  • This game is pay-to-win. No sugar coat. Just because you need to play a few games to unlock new characters dosent stop the fact that once unlocked you can buy your way to maxing those characters
  • 4:36" squad buster is free to play friendly" Keys:💀 Mega units:💀 4th form:💀 5th form in the next updat
  • I think what happened is that supercell was rushing to release a new game becuase it’s been 6 YEARS since a game went global and clash mini shut down so they just released squadbusters prematurely.
  • @Paskoalee
    You're wrong. It actually IS pay to win. Those spending money in the game have all level 4 characters, as well as an almost endless number os keys that they use in every single match. I play the game since the soft lunch, everyday, and I'm not even close to have a single level 4 character. How is this a ftp game?? Don't get your point 😂
  • like i said in thier global announcement video and I'll say it again that squad buster is going to be the next boom beach
  • @SharyK-_0
    I forgot about it's existence after claiming the rewards for pre registration
  • @speedyf40
    The game is fun to play, I probably put in about 12 hours into it. Unfortunately they have made it essentially predatory and it feels very pay to win. The first month I bought the gold pass equivalent in squad busters and I didn't feel like it gave me a lot of value and they were still pumping me for so many microtransactions it really soured me on the entire game. I still have it installed and kind of had the urge to play it but I just don't feel like being marketed so aggressively and in such a predatory nature. Especially because I already gave them money and they still were so ridiculously aggressive about taking more of my money.
  • @Paskoalee
    7:30 Dude, did you actually play the game before posting this video? You say things that are just not true. There aren't such thing as infinite running. You run as long as you have boots. If the other player really wants to beat you, they only need more speed or boots than you.
  • @Skysama02
    Bro do you play the game?? There’s is a stamina system. The problem is the speedsters and not being able to choose who you bring. If I get no tanks or no support it can be gg pretty quick. It feels you didn’t even talk about the real issues of the game
  • This game will not last at all. Just a knockoff brawl stars.
  • This game needs a countdown to schedule for Tara cards and other stuff.. i never know when tf those cards will come up
  • couple of things: - it is p2w, considering keys, megas, and evolutions (specifically 4th and out coming soon 5th forms): - Let's start with megas, they are ridiculously broken and getting just one will change the course of your entire game...meaning that even if you're dead last (Which is usually when you get megas) you can turn the game around and secure like 4th or 5th place if you have enough time. Don't even get me started on even having the ability to get two megas at once (yes, this is possible) and if this happens you're pretty much getting first no matter what. IMO they shouldn't let you do that. - Next up keys, a lot of players especially early game players don't see the value of keys but the truth is, even using one key in a game is enough to turn it in your favour and get a first place. Really my biggest issue is the fusion key, though that being said both the other keys are also pretty valuable. Whenever you're in a point of the game where you don't see any monsters or people, don't have many coins, or other people simply have bigger, better squads than you, you can overcome this game using a key. Great, that's all fine, until you get into higher leagues, where literally everyone uses a key, and you HAVE to use at LEAST one yourself just to keep up, sometimes even more than one...Not great looks at ALL. - Evolutions, possible the least impactful factor, but still matter a lot. Someone with only classic or super form units (majority of the playerbase), going up against ultra form units are going to have a terrible experience. Really though, the abilities you unlock from evolutions on certain units are WAY to good to play against (I don't even know how super rage spell was allowed into the game...) and the fact that you can literally just pay to win from evolutions alone is crazy to me. Evolutions on characters like bandit, BK, tank, jessie, even archer queen, they're all SO hard to deal with if you're "underlevelled". That being said though, I do agree that it's the least p2w supercell game. Because for example, if you look at the power difference in brawl stars between like even a power 7 with no gadget, star power, gear, hc, and a maxed out hc power 11 brawler, you pretty much lost the game. Similar thing with clash royale. That being said though, squad busters is only in its early stages with not many if it WAS out as long as a game like brawl stars, then it probably be more p2w than it at that point. But for now, you're right. - What you said about gameplay: sure you can win by just having a farming comp but in the end if someone with a dps comp finds you, they'll win, so what you said about farming is only partly true. It's the reason why your entire squad can't only be like trader greg and'll die VERY easily. - 6:35 loot goblins is only one game mod and it's more than possible for someone with a freeze/superfreeze/log/bomb/shrink/rage etc or even just pure dps with like archer queen tank to roll up on you and kill you so easily. If I'm being honest whatever you said is really only valid for early game. This applies to all game mods btw, not just loot goblins. - Overall some of what you said is true but honestly the sense I'm getting is that you haven't played the game much at all...because your lack of awareness of the P2W side and what you said about farming & running away I could only see true before around beach world.
  • Game sucks lol. It was just another thing for all the YouTubers to dump thousands of dollars into and then cancel. Sound like this game will get the Minecraft Legends treatment
  • I think that developers are doing a good job hope to see the future of it
  • The game is on the right track so far. First off, the game is casual, not just in terms of f2p but also in terms of time. It took Kairos 3 months to max out, 3! Compare that to say idk CLASH OF CLANS OR CLASH ROYALE and it's insane. I think supercell have realized they need a game for the casuals to enjoy, it doesn't have to be this huge global phenomenon like brawl or clash but it can still be a fun game for the time being and hopefully it gains more hype over time. I am definitely biased as I really love the game and find no problems with it. Even with the limited game modes (or mode) the game is still interesting enough to keep a casual like me coming back which is hard to do btw I play like 6 different games right now and only give attention to 3. Okay I lied there is one problem but it's more of a solution to the whole chasing people thing, your characters slow down when they are hit. This makes it easier for someone to kill you which is great for them, but frustrating for you. However when I do it to someone else I find it great, so maybe it is balanced that way :). I am sure they can add one or two more game modes but honestly the fact that the game doesn't even have a ranked game mode makes me feel like gameplay wise modifiers are going to be the way going forward.
  • 4:58. No, you don't, you get portal energy by upgrading characters, not by playing the game. There are some players that got to lvl 200-300 without really playing, just buying and upgrading characters. That's also the main source of portal energy
  • One problem i have as well is when the people who attack you camp a chest to get infinite units. I don't think you should open chest when you're the attacker.
  • This game just feels like a simulator but you move and choose your character. The gameplay isn’t much of anything