Types of People Who Work from Home

Published 2020-03-20

All Comments (21)
  • I’m the type who watches It’s A Southern Thing videos and never gets work done.
  • @cedubs999
    You forgot “The Snacker.” Gets up from bed (uh, desk) every 15 minutes to check the snack supplies (open another bag of Doritos) in the break room (kitchen).
  • @Papawarlock
    I almost feel sorry for the extrovert but as an introvert it passed quickly.
  • @Dark_Angel07
    I'm definitely the introvert. Everyone else is complaining about being stuck at home, meanwhile I'm enjoying my nice little vacation at home with my cat. 🐱
  • @keithhill1985
    I wish I could work at home but for some reason people won’t bring me their furnace and ac units.
  • @KittyClark4433
    I have worked from home for 10yrs. LOVE IT. U can have work in ur pjs day, don't brush ur teeth day, take ur dogs to work days.. ..the fun never ends!
  • @HeartlandHunny
    I’m definitely the introvert. I’m livin’ the dream, y’all! 😂
  • @BaltimoreJak
    Y’all forgot “The Procrastinator” who, during the day, constantly pushing emails and projects to “later” when the “have more time”, and then is to tired to do anything at night.
  • @woltersworld
    never has so true y'all been more so true. Bless your hearts in a good way to the whole team!
  • @StephBer1
    You forgot the works from home person who takes over the entire house. Hubby is quarantined during Covid19 as he has a pre-existing condition, but he runs a large department that must stay open. Instead of using the home office he's decided to spread himself all over the dining table, and works while he watches TV in the background, and sometimes plays music at the same time (he has that sort of brain). He's speaking on his phone every 10 minutes in his usual booming voice, the phone pings about every thirty seconds, and I get a blow by blow description of what was the latest stupid thing someone at work did. I can't leave the house.... Help me...
  • @bluejedi723
    how about homeschooling your kids during this time? It ends with mom and dad drinking shots while kids descend into lord of the flies mode
  • @KimberlyGreen
    I'm an Extrovert and this is So True Y'all I've started naming the damn squirrels and talking to them. This morning I saw a rabbit. Somebody new!
  • @cbsumm88
    I am an introverted planner. Being away from other humans hasn’t been too big of a problem😂
  • im that extrovert thats depressed because they cant hug people and has to stay inside
  • It was our fire chief Danny Howells Birthday yesterday he is 65 years old and has been a firefighter since he was 18 years old. He is the fire chief for Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department in Powell TN
  • Omg I'm so the introvert. Same thought, stay home away from people , no problem. I gots my kitties I'm good.
  • @Jml416
    Unfortunately, I'm one of those that would HAVE to still come to work even if a nuclear bomb hit downtown! 24/7 city water/sewer service never stops, especially with everybody using their stockpiles of toilet paper!