What Red Pill Philosophy Gets Wrong

Published 2023-05-10
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All Comments (21)
  • @natosouzer
    Red pill, blue pill, black pill, too many pills. 💊 Big pharma wins. 😂
  • @trybunt
    Red pill seems to say "you can walk your own path" but then follows it up with "and it should be this path right here, this is the path you should walk, everyone should walk this exact path"
  • “The red pill doesn’t exist. It itself is an ideology, a mythology, a matrix of beliefs. Because there’s no escaping the social common world and reverting to some authentic, rational notion of what masculinity, or anything else, is. If you think you can find the key to say relationship success in a forum or a method or a formula, there is none. Intersubjectivity is more important you.” Boom! That's one hell of a conclusion to end it on. Loved this!
  • @045773
    That's the result of a culture based on satisfying your own desires at all costs and not on building meaningful relationships with other people. People want to "belong", so it's a not a surprise that this kind of red-pill thinking is so seductive when you don't have a people around you to give a frame of reference of a healthy connection with other human beings.
  • “Everything you’ve ever been told is a lie, but not this. Everyone is stupid except me.” Sounds legit 🙄
  • @seanrrr
    Whenever I see these red-pilled bros, I'm reminded of one of my favourite quotes from Marcus Aurelius: "Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." They're so wrapped up in trying to look the part, they forget to actually BE a good person. For them, it's far easier to pretend to be wealthy/happy/successful than to actually be it.
  • I graduated with a masters in sociology ten years ago. And then i worked ten years in a clinical setting within mental healthcare, where i at some points almost became convinced that i had wasted my time at university. I am slowly coming out of that mental state thank God, and this video, as well as many others in the series, is like light at the end of that tunnel.
  • Breaking out of The Matrix for me was realizing the Pizza Hut I grew up with in the 90s actually sucks.
  • @karenabrams8986
    No fault divorce has challenged our cultural attitude about relationships. If you need the state or a religious institution to coerce someone into a marriage, you were never worthy of the relationship. It takes more than a hot body and some cool stuff to get someone to do 60 years with you.
  • I feel like red pill men are each other's worst enemies. They are collectively holding each other back.
  • @totonow6955
    Going on a Then & Now binge- no way around it. Well done and thank you.
  • Of all the signs they could have chosen, they're centering one from an action movie with protagonists clad in latex and leather, inspired by a French postmodernist, and directed by two transgender women. I don't expect ideology to be symbolically coherent, but this is discours collapsing on itself before it is even articulated.
  • @MrFringehead
    Thank you for this insightful commentary that really isolated a trend that has steadily grown more concerning. I've personally watched in frustration as a particularly brilliant person fell down this rabbit hole and started saying some frankly disgraceful things as a result. Whatever the subject, some "smart guy" can overturn the careful work of thousands of more qualified individuals. In this mirror world, a single amateur can effortlessly overturn the consensus because "there's always more to learn" and "we really don't know anything." As an admittedly highly self-centered and eccentric introvert, the callous disregard some people have acquired toward the network effects that make civilization so successful frightens me to the core.
  • @draw4everyone
    It is an escape from freedom. Everything is determined, so don't be free: submit. Don't craft yourself, comply with "evolution." Don't be free, become a slave - it is your masculine destiny.
  • @Bensalami69
    Every red pilled man I know has deep trauma & a failed personal life they are trying to justify by blaming others. When I was an impressionable teen I almost fell down that hole - thank god for people willing to help me stay focused on reality
  • I used to consider myself the 'Sigma male, red pill' thing, I didn't realize how F up I was until I catch myself having cruel/sexist thoughts of my own mother and sister. Both of who raise me, are successful, are leaders, and guide me through life, unlike my father who was just a F boy, that is now alone and deadbeat. I was mad and coping in an unhealthy way from an old friendship breaking down, and I end up bumping into this cult mindset of 'Women must submit to men,no matter what'.Thankfully, I eventually understand that life isn't A or B, red or blue, or anything like it. Do I agree with some of the aspects nowadays?, yeah, but I dont go for the radicalism of 'Men>Women', I attempt to aim for to be equals. Also, If it makes you feel better everyone. I cringe when I think about that year and a half, I wasted on the whole red pill vs blue pill idiocy.
  • "'Rugged individualism' has meant all the 'individualism' for the masters, while the people are regimented into a slave caste to serve a handful of self-seeking 'supermen.' America is perhaps the best representative of this kind of individualism, in whose name political tyranny and social oppression are defended and held up as virtues; while every aspiration and attempt of man to gain freedom and social opportunity to live is denounced as 'un-American' and evil in the name of that same individuality." ~ Emma Goldman
  • @WilfridCyrus
    This video really helped me form an argument to present at a book club I do for my job. The CEO makes us read hyper masculine self help books and then meet as a group to discuss them. I will be using this train of thought to critique the book.