The Future of U.S.-China Relations

Jan. 30, 2024: The Future of U.S.-China Relations
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan discusses U.S.-China relations and the Biden administration’s policy priorities for the relationship going forward.

Speaker: Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, Executive Office of the President
Presider: Stephen J. Hadley, Former National Security Advisor and co-chair of UC San Diego China Forum
Introductory Remarks: Michael Froman, President, Council on Foreign Relations

This event is organized by the 21st Century China Center at UC San Diego's School of Global Policy and Strategy in partnership with the Council on Foreign Relations. Sullivan’s address is part of the 2024 winter session of the China Forum, the first and only ongoing high-level meeting focused exclusively on China and U.S.-China relations.

コメント (21)
  • @terrywong7879
    You are telling people what they want to hear but do not implement any workable strategy to mitigate any hostility. The days of great diplomacy that US once had are non existent today.
  • @tswah2001
    last lady question can ask how usa white supremacy genocide red indian native, origin usa land owner from 5m to 250,000 population...BLM...gun shooting....asian hate crimes...etc....
  • I actually cannot express how genuinely criminaly underated this video actually is and this world actually genuinely needs more people actually like him in this world and this is actually the actual real China that the actual American and British BBC propaganda mainstream media actually don't show you is actually really like and actually capable of actually doing.
  • @QuietJagung
    46:57 Great question. The Chinese economy pivot definitely benefits the large majority of the people. The property sector policy hurts developers and speculators but home buyers are getting their new homes at almost half the peak price. Capitals are also moving to new energy like EVs, solar, wind, long distance energy grid, domestic tourism and consumption.
  • @alexlazar4738
    Superficial. None of the structural issues has been tackled. No way to make progress.
  • @johnwe4431
    watching Top USA leads talking about China is like watching a child talking about adult.
  • Would Mr. Jake Sullivan please be more specific to clarify the team's references to "national security-related issues" so that the worldwide 🌐 audiences would understand better what the US government's wanted??..Otherwise, it is kinda vague and would lead to catastrophes due to MISUNDERSTANDING at international levels..Same token as Mr. Ant. Blinking often claimed of "Human Rights Violations" existed in other's countries..May I asked what are Human Rights Violations consisted off ?🤔?..Would tortured a detainee before any charges were made by DA be considered as Human rights violations, how about denied of basic human needs for survival sakes as water, foods and the used of restrooms be considered as Human Rights Violations in the US 🇺🇸 territory?🤔?..Moreover, forcing detainee to answering questions after the Miranda rights were read without detainee attorney presence per adamantly requested from detainee..May I asked would this be considered as Civil rights violations against the US government's laws enforcement officials ..Oops🫢, I forgot this is a serious internal problems within the US government's leadership officials at various levels not at international levels..Please do IGNORE the later questions ..Thank you..
  • @poobum9857
    good interview.. the guest was relaxed and informative in his comments...
  • what is the saddest and most unfair, is that people like Jake Sullivan, Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Victoria Nuland and others like them will never pay for the damage they bring to the US, they will always be found as scapegoats in the political leadership .....
  • Nice to hear America take care of their own business. As a European, I will say this; we need to take care of our business, too. We are aligned with America in most things, but America should understand that the next election cycle will change the political landscape on both sides of the pond. American arm bending, half-truths & deception can not continue in its foreign policy. The social fabric in Europe is under severe pressure. The Nordstream event have shocked all Europeans, and the implications of it can seriously threaten the North Atlantic Alliance. This coupled with the IRA legislation & the exit of European metallurgic & electrochemical industry to the U.S. can cause deindustrialization within Europe borders, which is a direct threat to our collective national security. The way forward, for America, is clear to us. You need to build a strong industrial base to deal with China, while we must deal with a more aggressive and authoritarian Russia. I will argue that Mr Macron, in his visit to Washington, agreed with Mr Biden to follow that path. But we also see that America will take care of its own strategy, with no regard for ours, when it comes down to it. The LNG policy is proof (along with Nordstream) of that. I see a rocky road forward for Europe. America is ruled by Wall Street, so what is good for Wall Street will be its policy. Europe, on the other hand, is vastly more complex. Observing the elections all over Europe since the war in Ukraine started, shows what is coming. Every incumbent government has been booted out of office. We should beware of the question; who will be voted in? The answer to this seems to be; whoever is in opposition. With the incumbent governments being liberal, we can expect more nationalistic politicians entering the scene. And I will argue that we can see the alignment in Europe change to a more fractured nature. That will make America's position more isolated and divert from Europe. This is going to be challenges times. And I will remind my American friends that there are no victors in a nuclear confrontation.
  • @jameschu512
    Free Hawaii, Free Texas, Free Native Indian, Free Latinos, Free Eskimos Alaska, Free Color people.
  • @bensure1766
    We had shooted our own foot . Are we going to shoot another foot.
  • @tomchen513
    Jake, China wanted to depend on the advanced US technology, but woops. China wanted to depend on the US promise of one China. But whoops. China wanted friendliness and good will from the American politicians. But whoops, the first chain, the second chain. How can we break the chains and regain our freedom?
  • @JamesHGroffSr
    Jake had to do what he was told to do.Some people learn from there mistakes.Go get em Jake.