She "Woke Up" at the Funeral Home

Published 2020-10-17
Wake me up, before you go-go to the funeral home.

Thank you Patron deathlings, who make this all possible!

The Unidentified: Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained
by Colin Dickey

The Co-op Funeral Home of People’s Memorial


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Mortician: Caitlin Doughty
Producer & Writer: Louise Hung (@LouiseHung1)
Editor & Graphics: Landis Blair (@landisblair)

This video was largely informed by Colin Dickey's book, "The Unidentified
Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained". We are so grateful for Colin's exhaustive research and intriguing insights!


The Unidentified: Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained
Dickey, Colin.
Viking, New York. 2020.

"State: Detroit-area paramedic misled doc about ‘dead’ woman"…

"Attorney: Woman was in body bag 2 hours before found alive"…

"They Thought She Was Dead. Then She Woke Up at a Funeral Home."…

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"The Mystery of the Kentucky 'Meat Shower'"…

All Comments (21)
  • @Boredman567
    Yesterday, Timesha's family confirmed that she passed away on Sunday, October 18. She had been in a coma for nearly two months, after she was incorrectly declared dead on August 23. The family's attorney attributed her death to brain damage suffered because she had been left without medical treatment for four hours, leaving her brain deprived of oxygen. Timesha's family is now suing the city and the paramedics, who have in the meantime had their licenses suspended and been placed on leave.
  • She eventually died. Caitlyn was correct that her lack of medical attention caused irreparable damage.
  • @levim1928
    Imagine the horror of being alive and placed in a body bag and not being able to communicate that you’re still alive. absolutely heartbreaking.
  • She died shortly after this video due to the paramedics taking her to the funeral home. “She died as a result of massive brain damage that was suffered when Southfield paramedics wrongly declared her dead, and failed to provide her much-needed oxygen. Instead, she was sent to a funeral home which then discovered that her eyes were open, and that she was alive.”
  • @CagedxBirdx
    “This study shows that if you’re a morbidly curious individual you’re more psychologically resilient during the pandemic...” Interesting🤔
  • @GreenGrannyx2
    My Dad woke up in a morgue once back in the 60's in Reno. He wrapped the sheet around himself, walked out to the reception area and scared the beejesus out of the night attendant! He was a heavy drinker who was known for getting into bar fights. Made for his favorite story to tell afterwards though!
  • Sad that this NURSE questioned the medics, and instead of rechecking, their ego let this poor girl go to a FH! 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️
  • @michellereed479
    Disgusting that her family was disregarded when voicing concerns that she could still be alive.
  • That is so heartbreaking. If she has severe cerebral palsy, she could be non verbal, she was probably terrified. I'm disgusted how the families concerns were just ignored.
  • @CourtneyMaria2
    As a disabled woman I have experienced what it’s like to be treated horribly for something you can’t help. I can’t say what it’s like to be a black disabled woman or being a dead disabled person. But I can tell you we are treated as if we are not human or we’re idiots. I don’t have the disability’s she has but I’m honestly horrified at how they treated her.
  • @doknbox
    I am a physician. I still remember the first time I encountered a freshly deceased person. I was in my 3rd year of residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology. This unfortunate lady had terminal cancer and I was covering the Gynecologic Oncology ward. She had been sedated and died peacefully with her husband at the bedside. He thought she was asleep. I thought she had passed, but I didn't have the confidence to declare her dead, so I got a second opinion from a more senior resident. In obstetrics, we don't see a lot of death. i wasn't willing to make that call.
  • As a paramedic, the “woke up at a funeral home” story is horrifying to me. The implications that the paramedics pronounced a Detroit woman dead because she was disabled and wasn’t is horrifying
  • My sister has cerebral palsy and this is straight up terrifying. Massive props to the funeral home for doing their jobs. The paramedics acted out of ableism and would rather have assumed this woman to be dead than continue any investigation.
  • @dollitamusic
    i cant imagine the grief the family must have experienced. imagine being told your child died (just on it's own that's an absolutely horrific thing to go through), only to be told theyre actually alive, then weeks later they pass away for real. the heartbreak of losing a loved one is enough as it is, imagine having to deal with losing the same person twice in a matter of weeks.
  • @ItzAllRosey
    As a woman of color, thank you for speaking out ♥️💐
  • I’m literally not allowed to put a DOG in a cadaver bag until I verify it’s heart rate with as stethoscope
  • @justinbaker9880
    Caitlyn: "The Kentucky Meat Shower, which is NOT a sex act" Internet: "Challenge aceepted"
  • Here in Argentina this is a very common fear. Funerals are 24 hrs at a minimmum with an open coffin and it is that long because it is "in case they are alive and come back". A Funeral is called a "velatorio" which comes from velas = candles because you stay with your deceased loved one up all night, like I said, in case they come back. Also, it was quite common for cripts and mausoleums to have a door bell on the inside in case someone woke up, so they could alert the "living". My family's mausoleum was built early 20th century and it has a doorbell on the inside.
  • @levim1928
    This happened right near me...this is heartbreaking. Side note, I love how the reporter described her eyes as beautiful. A sweet sentiment in such a heartbreaking case.