Brutal Heat and Flooding in Southeast Asia

Climate Emergency Forum discusses the unprecedented heatwaves and flooding affecting the region of Southeast Asia and India.

This video was recorded on May 8th, 2024, and published on May 19th, 2024 and represents the opinions of the discussion participants.

The discussion highlights the extreme temperatures, with places like Myanmar reaching 48.2 degrees Celsius and India experiencing temperatures of 45.9 degrees Celsius. These conditions have led to significant human suffering, including deaths from heatstroke, crop failures, and disruptions to daily life, particularly for vulnerable populations such as children.

In terms of scale, 800 million people in Southeast Asia and India are enduring these extreme conditions. There is a UNICEF press release stating that 243 million children are exposed to record dangerous heatwaves, exacerbating their already precarious living conditions. The direct link between these extreme weather events and global warming, driven by greenhouse gas emissions is underscored. The lack of adequate response from governments and international bodies is criticized with a call for immediate and substantial action to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

The broader implications of these climate events are noted including the disruption of education for children, which has long-term consequences for societal stability and development. The concept of "eco-anxiety," particularly among young people in affected regions, and the urgent need for political leaders to take meaningful action to address the climate crisis is mentioned. The forum concludes with a call to action, urging individuals and governments to prioritize climate mitigation efforts to ensure a livable future for the next generations.

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Regular Panelists:
Dr. Peter Carter - MD, Expert IPCC Reviewer and the director of the Climate Emergency Institute

Paul Beckwith - Climate Systems Scientist. Professor at the University of Ottawa's Paleoclimatology Laboratory as well as at Carleton University

Regina Valdez - Program Director, Climate Reality Project, NYC. GreenFaith Fellow and LEED Green Associate

Video Production:
Charles Gregoire - Electrical Engineer, Webmaster and IT prime for FacingFuture.Earth & the Climate Emergency Forum; Climate Reality Leader

Heidi Brault - Video production and website assistant, Organizer and convener, Metadata technician, COP team lead for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum; BA (Psychology); Climate Reality Leader

Our Website:

Background Music:
- Title: Through the City II
- Author: Crowander
- Source: Free Music Archive
- License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Image and Video:…

コメント (21)
  • Most of my life , have I've been angry about wonton overpopulation , overconsumption , and degradation of every place on earth . All do to greed , indifference , selfishness and stupidity .
  • "Cannot be witnesses to this " ? Well you're JUST ABOUT TO BE BUDDY. I'm living in SE Asia , working for a tiny privately funded charity , attempting to identify tropically adapted high value vegetable varieties. Which the locals will need within about 4 years , when the local in shore fishery will COLLAPSE. I come from Australia, I am familiar with heat, ambient air temperature of 47c , etc. But those were with minimal relative humidity. Today , where I am , it's 33c and about 80% rh... horrifying. Last night at about midnight I went for a swim in the ocean , the sharks have already been eaten and in about 50 metres of depth , I ran into several of my's literally too hot to swim during the day. I feel I'm living in a fkng blast furnace
  • @vmw0710
    India has nukes but no air conditioning. Make sense of that💤
  • @Lyra0966
    Terrifying already, but if it gets much worse the consequences could be catastrophic.
  • Regina, your'e right. The destabilisation of society is a key problem, and we can see it happening everywhere, now. From Canada to New Zealand, and Asia through to Europe. The destabilisation is caused directly by the climate and indirectly and just as effectively by the politicians. It's very difficult to see just how we're going to "vote" our way out of this. Many political parties are now bought and paid corporatists. The only question to consider is are we going to be sufficiently organised to minimise the chaos that's just starting, and what does that mean and entail?
  • Finally, intelligent human beings conversing, talking about important topics. Why can't most people be like these two? Our society has truly been dumbed down. These should be the main topics of conversations on a daily basis.
  • Good point Paul: The Politicians ought to defray Eco-Anxiety, but they are too concerned with their Privileged lifestyles. Pathetic.
  • I am an Australian in the southern part of the mainland. Seasons have changed. I am not worried about my 20 year child. The collapse has started around the world. I feel my life will face disaster.
  • Can’t help but notice the few people watching this important information on climate!
  • A few industries are causing it. Really? We are the people who drive all industries. Are you living at home without heat, air conditioning, a car, a washer, a stove? Somehow I don't think so. If not, then you and I are the people driving all these industries. So don't be unrealistic. It is not "them." It is us.
  • I've lost all hope, but I'll keep doing frontline activism anyway, in my 42 years I've had a stupidly privilieged life even though I'm poor by first world standards. Make justice your full time job, you won't regret it.
  • In the UK we have had severe flooding due to constant rain. This has affected crops in the field, cattle can't pasture. Building and construction has been badly affected. this is going to affect food shortages, population and jobs.
  • @lopinjop
    People deserve to be informed about the damning trajectory we're on and currently experiencing. Thank you for organizing these reports/discussions.
  • As we approach Memorial Day Weekend in the US, air and automobile travel volumes are expected to set new records. Most people still aren't paying attention.
  • 2.28 precisely. Its the animals that I feel sorry for as they are the innocent victims in all this. I actually lost a cat to 'heat stroke' two years ago - he was a Russian Blue so just not designed for this heat we've been having - I'm in London UK. I see that the demo you have pictured is taking place in London the city of cars, cars, cars, cars and more cars the air in this city is also absolutely rancid the pollution levels are a disgrace and nothing but nothing truly truly effective is being done about it. I notice though that there is no mention whatsoever about 'animal agriculture' not a word as usual
  • Nothing is going to change. We're living the end of the world we know.
  • This is looking like the impacts of extreme heat are going to a major issue way before the projected impacts of a 4 Celsius world. Mass migration and food impacts are likely to be grossly underestimated.
  • @Silks-
    The death sentence is inescapable at this point. Our train’s (Earth) been approaching a steel wall (death of ecosystem) for decades now. The driver (politicians), instead of putting their foot on the breaks (policies/reform), have put their foot on the accelerator, whilst more passengers joined the ride. We can’t expect at the moment right before we hit the wall for the brakes to work. TrainCorp (Big Oil) has a strictly ruled policy against drivers taking their foot off the accelerator and braking, and obfuscate the fact it’s heading towards a brick wall to passengers. The passengers in first class (1%) have safety pods (bunkers) on the train, but they can’t survive forever in them, and there’s nobody to rescue them.