Published 2024-06-29

All Comments (12)
  • @mmg0705
    Black skin is not a sin brother your from royal descent 👊🏿
  • I'm from New Orleans and from 2012-2015 majority of the homeless people I've seen were white. I can't tell you how it is now because I moved to Houston in 2016 but there are plenty of homeless whites out here too.
  • @K.Truman
    Color don't matter. Ego monsters place judgement of those who aren't up to their standards.
  • Mane that dude could and probably does have mental issues that haven't been addressed. The lack of empathy of Americans towards others is pathetic
  • @deprivome938
    Your attitude determines your future. Our attitudes are trash
  • People don't just end up homeless overnight. It is a series of bad decisions that compound into the tragedy of thinking that the street is better than family, friends, aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents, church, or community centers. I am always struck by who we DON'T see on the streets. Homeless Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, or other Asians, Slavic people, East Indians, Jewish individual or Hispanics. Why is that? Because these groups understand the power of community, and if you unplug from that, all you are left with is anger blame. Learned helplessness. This is not a race issue. Homelessness is a spiritual and mental health crisis at an epic level!
  • um im white. i was homeless for awhile due to the pandemic, i currently live below the poverty line i dont have a car, i grew up in dcfs, i have no family and i had no aid in getting myself off the street other then what i could do for myself because shelters were full. please tell me how i have an easier time or more privlage then anyone else just because im white? because the reality of it is race dont matter anymore and it hasnt mattered for years its the mentality as a whole that society has that gives some more "privlage" then others and it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with "status" example being money, your less likely to become homeless if your born into wealth vs those who arent and rely on welfare or any kind of governent aid and skin color has nothing to do with that. another example being lets say that a white and a black women both single moms were to become homeless right now and they go to the exact same shelter 3 hours apart from each other and theres only one opening. one of them will be turned away due to the lack of space because its a first come first serve term. it has nothing to do with skin color but does that make them racist if the white women gets there first? they cant just turn her away because shes not black but they also cant take in anyone else if theres no room. pretty much its a damned if you do damned if you dont situation someone is always going to bring race up and until we as a society can learn to set race aside and just start seeing each other as man and women vs oh its a black man or a white man and not this is just a man trying to make a living then racisim will never truly die.