A New Hint of Life on Mars

Published 2024-07-28
An exploration of the newly discovered rock on Mars that seems to show tantalizing hints that it may be evidence of past microbial life living on Mars and how we may be very close to finally finding evidence of extraterrestrial life.

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Intermission in D by Miguel Johnson


Cylinder Eight by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: chriszabriskie.com/cylinders/

Cylinder Five by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: chriszabriskie.com/cylinders/

All Comments (21)
  • @epg-6
    It's maddening how many times we've gotten THIS close to finding life, but definitive proof always stays a hair's breadth out of reach.
  • @mrnicktoyou
    I bet people living isolated in communities also used to wonder if there are other humans over the mountains, until they walked over one day and confirmed it. Feels like the same thing with us on Earth tight now.
  • Considering the difficulty of preventing contamination in my mushroom cultures, it would surprise me if there weren't life on Mars, especially since the planets have been known to exchange rocks occasionally.
  • Life as microbiomes is probably exceptionally common in the galaxy
  • @acmelka
    I get the feeling that if you write a paper saying, this might be life, your reputation is much more on the line than if you respond to such a paper saying, it might not. Isn't it a form of bias when a possible life signature is detected, any paper proposing a natural explanation is deemed as refuting the possibility of life. Not saying we should accept poorly supported claims but we shouldn't be biased against the possibility of life.
  • @kevinsayes
    That’s one way of keeping the return mission funded haha. Love it
  • @rhouser1280
    Man it would be so cool to find life next door!
  • @oiocha5706
    If there ever was life on Mars, it is most likely still there under the ground where it is still warm and watery enough
  • Imagine if all 3 planets have/had life and none were related to each other! What an eye opener that would be!
  • @jbanerje14
    I always put you on bedside after taking my glasses off sometimes I forget how stunning your visuals are. These actual shots of mars are insane
    YESSSSS OMG I'm so psyched for when we find an inhabited world
  • The sound quality of your videos keeps getting better. The bass frequencies are strong with this one
  • @mt_baldwin
    It never once entered my head that if Venus or Mars has/had life and it was proven to be from panspermia, that it might NOT have originated on Earth.
  • I read all of Edgar ricebouroghs mars, venus, tarzan plus most of the inner eatth pelucidar. Boy that brings great memories back. I still have them on the bookshelf.
  • Honestly, With so much tantalizing evidence, I honestly personally believe there's no doubt there was and still is life living under ground
  • @jetboy33
    The plot thickens! We really need to get some bodies up there to Mars, and set up a science station.
  • @RedSiegfried
    Why is it that almost every test for life on Mars comes up positive at some point until someone figures out how it could have been an error that makes the test invalid? I guess either there are a lot of scientists in denial or we are not very good at all at designing these experiments.
  • @jota6262
    Wet Mars must have been a wonderful place. Imagine after billions of years of dry nothingness, we have found tangible remnants of that amazing epoch.
  • @sh0tgun950
    One question: How can scientists really ask "How did this heat get here?" for something found *in the middle of an impact crater?*