Accent Expert Breaks Down Language Pet Peeves | WIRED

Publicado 2020-07-23
For all intensive purposes, dialect coach Erik Singer is literally an expert when it comes to language. So, who better to curve our hunger for knowledge than him and his colleague, fellow dialect coach Eliza Simpson. Erik and Eliza break down some of the most common pet peeves we associate with language; some so common we often take them for granite.
Vocal cord imagery courtesy of Jan G. Svec

Videokymographic images of the three voice registers taken from the study "Svec, J. G. (2004). Research journey: chest-falsetto discontinuity and videokymography. In H. K. Schutte, S. Poppema, & E. te Bos (Eds.), Physiology and Acoustics of Singing (PAS), 3-5 October, 2002, Groningen, the Netherlands (CD-ROM). Groningen, the Netherlands: Groningen Voice Research Lab (…)", courtesy of Jan G. Svec, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czechia.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I saw someone in the comments of his other videos call him dialect daddy. I think about that often.
  • @stefanrhys44
    Eliza had the slickest “hii” I’ve ever heard in my life
  • @userb8a
    This is the most educated "everybody just chill" I've ever seen.
  • @FrenchCruller03
    My pet peeve is when people say wreck havoc, instead of wreak. If you wreck havoc, you essentially create order, lol.
  • @dar2996
    Erik: "They're called eggcorns" Me: "Oh, you mean bon apple tea"
  • Regarding the verb usage of the word "table" — I learned long ago that it means the opposite in the UK than in the US — "to table something" in the US generally means to set a topic or situation it aside for discussion later, but in the UK, it means to bring it to the group for immediate discussion.
  • @ndschau
    I will “literally” die on the hill defending my peeve when people type “would of,” rather than “would’ve.”
  • When people say “I could care less” but should be saying “I couldn’t care less”
  • @quintas66
    "Don't take things for granite." "My sediments exactly." ~Johnny Hart (BC, The Wizard of Id)
  • @vintagetechno
    This guy just summarized my four year linguistics degree in 15 minutes!
  • @LK-3000
    Thank you for this video! I just now found this while looking for vocal fry info. This has been one of the most enjoyable presentations about language that I've seen/heard in a long time.
  • @byoung1520
    An old boss used to tell us "mock my words..." and we all did mock them when he wasn't around
  • @CantRemember69
    Can we get him to talk about curse words? Origins and how people became offended by them? This would be interesting to see.
  • @roxanne8662
    Australians with thick accents use uptalk ALL THE TIME. I am an Aussie and you get used to distinguishing between a real question and aussie uptalk. i remember reading an article about how UK employers found people who uptalked a lot were less desirable and seen as insecure, but not if they were australian. I think it’s because we learn to uptalk while saying what we mean with confidence (because uptalk is used so commonly when not posing a question).
  • @suz5191
    I love this video so much. I was such a stickler for "grammar rules" when I was a kid but I've since taken a genuine interest in languages and linguistics and discovered the concept of descriptive linguistics and came to favour that way more than the prescriptive variety. These two just inspire me to pursue further studies in linguistics :)
  • @Proseless
    can’t help but feel like this guy looks like a roman emperor.
  • @cstrouts
    Most hated eggcorn: "I could of" instead of "I could've"
  • @karenwagner6880
    My husband came up with a wonderful word that doesn’t exist but should. He said he was “flustrated.” I think it’s a brilliant combination of being frustrated, heightened with the embarrassment of being flustered. I nominate this for the next Merriam-Webster go round!
  • @elle6952
    The oe person who could correct almost anyones speech and he tells us to take it easy. Amazing. Love his energy.