Some Bad News

Published 2023-05-10
Off the cuff immediate reaction…

All Comments (21)
  • @CoolWorldsLab
    Thank you so much to for all the kind and supportive comments, I’m moved by your legendary support. This isn’t the “end of the world” or anything but obviously professionally hugely disappointing. But we will try again next year and hopefully before JWST dies we can get several successful proposals in to do this. JWST is the only machine capable of finding Solar System like moons. But we’ll get there, together 👊
  • As a life long musician who got so tired of hearing “no” and “you need to get influencers to feature your music” that I literally became a YouTuber, just like you, to platform myself- it’s actually refreshing to hear that even in the highest arena of academic study- whenever you want to do something new: there’s rejection. Keep pushing man. We’re all with you.
  • @collieclone
    I have never commented on this channel before, but want to say thank you for showing your disappointment and explaining it in such an honest way. You are the face of science for many of us, and it is heartening to know that there are such professional people as yourself working in that field. Better luck next time! There are many of us supporting you.
  • @gaka8021
    Phew, I thought something real serious had happened and the channel was ending. Joking aside, I know this is a big thing for you guys. But just doing your videos and explaining the greatness of the universe to us already makes you and your organisation legendary. We all love you guys and all your work.
  • @maaronsmith
    Sorry man, you guys do a hell of a job and I'm glad for everything you do for us viewers here on YouTube.
  • @mshabram
    I find it a huge testimony to you personally that your student turned to you for emotional support and you were able to be present for it. It is my understanding that emotions are extremely dense and fast packets of compressed information so being able to feel those will move that information through your student and you and direct you. As a PhD Astrophysicist myself trained in exoplanets I am really bummed and disappointed and angry too about this!!! Thank you for keeping going!
  • @dan_ward
    Thank you for your vulnerability here. It's important for people to see especially in your field. I'm a therapist who turns out to be fascinated by space, so if I have anything to input into this situation, it's to take care of yourself to the max right now. Go gently while it hurts the most. There's lots of love for this channel and for you who provides this content, thank you for all that you do 😊
  • Keep pushing man! My JWST and Hubble proposals have been rejected so many times over the years and, FINALLY, this year I got JWST time! There are so many factors impacting the decision, that also includes luck, the referee being in a good mood... etc. I am currently reviewing scientific proposals for ESO and it's really hard. Most proposals are excellent, but only one out of five will eventually be accepted, simply because we have too few telescopes and too many amazing scientists like you who want to use them :)
  • @CaptainJammo
    David, you show that have exactly the right mindset, which further proves you're in exactly the right place and doing things incredibly well. Keep pushing, keep searching, keep crunching those numbers, and we are all here with you waving your flags for curiosity and thoughtfulness. One small road bump or road block may lead to some incredibly unexpected directions and discoveries.
  • @tayzonday
    Do you think the sciences are cliquish like high school? Does everybody judge colleagues based on who their principal investigator was, where they fall in key debates, what papers they got authorships on and what grants they received? What I’m asking is — how much of getting telescope time is based on merit, and how much of it is based on politics and appeasing the right egos?
  • Regardless, you're a great credit to the cosmological community. As a sci-fi writer and an amateur astronomer myself, your channel and others in the scientific/philosophical field (like Lex Fridman) have been instrumental to me (and so many other people) in learning about the cosmos. I'm certain your place in history, as a leader in this time of unprecedented change in our knowledge of the universe is already secure, even if this one idea was rejected. Keep doing what you're doing. You can't do anything about the shortsightedness of others.
  • It really is a shame, but it just means a slightly longer wait until that day when there’s solid evidence of exomoons, and I’m excited that you’re going to keep pursuing that - thank you for following this line of research, it’s fantastic.
  • Sorry to hear this. I know you know to never give up, but I hope Ben takes this as a challenge to eventually overcome too. Regardless of one's field of study, I fervently believe these sorts of rejections should inspire us to greater heights. Best of luck to him in his future endeavours!
  • I'm a genetics student and today I've been rejected of a financial opportunity for my research... This video helped out a lot on an emotional level, David! Keep voicing out your experiences, your knowledge and wisdom! <3
  • @freddb1975
    Keep pushing. I get rejected almost all the times I submit an article. I think it maybe worst to get rejected at the proposal, in this case, because of resources. I had a friend that got rejected twice at his doctorate proposal. He got really depressed for more than one year. At the second time, I kept motivating him, and I think I succeeded in helping him to keep trying. The key is persistance, never giving up. You all got this. I'm not an astronomer, but I think that proposal is a valid objective. Keep up the good work! Good luck!
  • @KorokSeeds
    I love that you've shared this. It's so helpful for early career researchers like myself to see that people at all levels are faced with rejection, and it's not a reason to give up
  • Very disappointing to hear that not everyone feels that exo moons some of the universes most fascinating celestial bodies. Love the videos keep on pushing. You are only one successful application from a scientific breakthrough!
  • @zack41564
    I have been struggling a lot recently with relationships, hell even meeting someone. Was super upset today, to the point of tears. I know this is a completely different situation, but it's the same. Thank you Dr. Kipping. I hope you find an exo-moon soon.
  • Don’t give up! I feel like as the study & research into exomoons grows that you’ll get another shot at it, and down the road, knowing you’ve played a big part in leading the charge in this field, it’ll be bittersweet. No matter what you’ll always have me as a subscriber because Cool Worlds is the best. 😊✌🏼
  • @Daddybernardo
    Crazy, this is such a unique and necessary endeavor. In the music business I too have learned to cope with rejection. This seems to fall into the category of pure bad luck. Another good strategy is to always remember that people make bad/wrong decisions all the time, because they are not perfect. Because your goal is driven by more than passion, the question seems less a matter of if, then when. Hang in there team! I’m rooting for you, and for the breakthrough discovery of an exomoon!