Looking Into the Whistleblower Who Says the Government is Hiding Alien Technology


コメント (21)
  • I like how no matter if you’re a believer or a skeptic our only two likely options are that either the government is lying to us, or the government is lying to us.
  • @kronotic
    So invite him on the show and ask him good questions, Joe. This is your purpose in life now. Go for it!
  • @dboso31
    If we're to ever actually be exposed to an alien life form, it would only make sense that Joe gives the interview.
  • Smokin and watching this rabbit hole of beauty is the best way to spend your day off
  • @AFCA__
    Joe, this is THE moment to step up on this subject. You've got the ultimate platform to cover this from top to bottom. Get all the guys together and lets blow this shit up.
  • When the government allows any disclosure like this to come out there’s a specific agenda behind it and not in the public’s favor
  • @jproper
    One of my exes had an uncle who was AF for 30+ years, and anytime people would bring up aliens, he would shut down and remove himself from the conversation. Literally turned me into a believer by acting like that 😂
  • @BaronOfHeid
    When people talk about how difficult it would be for the military to keep secrets this big I'm reminded of the raid on Bin Laden. The two helicopters they used were so secret that the people who piloted them on that mission didn't know about the helicopters until right before the mission took place.
  • @morganmarston
    Joe should be the first human to have an extraterrestrial on a podcast 👽
  • @freebein
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one questioning this "whistleblower." I mean, there's a letter from the gov giving him permission to go on this media tour. That's not a whistleblower. That's an operative.
  • @dntknwshtabtfk
    Hes actually a reporter for aussie 60 mins. Very well known and trusted over here... love ya work Joe!! 🔥🔥🔥
  • @Zackaria_sMax
    The "Gimble" was shot in like 2015, the "Tic Tac" was filmed all the way back in 2004... that's almost 20 years ago... if that technology is "ours" it would be so much further along today then we could ever imagine after atleast 20 years of experimenting and upgrades 😅
  • @jmendoza310
    Can't believe JRE is almost at 2k episodes... I'll tune in every now and then nowadays, but these podcasts introduced me to so many things. Keep em coming Joe!!
  • "No matter how paranoid or conspiracy minded you are, what the government is actually doing is far worse than you can imagine." ~William Blum
  • @dsmith019
    The way Joe said, If I was the government. I wish he was! Great show as usual.
  • Interesting with the whole spacecraft recovery program being mentioned because ive got a book discussing various secret government/military programs and how the patches they wear describe thier obscure work. One of the patches belongs to the now declassified 6594th Test Group which was tasked with catching and retrieving vital fallen satellites and valuable space debris many of which fall into the pacific ocean
  • @ZeroNeedsCoffee
    Joe Rogan is one of the only Podcasters that actually ask good questions lol
  • @jason916
    It's awfully hard to get that many people to tell the same lie for that long
  • @phutureproof
    I could listen to this dude talk all day, not sure who he is but I see clips of him talking about various things and I often like his take on subjects