VLOG: How God Changed My Marriage


コメント (21)
  • 17 year old me would've went crazy in the comments but I am a changed woman thanks our Lord and savior. I never wanted to get married, cook for a man , let alone have kids!! Oh i had no idea what God had in store for me just a couple years after graduating high school. I am the happiest I've ever been living alongside my husband and our beautiful son. I'm a SAHM now. I love cooking I love cleaning and our son is the best gift God could've ever given me. I've learned so much about being submissive and trusting my husband. God changed me into the new woman that I am today and i couldn't be more grateful.
  • Yes, a woman has to love her husband. He needs her love, or the marriage will never be right. Put this from a male's perspective. After battling the world all day, I need my wife's love to aid my recovery. She is the good fruit that recharges me. A Christian man is eternally grateful to have a Godly, loving wife in this dark and lost world. Christian wives are treasures.
  • I am so guilty of pushing My husband’s love away from me in the past now but, It all came from a past of not having my father present in my life. I didn’t know how to respond to my husband so in turn i pushed him away. But God…Gave my Husband the ability to Love me even more and stronger i didn’t understand how? One day my husband broke down and cried and said i just want you to love me.. now im crying while typing this lol But a light switch went off in my head and it somehow revived me and i saw how ugly i was in the mirror of who i was. Dont get me wrong i was a faithful women of God. Serving the Lord and everything. But i was somehow blinded by the enemy a long the way and couldn’t see he was everything i had prayed for. God is Good and he is Faithful. We have been married for 12 years and we are stronger and Happy in the Lord. I can now look at him and see what a wonderful man of God he is. I am his wife his helping hand and together we are a covenant marriage in the eyes of the Lord. ❤ Edit: i just wanted to add that i was changed from that day forward and i understand the true meaning of marriage and the sacrifice that comes a long with it. The true meaning of Love and what the Church means to the Lord and his Bride. It all makes sense now. Marriage is a reflection of just that. The Lord and his bride. 😍
  • Please pray for my marriage I became a believer again through a really weird and painful situation with my husband...he ended up leaving and is really stuck in what he wants to do in our relationship if we will continue or not. He is not saved so my prayer is for him to find Jesus and for our marriage to be restored. I am also trying to become a better woman and wife through Jesus. Thank you for this video.♥️♥️♥️
  • Hey sis!! " you need to love your husband correctly, the two become one flesh! IYKYK" i laughed so hard but i love everything you said! i grew up in a family with a long line of women who lived by "i don't need a man !" so whew when i got married at 19 (God bless my husband) i couldn't even give you a definition of the word submission because baby who? LOL !! i also wasn't walking with The Lord then although my husband was, it was until 2020 when i gave my life to The Lord and He's had to undue my thinking and He's given me a new mind!! now i'm about to turn 27 in august, and over the years The Lord has been teaching me that submissiveness is the REAL femininity ! i LOVEEE getting to embrace my gentleness and the need to be loved for and cared for. There's so much beauty in that! and God blesses it ! to be in the role that God called you both to be in, takes the pressure and weight off of one another because your operating in the order that God ordained! and the moment either one of you step out of line the whole household can feel it! thank you for choosing to embrace your role! thank you for making this video despite the hate you received for the clip of you feeding your husband lol i was like if my sis want to cater to her man let her do that! aint no rewards getting burned up over here on that day!! lol i love you sis! keep being real!!
  • My husband is not a believer, he was raised Jewish, and even though he does not practice or really believe in anything that is still the framework that he has. And one of my prayers for him is that God will open his eyes so I’m excited to watch the video you linked and get a fresh revelation
  • i literally paused this video to watch the sermon, IT CONVICTED ME SO MUCH praise God but i still need prayer and deliverance from resentment towards my husband for physically abusing me many times so i struggle with being lovey dovey i struggle with not carrying that trauma to the bedroom i struggle with trust, affirmation and submission i forgive over and over but the hardest part is forgetting.
  • Hi, my name is Monica, and thank you for making this video 😊 I remember when I got married this was the hardest part for me, as a female who was raised to be a feminist ooohhhh girl God definitely changed me, I started to keep my eyes on God, and let Him lead 🙏 by allowing God to lead so was my husband… and for the first time I felt what protection and provision felt like ❤ we’ve been married 6 yrs and there’s is so much peace ❤❤
  • Always love hearing from you! Great message of Truth! Im So thankful for my husband and the opportunity I have daily to honor and serve him in love. Marriage is such a blessing especially when Jesus is at the center! Keep posting Vivian!! Love and blessings to you!!❤
  • okayyy cause you were stepping on TOES with this one ! ( as in my toes 😂) … & i loved our little coffee chat together I was even cleaning my kitchen with you in the video loll. Keep being obedient to God with the content sis ❤
  • Waited til I got my coffee just to keep watching — but im so happy this happened for you— it is such a blessing ❤
  • @Kammiilla
    Thank you so much for sharing this and for sharing the sermon <3 As a young wife I desperately needed that knowledge
  • Wow thank you for sharing! What an eye opener. Thank you for keeping things so real. May the lord continue to use you V 💕
  • YES, sister! Keep the vlogs coming, love your faith and wisdom in Christ. Praise God! 💕
  • Im a big fan,much love and support.keep going with the videos they help a lot👍🙌
  • Wowwwwwwww!!!!!! That video was sooooo so so so heart convicting!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing ❤️❤️