How The World Celebrates Lunar New Year

Published 2022-02-02
Billions of people around the world are ringing in the Lunar New Year. 2022 is set to be the 'Year of the Tiger'.

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How The World Celebrates Lunar New Year

All Comments (21)
  • @gisellacao4797
    Chinese people have been celebrating the Spring Festival for more than 4,000 years. The time of the Spring Festival is calculated by the Nanjing Zijin Observatory according to the Chinese calendar and the phases of the moon in central china, and is called Chinese New Year. If the Chinese New Year is celebrated in other countries on the same day as the Chinese New Year, then it is rightly called Chinese New Year, but if it is not celebrated on the same day as the Chinese New Year, then please follow your own country's calendar to calculate your own New Year‘s time. All in all, please respect traditional Chinese culture, not as simple as changing the name of a holiday.
  • @Noelleiscute
    In Indonesia, we call the Lion costumes as "barongsai" i don't know what the English word for it is so I'll just say what I want to say Barongsais scares me as a kid
  • @angelica.218
    I love Lunar New Year, it’s the main historical event of China’s culture. And my friends were going to start the show at school two months ago this Chinese New Year 🧧.
  • @matkilau1320
    Only got family member die one month before chinese new year call as lunar new year, condolences to family who let their love ones.
  • @J L 睇多d書,識多d中國文化,唔係鬼佬俾你食就要食,lunar一向指陰曆,同農曆唔同。雖然英文叫農曆為lunar,但理解上係錯誤,就唔應該去承認。官方?我理q佢官方,我信我係中國人,而其他國家係中國古代附屬國,佢地當然覺得過中國新年會奇怪,我理解,但我地由細到大指既新年都係農曆新年,大可叫新年快樂,不是農曆新年快樂,根本就係多此一舉。所以叫 Chinese new year 係為左分別新曆,傳統上大家都是過新年,但lunar new year就免了,無知才會跟風。
  • @cariocadom683
    拜登将中国新年说成“Lunar New Year(月亮新年)”,除了偏见、居心叵测,还有他十足的无知!中国的农历,又称为“黄历”“黄帝历”,相传是黄帝命人所作,属于复杂的阴阳历,内容包括: (1)太阳历(Solar Calendar),如二十四节气,将四季更迭的周期(回归年)定为年; (2)月亮历(Lunar Calendar),如初一、初二......十五......二十九、三十等,把月亮盈亏变化的周期(朔望月)定为月; (3)岁星纪年法(Jupiter Calendar)、干支纪年,如六十年轮回、六十甲子、十二属等,干支纪法以立春为岁首,用60组各不相同的天干地支标记年月日时。 因此,按黄历推算的新年,与太阳、月亮、木星均有关系,绝不是什么简单的“月亮新年(Lunar New Year)”。 不能称“月亮新年(Lunar New Year)”,还有一重要的原因:中国古人称月亮为“太阴”,指阴气极盛的地方。月亮至阴至寒,冻结天地,象征愁思、逝去、死去、万籁俱寂、阴间。如冷月、月高风黑、月坠花折等,唐·杜甫《滟滪》诗:“灧澦既没孤根深,西来水多愁太阴。”《云笈七签》:“将父母遗体,埋于太阴,骨腐于蝼蚁,岂不痛哉!”宋·范成大《丰都观》诗:“云有北阴神帝庭,太阴黑簿囚鬼灵。” 此外,甲骨文、金文“月”与“肉”同形,专指妇女之事,如月事、月经、月子等。 《道德经》:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。”“一”是阳,“二”是阴,太阴是太阳生的。正如太阳系,太阳系中的所有行星都是太阳生的,都属于太阳。因此,以“月亮年(Lunar Year)”标志一年的开端(Lunar New Year),极不妥当,极不吉利,是相学中的大忌! 如果谁喜欢“Lunar New Year”,祝他“月亮新年快乐”,相当于祝他尽早进入万籁俱寂的极乐世界! 中国人过年,最早可以追溯到夏朝(公元前2070年——前1600年)。甲骨文“年”字,上部是“禾”,下部是“刀”,是秋收的意思。《说文解字》:“年,谷熟也。”谷物收割、收藏,是一年的结束。因此,夏朝以“冬至”当作岁首,“冬至”为太阳历节气。汉朝开始改年为正月初一,称之为元日、岁日、元正,后来又称为新年,民国年间才有了“春节”的称呼。“过年”的这些称呼,对周边的汉文化圈都有影响,在日本、朝韩、越南等古书中均能查到。现在老美鼓噪一帮愤青,硬要颠倒历史,蚍蜉撼树谈何易。 中国人的“过年”,翻译成英文,根本没有对等的词汇,称“Chinese New Year”属于解释性的译法,在世界上早已众所周知,英文中也没有不好的含义。有人说“Lunar New Year”表示“农历新年”或“阴历新年”,这是掩耳盗铃、糊弄不懂英文的人。lunar意思是“of or relating to or associated with the moon”,是“属于或关于或与月球有关的”,“Lunar New Year”传达的是“月亮的新年”的含义。退一万步讲,即便将“农历新年”或“阴历新年”翻译成“Lunar Calendar New Year”,距离中国人的“过年”也差十万八千里!
  • It is Chinese New Year. Lunar New Year is wrong because this new year isn't base on lunar calendar. If you want to be exclusive then you can use Chunjie which mean Spring Festival
  • @yukie725
    My ethnicity is Chinese ‘华人’ but not citizen from China'中国人’--which also translate as Chinese. I celebrate CHINESE NEW YEAR bcoz of my ethnicity. If this festival be rename to others, Then, I should name the language I'm using now as 'Globalish'instead of English.