The silent killer in the church.


コメント (21)
  • I know this was a difficult message to give. I am unmarried for this reason. Divorced and the Lord told me to stay unmarried. Thank you for your obedience!! 🙏
  • I have been ceĺebate for many years never married no children i feel like he wanted me this way now i devote my time to Christ Jesus Amen 🙏
  • Tony Lamb who has a YouTube channel, as he'd been married before, was convicted of this and God said that they were to refrain from sexual relations. It may be hard for people to leave someone they love, even for financial reasons, or if there's children involved. Our Father is so wonderful that he would give a way out! Jesus is coming so soon, that it may not be for that long they would have to be selabate anyway. They would have to take it to the Lord themselves. Some (like Rosie Lost Sheep) have gotten messages from Jesus that there will be a transformation/outpouring of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost May 18/19th depending on where you are. Anyway thank you so much for your awesome channel! Come Lord Jesus! God bless! 🕊️🙏✝️💖
  • Please pray for me. I battle with a stronghold and addiction in my life. It's a every day battle. I know nothing is impossible for Jesus. Thank you sister in Christ for this beautiful message. God Bless you🙏🙏💖💜🇿🇦
  • @rose500
    God forgives divorce and remarriage like any other sin Although God's view of divorce will remain unchanged, he absolutely can forgive those who turn to him in prayer for forgiveness for any decisions made surrounding their divorce.
  • Please 🙏 for me. My addiction to smoking 🚬 cigarettes. I want it gone. I no longer care to smoke. I hate it. Pray for me.
  • Wow, I was just thinking of how I fear the Lord like 5 minutes ago. And here's about fearing our Lord! Praise God! ❤
  • Amen. Thank you. I will do my very best, I will try. The lord knows I fear our Father God! Amen ❤️🙏🩸
  • Thank you for sharing this word! I truly feel that I’ve been blessed! I am 55 years old and have never married. I am so glad I found you! Never forget that you are a beautiful child of God and a pillar of light for all Christians to follow! God bless you! 😃💝✝️🙏🏻❤️
  • 😢thank you! I see how hard this was for you and this is equally hard for me. I have been divorced 2 times and married 3. One previous spouse is deceased but the other is not. I have been attending church for years calling myself Christian and recently have been led to study the Bible. I will confess to God and seek forgiveness, but I cannot repent at this time as my current husband was divorced and his spouse is alive and remarried. He is not Christian but he is not well physically and has been a wonderful father to my children who are not his. I feel hopeless but I will seek God with fear and trembling as He is not willing for any to perish. Pray for me. Also so no one stumbles based on my words I know that I cannot receive forgiveness without repentance. I now feel hopeless😢
  • Thank you for showing the truth sister this is the truth on marriage it’s till death do you part.
  • I married a divorced woman 😢 I was 37 and desperately wanted a family! I settled, and regret every moment of it! Lord save me! Jesus is the Way the Truth and the life! Set me free from this spiritual stronghold!