The Untold Story of Steve O's Fake Teeth | Steve-O

Published 2019-08-08
It's hard to believe, but I had completely different teeth in each of the three Jackass movies. Uploading this video represents my effort to let go of lifelong insecurities, and I hope it helps some of you out there to do the same!


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About Steve-O:
Hello! This is Stephen Glover aka Steve-O. You probably know me from my wild stunts, epic pranks, and hilarious skits. Welcome to my YouTube Channel! This is a space where I’ve decided to share what I’m up to! Whether it be continuing to prank my friends, traveling the world, and trying crazy things, I hope you’ll follow me on this journey! If you love skateboarding, comedy, and funny and epic stunts, subscribe to my channel and check out all my awesome videos! -Steve-O

The Untold Story of Steve O's Fake Teeth | Steve-O
   • The Untold Story of Steve O's Fake Te... …


All Comments (21)
  • @steveo
    I wasn’t prepared for this amazing wave of wonderful comments, thank you so much, Everyone! To the people who asked what to do about the awful smelling bacteria— run floss through your teeth, and then smell it. You’ll know right away if you have it. If you do, it’s extra important to floss regularly (and WaterPik in addition is great, too). It can’t hurt to get proper cleanings from the dentist, too. Lastly, to everyone who shared about their own insecurities— my heart hurts for you, but thank you for speaking up. Please smile for me, no matter what it looks like!
  • @alext5688
    steve-o was able to scare me into flossing when my dentist never could
  • @conbro0985
    One of the worst feelings is when someone points out your insecurity.
  • @CodyHimselfXI
    It takes a lot of courage to admit this, teeth problems are a massive hit to confidence. Good for you Steve-O, most celebrities would never admit they have fake teeth.
  • @RUFU58
    “I was never known for having the best dental hygiene” Gargles bong water 😂
  • @dr.cockter3755
    Steve-o’s most regrettable decision.... Is not flossing What a pimp
  • @jessepineda2537
    man i've never wanted to floss my teeth so bad in my entire life
  • I fucking NEEDED this, thank you so much for being so open. Nobody ever talks about the pain of bad teeth but it's a relateable topic to so many people!
  • @leftgerm8670
    Wow! Wasnt expecting a morale boost from Steve-o about being insecure.
  • @tripmurphy2335
    "I never flossed. Which is my biggest regret in life" -Steve O After everything this dude has been through, that's his biggest regret
  • Genuine, Steve-o is such an inspiration to me. He gives off the feeling of a cool uncle who was a delinquent in his youth, and still has that sort of playful nature, but he's mellowed out over time and just gives the best advice.
  • He’s more successful with getting kids to floss than all the dentists combined
  • In reality I think that it’s extremely important to hear mega celebrities like Steve-O talk about things like their addictions, and their teeth because things like that can be so sensitive and people can feel ashamed. Hearing someone who you look up to/are a fan of confront these things head on is so beneficial and humanizing because it feels like it’s okay to talk about it, to accept it, and to do whatever you need to to feel okay. 💙
  • @mikehikes3902
    I have always been self conscious about my smile and teeth. At like 21, a dental assistant told me that I had the mouth of a 65 year old man, and so that pretty much sealed the deal for insecurity and depression.
  • @fattygonzolas
    Steve-o: did Cocain almost everyday Also Steve-o: "not flossing when I was younger is the biggest regret of my life"
  • @rminitials
    Never would have thought steevo would be someone I'd be looking up to later in life. His story is truly amazing and inspiring.
  • @ericasacre
    As someone who literally JUST got dental crowns on all 6 front teeth, canine to canine, I appreciate this video. I’ve always been so self conscious of my teeth and it makes you feel so lonely. It seems like everyone my age had/has perfect teeth and I’m the only one who got the short end. So thank you for posting this.