Arcane's Perfect 40 Seconds

Published 2021-12-22
Arcane's ability of writing immaculate scenes has blown me away, Viktors Run is one such scene. While there are many to choose from, I truly believe this is arcane's perfect 40 seconds.



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#arcane #leagueoflegends #viktor
Intro 0:00
Arcane is Good 0:51
Origins 2:54
The Scene 5:15
Arcane is Just Good Ok? 6:00
Final Thoughts 7:48

All Comments (21)
  • I was very hesitant about Arcane. I don't watch a lot of anime or animation in general (mostly because I'm a camera nerd and what I enjoy the most in cinema are the techniques used to create the images we see), last animation stuff that got me really into it was Spiderverse. On top of that, I don't really like League, I know it has a complex lore and stuff, but the overall cartoon-ish appearance of the game always kept me away from learning mre about the characters. When they announced a Netflix animated show, I was like "uuuh really? that's gonna suck". When act 1 came out, I ignored it, had otehrs things to do bla bla bla. When my Twitter timeline freaked out about it for a whole week, I was like... okay let's give it a try. It won me over in the first 30 seconds of the first episode. That introduction sequence has EVERYTHING : storytelling, killing visuals (no pun intended) powerful music and it introduces you to the world without a line of dialogue besides Powder singing in the begenning. My favourite scene (at least one of them, there's so many) is probably Silco's speech to Vander's statue in ep. 9. That scene is like 50 seconds long but it is such a payoff to Silco's character, how he comes to realize what Vander's went through in episode 2 and 3. And the sound track was amazing too. There is so much good in Arcane that I could be there writing about all the stuff I like in this show for days, if not weeks
  • 'in the pursuit of great, we failed to do good" what a powerful line whoever thought this up is a genius
  • @anfurnee
    viktor by far was the biggest surprise for me. For someone that plays the game, i was so impressed where they took the character.
  • @ashura4627
    As a disabled person, with a very similar disability to Viktor's, the running scene struck me right where it hurts. It felt like those moments when you feel a little bit better, when the pain is less excruciating, when you feel you can almost do everything... And it leaves you wanting more, more to the point you'll do anything to get there. That scream, that catharsis, Holly shit yeah! I have been there, countless times, and i'll know I'll be there again countless more. And it was portrayed so beautifully painful... It was so real. I felt like, for those 40 seconds, I was there, in his shoes. And that's why this scene is my all time favourite of this show.
  • @yuwei_
    I think something most people have never noticed is that Viktor actually upgraded to a crutch after the timeskip.
  • 7:40 the reason why it’s more believable than human acting is because with live action you have a person trying to be someone else. But with animation that is whole heartedly the character. It’s not somebody trying to act like Jinx, it’s 100% jinx. It’s kinda hard to explain but I hope you understand what I meant
  • @Supernaturlisch
    Arcane being about "triumph, moments before tragedy" is so true
  • @AM-ko4pi
    Man, when you pointed out the boats in the background and related it to him chasing his toy boat as a child I got choked up. I never made the connection. What a great detail. Thank you for pointing it out.
  • @greencrayon01
    As someone with who couldn't properly run until this year at 22 years old this scene hit me so hard. I was born with a series of bone deformities in my legs and movement has always been awkward and painful. This year I had 2 major surgeries to break and reset my bones into the right place. Its impossible to describe the emotion of experiencing a normal body for the first time as an adult. The feeling learning to walk and run in a way you never have been able to before. I feel like a lot of people will understand Viktor's journey from the perspective of recovering from an injury as that is more common. But when its something you are born with you have no reference of what it is like to walk without pain or for the mechanics of you body to offer no resistance. I yelled too when I ran for the first time months after surgery. It was joy, amazement, but mostly grief. Cause I finally knew what I had been missing out on my whole life. I think I lot of people miss that layer to Viktor's emotion if you haven't experienced it before.
  • @NotTzeentch
    He could have kept the crutch as a backup, but he wouldn’t accept failure. The shimmer was his crutch for the hexcore. Beautiful how it’s all connected.
  • @YorkJonhson
    Glad to see someone talking about this scene. A lot of Arcane's characters surprised me, but something about Viktor and this moment in particular really stuck with me. Like a lot of people, I thought they were setting up how he's being overshadowed by Jayce as Piltover's golden boy, but it goes so much deeper than expected. He doesn't care about the wealth or glory. He's a man trying to push the fast-forward button on scientific progress, not just because he's wrestling with his own mortality, but because his ailments are a reflection of the suffering that goes on in the undercity every single day that they aren't doing something to change it. And when they're so close to a breakthrough, he has the rug pulled out from under him, telling him that time is almost up. It changes perspective on everything, making Heimerdinger's well-intentioned words about waiting decades for safety and protocol seem cruel and out-of-touch, while Singe's extreme measures to preserve life no matter the cost start to make more and more sense. It's all capped off with Viktor's run in the rain. No words, not even a smile or look of disbelief. Just a crescendo of music and a cry of exertion as he's able to leave his crutch behind, and truly run for the first time in his life.
  • @Reveri247
    When I think back on the show, it's hard to believe Viktor had less screentime than so many of the characters given the impact he had. I think it's a testament to how well this show utilizes its time and just how great of a character Viktor really is. He was easily my favorite and I'm so glad to see him, and his incredible running scene, recieving so much well-deserved praise. I cannot wait to see what's in store for Viktor and hope he gets more spotlight next time. Great video btw, would love to see more!
  • @powthehamster
    I know lotta people have said this but Arcane is by far one of the best shows I've watched. It's not like I've watched a lot of em but god damn, it hit really hard.
  • @Mimickolas
    I read Viktor's downfall a bit different, I guess? Or maybe just saw more to it than a desperate grasp for survival. We have seen Viktor focused solely and entirely on helping people, specifically his own people who he knows are constantly suffering. Except, slowly, the one person he believed was just as dedicated to this as him, starts to drift away to other things, towards more suffering. Then Viktor realizes he's dying. If he's gone, then will there really be anyone striving to help the people of the undercity? If you have dedicated your entire life to making a positive change for the world, a change it seems no one else thinking of, and then realize you ARE going to die and soon, what do you do? Do you waste time testing something that could heal people on plants and maybe small animals? Or do you think to yourself 'I'm dying anyways,' and become your own lab rat? Not only is there a possibility of pushing his own mortal deadline back even if a little to have more time to work, but he could make major discoveries of what the Hexcore can do for people like him, who are sick, who are dying. His leg was just the first test. After all, it likely wasn't related to his illness. He needed to see what the Hexcore would do, what it would change, how it would work. And a bum leg seems like a good place to start. I do believe that survival was part of his motivation, but I believe it was his need to find a way to help people no matter the cost that was his main drive. It's just that he thought that cost would only be to himself. The moment someone else had to pay for his progress, he knew it was over. Nothing is worth sacrificing others.
  • @Anasoruk
    I am so so thankful they didn't go the jilted jealous partner route for his story :,)
  • @Adonna2424
    I'm chronically ill and disabled so seeing him transform and run was a triumph but the fall after, the pain, the struggle, it's too close to me. I'll get a couple days of feeling ok and then, out of nowhere, crash, pain through the roof, unable to move or sleep. It's a constant reminder that you're sick, that you're different, an outcast from society (especially portrayed in RL with the CDC comment about chronically ill/disabled deaths being 'encouraging'.) Unlike Viktor, I have the disabled community to lean back on when I feel alone but the private struggle is an every second of the day thing. Also would like to note, the use of a mobility aid (cane and crutch) shows a realistic portrayal that few non-disabled people actually understand. Many disabled and chronically ill people use mobility aids however, that use is not a permanent, every second thing. Like I said before, you have good days and bad days, and it's based on actions and events for the day too. Going shopping and having a flair up? Wheelchair day. Doing ok and staying home? Maybe a cane or nothing needed that day. The media also doesn't help the situation with their "miraculously recovered" portrayals either. This leads to disinformation, discrimination, people policing, and even violence. Yes, I've seen disabled people post that random strangers questioning if they are REALLY disabled, do you REALLY need that wheelchair, don't they have SPECIAL buses for YOU people, I just saw you stand up so you MUST BE FAKING, you're TOO YOUNG TO BE SICK and even physical violence. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! It creates fear among the disabled that they'll be attacked leading to some not using mobility aids and suffering in silence. Please be respectful, you don't deserve or need to know why I have a cane today, what my diagnosis is, did I try X or Y treatment, etc. Just let me live my life in peace. Thank you if you read my comment this far. Means a lot of me. Stay safe!
  • @ryanmccampbell7
    The thing that chilled me in the scene where he dumps Sky's ashes... did she have a family? Surely somebody must have wondered what happened to her, but she must have been quiet and withdrawn enough that there wasn't any serious investigation into her disappearance. She just vanished from the world and not a soul knew why or cared except Viktor. And he doesn't face any repercussions except for his own conscience.
  • "In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good." summarize more than just Viktor's arc, it summarize the whole show. Every character is so dead focused on their own objectives that they fail to see what they are losing in exchange, and if it's even worth to lose so much just to achieve their goal.
  • @danielhau4954
    Viktor was the character I looked forward to when watching Arcane. He didn't have the charisma, wasn't highly regarded, had to limp, had a terminal illness, went through tragedies and all odds were against him. Yet despite all this, he was humble, determined and was willing to lose it all after the tragic incident with Sky getting obliterated. He mourned for her life even though he was running out of time and this close to having a brand new transformation. I would say Viktor was 80% sad most of the time but kept himself occupied with determination and 20% elated when there was a milestone breakthrough. His run in those 40 seconds is the reason life is worth fighting for. Life can be shit, absolutely horrible and just downright cruel to the point it may not seem worth living and bearing any longer. That is until you experience the equalizer, whatever it may be in your life. It could be a lead up to a succession of events or it may just one moment in that payload of trials and tribulations.Viktor was broken, was good as dead and was never a leader, but he inspired me and respect enough to carve out some time to write this past midnight. Here's to you, Viktor and everyone going through their own struggles. Don't give up. Cheers.
  • "If your going to change the world, Dnt ask permission" One of viktors best quote