The Very Basics Guide for Hell Let Loose

Published 2022-04-10

All Comments (21)
  • @deskslam4232
    So I just want to say here that I love the sound design of Hell Let Loose. The explosives actually freaked me out at first, because when I was in Iraq mortar shelling was pretty common. The artillery sounds amazing, and it’s always hilarious just walking around before everything suddenly goes quiet and you see “Killed In Action” out of nowhere.
  • The key is to play it more like a stealth game than a typical twitchy FPS. Sneak around and don't be seen, then go for the good kills. Patience wins in HLL.
  • Any guilt I feel winning as the Germans is eliminated by the triumphant catchiness of Erika
  • @helloyougoat
    Brutal learning curve in this game but one of the most rewarding games when you crack it. Found everyone on mic to be so much fun, never take it hyper serious but yet still communicate to aid the gameplay.
    Running and dying simulator is what my friends referred to it as
  • @dingusgoober
    I love big war games like these but I spent my first 2 hours just running and dying from enemies I didn't even know existed but the community is actually really chill which was unexpected. All my games there was people willing to answer my questions and give me tips on how to play and when I accidentally killed someone they just confirmed it was an accident and went "oh alright, you're all good"
  • @blaze7930
    This game really is the greatest "How to perfect your spawn technique" trainer.
  • Rules of thumb when traversing maps: The terrain, bushes, grass, rubble, and blown out buildings are your second most important team mates. Use these allies to find any and all ways you can think of to flank positions. Moving straight ahead is the cone of death in almost all instances. Think it’s hard spotting enemies? Well the good news is you are just as hard to see for them as well so use this to your advantage! I can’t stress this enough! I’m not even exaggerating. I’ve had entire groups walk right by me as I was laying prone in a dense bush mere feet away from them. Watched boots go right by my face and not a soul noticed me! In addition, making noise in this game can be your undoing. Players can hear each other. Foot steps. Water splashing. All of it. Mask your noise by doing things when shells and explosions are going off when your stealthing. Good news is, your can hear them as well. Stopping to listen to what’s going on is just as important as what you can see. Next: Don’t be afraid to put in a slow lengthy hike. I have in some instances traversed way off the beaten path away from the action and spent 10 to 15 minutes just getting to the enemy lines and then spend another 10 trying to get through to strike blind spots. It’s a tedious endeavor inching your way at a painfully slow pace. Sometimes doing a prone crawl through entire sections the whole way. It’s a time consuming gamble, cause if you get blasted you just wasted almost 30 minutes… but it has paid off more often than not when the patience, tactics and calculated decisions all come together. Tip: Planting outposts and garrisons behind enemy lines is a good idea if you are on Recon and playing as a spotter. This helps out the team and yourself as a sneaky respawn point. Lastly: When you think it’s safe to stand and sprint…crouch run instead. When you think it’s safe to crouch run…go prone and crawl…when you think it’s safe to crawl…don’t move an inch! This line of thinking keeps you from rushing into the enemies crosshairs even though it seems counter intuitive. Wean yourself off the urge to rush every aspect of the action like most shooters would have you do! But this is my supplemental tutorial and things I’d wish I’d known going in! Hope you’ve enjoyed my TED Talk. Thank you and good night!
  • @gobomania
    Good vid, tho as one who have a good amount of +100h in the game here is some important pointers: - Set your max view of friendly nameplates to max, but do be aware that friendly tanks nameplates spawns in at a waaaay closer distance, always consult your map when spotting a tank. - Please do as your SL (Squad Leader) tells you. You will get to shoot at people, but this is a 100 man co-op game and sometimes you'll need to be on the defensive. - You can redeploy by pressing the ESC key and select it in the menus to the bottom left, it will sometimes be relevant. - Spawing at outpost is almost always better than spawig at a HQ as HQ spawns drains manpower from the General's resources, again you make your commander love you. - When in doubt, frag out. If you have any suspicion that an enemy is hiding in a foxhole, bush, behind a wall, just frag out, it saves a lot of (your own) deaths.
  • Hell let loose is fantastic and your vids are awesome too! Lots of communication required and frankly it's fun where you don't need to focus solely on kills to win. My main criticism though is how it doesn't have the Winfield centennial, speaking of which, hope that videos going good! But in any case I highly recommend hell let loose just to have a refreshing change in war games!
  • @davidperez7755
    Just got this game yesterday, love the challenge, first 30 minutes didn't see a single enemy and was getting killed from left to right, end up killing 2 and die 30 times 😅.. By the 3rd game got a little bit better thanks to my team mates, killed 9 enemies and died 26 times.
  • @Dabossman321
    Facts, I just bought this game last night, played till 3Am and i think i killed 4 people in those long timed matches. Im getting used to it the game mechanics of it. And kinda annoying crossing the whole map to get to a house or get to the squad, then POP! dead.. from some distant enemy. BUT somehow i keep playing, so there is some reason i stick with it. Plus, the SOUNDS OF WAR ARE AWSOME in this game. When you think your out of sight and here a "Sssssip" fly past your head, better change position.
  • @stvjjgcj
    Played my first game yesterday, had a random dude helping me make my first steps. Great guy. Nice community. Danke!
  • @Alpha001TMP
    Ah Hell Let Loose, what fun there is to be had. On offense I once got a 95 kill streak as the offense in a medium tank, so the commander gave us a heavy when we were finally taken out. We lost that heavy tank to a ditch shortly afterwards.
  • @BigLarm
    Everybody is so helpful and kind, First game on they were telling me how to drop a outpost and saying good job and welcome to the game!
  • @sl8390
    I downloaded this game a couple of weeks ago, played it twice at the time and quit cause I was really frustrated. I then watched your videos and applied a much calmer, slow approach to the game and really thought out and planned my movements. Starting to pick out enemy supply drops, locating spawn beacons and such is my jam now
  • you my friend, made one of the most serious, funniest and best video tutorials ever. deserves a sub.
  • I've been playing for a little while but this has been very helpful. The monotonous voice you have actually goes well with the sense of humor you applied to this video btw
  • @tomosmells
    I played this game for 8 hrs when i first got it today. played rifleman, died every 2 mins for an hour and a half. new map comes. i try medic, do pretty well, throw my body into deaths arms just to revive someone, keep playing medic, revive every single person im atleast 80m in distance from, screaming at the top of my lungs "dont hold F im coming!!!" keep getting compliments from squadmates and random teamates "your a real one homie your doing gods work" "yes yes yes thank you" "medic coming in clutch" REDDIT KARMA +10,000. im not good at this game at all but until i figure out wtf im doing im just gonna run around reviving the people that do even if it kills me Edit: to anyone who took the reddit thing as a serious sentence rather than an ironic one, eat shit.
  • @irishhhh
    been playing a lot of HLL recently as well; looking forward to more HLL content!