North Sea oil ban: Lionel Shriver on Labour's net zero madness

Publicado 2024-07-18
Columnist Lionel Shriver joins The Spectator's Natasha Feroze to discuss Ed Miliband's plans to ban new licences to drill for oil in the North Sea. They discuss what she makes of the plans, and whether they're a liability for Labour.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Milliband is a failed politician and a dangerous fool. The mediocrity in the Labour front bench is frightening.
  • Natasha is wrong when she says renewables make up 40% of our energy needs; it is 40% of our electricity. Electricity is 20% of our energy needs.
  • Dear lord, the lack of genuine capability in that Labour cabinet is seriously dangerous! And moronic is an understatement. What a mess.
  • this is the most foolish time in human history
  • £3 Trillion just for the infrastructure! Energy bills already double the USA green tax already £6billion a year. Wind turbines only repay their green cost after 20 years but of course they don't last 20 years.
  • People can argue about net zero all day, but the one thing it isn't about is climate. As always, follow the money.
  • Green jobs? What green jobs come from importing Chinese wind turbines?
  • Even Miliband's job title "Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero" is an oxymoron !
  • we are nowhere near ready to stop oil production.
  • Ed has been around long enough to know the truth. So the question is, whose payroll is he on that pays enough to impoverish the people of his own country?
  • No it is not out of the question we may have blackouts...i wouldnt trust milliband to look after a puppy let alone our energy needs
  • “Moronic” was the exact word in my head before she said it.
  • Sunak was too soft -and apologetic for being conservative. Too many conservatives adopted woke opinions!!!
  • The first thing a government should do for their populous is ensuring energy security. We should have expected the lefties to stroke the egos of the eco protestors, but to shut down our gas and oil production only ensures that we will be buying energy from foreign parties, and the consumers will foot the bill. "Save The Planet" they say, but still want to use their electrical and electronic devices. The rich politicians can absorb the higher annual costs, but every winter we pensioners have to risk death because of rising gas and electricity prices.
  • ahem, excuse me, Labour did not have a massive majority. They've had the lowest majority to get them in on record, is what I heard.
  • House holds have never got any 'savings' from Green energy. If anything the bills have got up and more added on with your Green tax Ed. The only people making money of 'green' energy are the companies who get a large chuck of this tax payer money.