Betrayal & Forgiveness | Girls Gone Bible

Betrayal. We've all experienced it.
Forgiveness. We all struggle with it.

Join us as we read directly from God's Word about the stories of Judas & Peter and discuss the fall out of betrayals and the lingering affects of unforgiveness.

We love you so much. Stay with Jesus.
-Ang & Ari

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コメント (21)
  • "the devil whispered in your ear, you are not strong enough to withstand the storm. Today you whisper back, In Christ Jesus, I am the storm..." Gave me straight chills. Saving that quote forever.
  • @Jasminesim18
    "jesus healed me without medication" i have never felt something so HARD, i started bawling. praise jesus 🙌🏽
  • @withjeysh8934
    Cried so hard during this episode. I’m struggling with unforgiving and I want to let it go ❤ thank you for this
  • @Vinny081976
    These two beautiful souls are savings lives. I love seeing the growth. It inspires me. I have three daughters and this is the relationship I want my girls to have with god.
  • @dreamagery
    More Christian women need to watch this. Our culture is void of Godly, Bible-believing female mentors until now.
  • @Williamb612
    You guys are mentors to tens of thousands of women (and men) that yearn to connect and love Jesus without the WORLD labeling them “weak”, “uncool” and “losers” …. this is a mighty inspired work by God, He is using you to reach people. Thank you for your contributions to furthering His church in these days of relativism and storms.
  • @etipru5838
    Jesus has been the one and only one whom has never betrayed me and I'm healed today because of him! 🙏🙏❤️
  • @whittneyh
    I literally just read Matthew 26, came downstairs to sit with my mom while she watches tv and turned on the Podcast to ya'll starting in Matthew 26😂 Jesus is so cute ❤
  • I need this!!! This helps so much!!! I'm going through a dark time. God bless everyone who reads this
  • I have struggled with forgiveness my entire life, specifically since 2020 after major fallout. I have begged and begged and tried so hard to see how it could be possible to find forgiveness for someone who wasn’t sorry. I held so much hurt in my heart looking for a way to forgive. I even got to the point where I convinced myself I didn’t need to forgive anyone at all. I feel a lot of modern day teachings will tell women they don’t owe anyone forgiveness. All this does is leave you empty. Thank you both so much for bringing me to the light. I bought my first bible ever because of you two and am now attending church for the first time. You two have saved my life. Thank you Jesus.
  • Massive fan , attractive Christian women speaking truth . It’s obvious this podcast will go from strength to strength. Christ is king .
  • I needed this sooo bad today. I was betrayed this morning by a family member, I spent the whole morning bawling my eyes out and after listening to this I have chose to forgive them. I feel peace already.
  • @Mrs.AlbaRamos
    Another great episode! We all struggle with forgiveness whether it’s us not receiving forgiveness for our faults or not being able to forgive when betrayed. I loved this topic!
  • Y’all are helping me now. In my darkest moment I was abandoned, but if this didn’t happen I would never have seeked God
  • @theness251
    I gave my life to Christ in 2016. I have been going through it. I am saved and blessed for everything Jesus has done for me. As of late I been having thoughts of not wanting to live anymore. Depression of wanting to end it. Hearing your testimony and this show helps me want to keep going to see what Jesus has in store for me. Thank you for boldly sharing your faith.
  • @abbiebliss7066
    I would love SO MUCH if y’all had a Bible study for us to follow along with :)
  • My recent breakup was very hard for me. God sent for me through this man. He taught me about God, read the Bible to me, and after some time I started doing it on my own and fell in love with Jesus. But because I started gaining knowledge wisdom and understanding, we both realized that we would not be able to stay together. The love we had for each other was so strong. I prayed to God to keep us together if it was his will knowing that it wasn't. But, I also prayed for Him to break us up because I was not strong enough to do it myself. I thank God for sending for me even though I couldn't be with the one he sent to bring me back to Him. It's bitter sweet, but I am forever grateful because of the life I've gained, the mercy He has on me, and the grace He has given me.
  • It's going to hurt. there's nothing we can say that's gonna take that, trust me I can relate, honestly I pray for anyone who is going through such heartbreak right now. I know there's nothin I can do to take that pain from you, but keep your eyes on Him please, let it hurt, just keep talking to Him, build your relationship with Him, I'm telling I'm a true testimony of what He can do. My life has changed forever. That's beatiful Ari thank you for that.
  • @MrWhitehomeboi
    I'm gonna be real for second. It is so refreshing to listen to two Godly women talk about this stuff. Especially after watching fresh&fit and the whatever podcast.