A lot of you have asked me a lot of questions about my tumor that I was diagnosed with, and had removed in 2011. This is the second in a three part series talking aaalllll about my tumor. Sorry it's so incredibly long. I wanted to be thorough.
When I got my diagnosis I was unable to find a survivor of this type of tumor, and I had no one to talk to about it, or ask questions, and I really could have used a happy ending story from a survivor as I approached an incredibly dangerous surgery. I hope this series can help even one other person who is going through this struggle, or inspire those of you who need motivation to keep going. Keep going. Keep asking questions. Keep looking for answers. You're not alone. ♥

Intro music by Alexander Osborn:…
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Katrina Sherwood
PO Box 1126
Culver City, CA

Hi, I'm Kat, and I make lots of DIY videos, about everything from DIY jewelry, home decor, gifts, and crafts, to Gluten Free recipes, No-poo hair care, DIY hair extensions, how to make sugaring wax and arabic wax for natural hair removal, and how to make a bracelet out of a toothbrush. Here you can watch videos about friendship bracelets, whitening your teeth with activated charcoal, or even skip on over to my second channel for Story Time videos and vlogs!

Shiny, Pretty Things!

コメント (21)
  • @wbal6651
    Im going through this now and im literally crying watching this. It is terrible. My endo just got my labs and im doing an emergency MRI. Hopefully surgery soon! Thank you for this. My stomach is burning right now. Thought i had covid... You are an angel for this
  • I had to go to M. D. Anderson in Houston to have mine removed. When I had my surgery, I had a Daughter who had just lost her Mother and two little boys in diapers. After the surgery, I felt so much better so fast, I felt so lucky to be alive. bless you, for your courage
  • It's crazy how nobody could diagnose you sooner. I'm glad you kept going back until you finally got the right diagnosis!
  • I know what this feels like I have been sick for about 4 months and have been the doctors 6 times now they still don't know what is wrong with me. I totally know why this so emotional for you, thank you for posting this, it has helped me.
  • I'm so sorry you had many doctors tell you it was all in your head. I am so glad you stuck with it and got the proper diagnosis. It makes me really mad that it can happen. Often it is just the fact that they are out of their depth.
  • You are such a fighter!! You fought so hard to finally get where you are and didn't listen to anybody.. I'm so amazed .. Nobody knows your body but you and you knew something was wrong.. I'm so glad you can finally live life like it was intended 😊
  • You are my hero being able to go through this and having your positivity even while going through surgery awake
  • im really sorry for everything you went through and im really happy that you are finally having a normal life! thank you so much for sharing your experience with us
  • It just goes to show doctors dont know everything and if they actually take time to listen to their patient maybe they would discover the real issue
  • I can't thank you enough for making this video..its like listening to my life story. I'm undergoing testing for this now and the endo basically said shes pretty positive I have it. Your videos have been supremely helpful in preparing myself mentally. Thank you and Im very glad that you're okay. :)
  • Thank you for taking the time to tell your story. I am 65 and have suffered for a long time with similar symptoms to you. I was just diagnosed with the same thing. I have awful migraines and now am hopeful that whatever treatment they do will make my life better. Thank you again!
  • Astonishing -- what you have been through!! Again, many thanks for telling your story for all the others out there who are suffering and the people who think they are hypochondriacs or tell them to just "get over it". Thanks also for the shout out to ACA/Obamacare. It was there for us when we really needed it too - thank God.
  • You should be on the Medical Mysteries show! How horrible to have to endure these symptoms for most of your life. I read that this type of tumor is fatal if not removed (as you probably already know). If they kept dismissing you as having psychosomatic symptoms, you really would have died (just like you thought before diagnosis). BTW, the extreme sleepiness that you experienced is exactly like having Narcolepsy. I have Narcolepsy, and most of the day, I can't stay awake without medication. Obviously, you had a very different medical problem causing your symptoms. But, now you can relate to anyone you ever meet who has Narcolepsy. Glad you finally got someone to help you!
  • I just had the surgery done your video gave me the confidence to get it done .... now in pheochromocytoma free ... thank you!
  • Thankyou - I’ve had lots of tests an it’s pointing in this direction. Your story has eased my fear a lot.. because I feel my energy draining and like I’m poisoned— so exact! Thankyou for this video
  • I cannot believe that they took so long to diagnose you - is this because insurance only covers you to a certain amount? With the diagnosis techniques we have, and have had for many years I just am blown away that you have suffered so long before they came to a diagnosis. This has ruined the youngest part of your life and I really think they need suing for the suffering you went through. Here in the UK we have lawyers that take your case and if you win they take a cut of the settlement so you don’t have to pay anything if you lose. Goodness I don’t think we appreciate our NHS here and the care we get without needing insurance. I’m so sorry you went through so much and I’m so glad you at last have a diagnosis. I can’t imagine the stress you went through for so long. God bless. x
  • Going through this at the moment. 5+ years of feeling like absolute dog p00, 11 years of strange symptoms caused by a doctor's stuff up of meds (overd0se) and losing hair, 1 hr snoozes during 24hr periods, hallucinations, not feeling my body, not eating for days on end because I'd be sick, heart palpitations, anxiety over nothing, doom doom doom. Night sweats, sweating from walking to the next room, feeling so exhausted I had to nap between chores etc etc. The next doctor blames my weight for the 5 years and then I see this absolute legend at another place and he orders the correct test first go.... I've had the 24hr urine, the laying down plasma bloods, another urine and now waiting to know what they say. Differential diagnosis is PTSD and a mood disorder and some type of thyroid problem. I also have a blood disorder/cancer and that seems to tie into this pheo stuff as well so that makes sense. I'm surprised I haven't had a stroke tbh. Thanks so much for posting this video and know even though it was done years ago, it's still helping people 💚 Can we have an update?
  • Katrina I,m so happy for you that the Dr. found out about the tumor. I,ve had similiar symtoms for yrs and the Drs. think its all in my head. I,m not saying I have the same thing as you have but very similiar symtoms.And I do feel like they think I,m crazy ..but I do know my body and feel like something is wrong. Take care of yourself and wishing you a really good healthy life. You sure deserve it . Love to you & family Sandra XO
  • I’m so glad you’re okay! You are a miracle and thank you very much for sharing. I will go see an endocrinologist and ask for these tests thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
  • It was really interesting to hear your story. I cannot even imagine how hard it must have been to go through all of this. Made me think how ungrateful we can be sometimes, complaining about minor issues, when there are real problems like these in the world. Glad you are better now!