Babylon the Great Has Fallen! // THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Session 52


コメント (21)
  • It's refreshing to hear teachings you'll almost never hear in church. The end times must be important because it is talked about regularly in the bible.
  • I had the same conversation tonight with my Rapture believing friend, who doesn't care if her understanding is incorrect. I offered to sit down together and study, not so I can be right, but so if I am incorrect or she is incorrect, we can help each other not be deceived. To me, the Truth is the most important thing, not me being right.
  • Not long after I came to God I had this dream. I've never read the book of Revelation before to notice scriptures about Babylon the great. In 2010 I had a dream. In my dream I was in a big, like mega church. I was sitting in the side seats of the church, that were raised above the big middle part. Church was like in sports stadium with thousands and thousands of people. We were waiting for a prophet to come and speak to people. I remember being very excited in anticipation to hear from God.  A lady comes to "the stage"/pulpit and she was just absolutely  beautiful. I thought to myself 'wow how beautiful is she'. She was prophecying over people and I was hoping she will have a word from the Lord for me too. But there were soooo many people, thousands and thousands so I doubted God will pick me. Suddenly she looks in my direction and she calls me out by my name 'Sasha'. I was like wow it's God speaking to me, she even knows my name, so I was even more excited! She starts priphecying over me some things about my past That I knew already I had overcome with God and that I have been forgiven, so I thought maybe God wants to bring more freedom into that area, but instead she then suddenly stops and leaves it at that. All the time she was "prophecying" there was nothing about Jesus or the gospel, just some "words of knowledge of the past". I was quite shocked because there was no Jesus in it and I got very angry because there are so many people multitude listening to her and think that some person with some "knowledge about them" is God speaking to them even if there is no Jesus or a way to Jesus. She continued speaking over people and people looked like they worshipped her "gift" and I was getting even more angry. When she finished "prophecying" she left "the stage" and I decided I will follow her and confront her. She walked up the stairs that lead "behind the stage" so I followed her not quite been able to catch up to her. At the top of the stairs there was a huge double door, like those ancient old heavy doors and she went in and doors closed. As I walked to the door I instantly knew what was happening behind that door, although I couldn't see with my eyes, I knew what was happening behind the closed door. She is a prostitute and this is where is she with her lovers and there was many. It made me feel absolutely sick to my stomach. And at that point I was even more angry and also very grieved for people who have no idea about what is happening behind closed doors and worshipped her as a prophetess from God. The biggest thing that struck me that she wasn't only seducing such large number of people in the world, but it was in the church where people believe they are following Christ and the Father. She was invited into the church buildings and the Body of Christ had no discernment. End of the dream. A few months later, I opened the bible at revelation 17 And read it. At the end of the chapter the verse jumped out at me saying that "the woman you saw in your vision represents the great city that rules over the kings of the earth" I knew instantly that this is the woman from my dream. I then started to study more about this prophecy and after all these years I still see this dream in my mind, it's etched into my memory.
  • Blessings of Gratitude for FAI Brother Joel, Brother Dalton and Crew for Preaching the TRUTH of Yeshua Yahuah Elohim Amen Shabbath Shalom Maranatha🙏🏼🔥♥️🇸🇪
  • I absolutely love you guys, can't wait till we all in one accord praise God together O boy going to be the good good. Amen
  • Really, quite amazing how many people dogmatically believe their own interpretation. Look to scripture without trying to shoehorn what you may have been taught in error. I have read Joel’s book Mystery, Babylon, it makes perfect sense and ALL the fingers in the glove fit perfectly. Obviously there will be small details we all get wrong. Wait until he goes through all the popular theories and see which has most merit SCRIPTURALLY! Let’s be humble before our Lord and maker and open our ears, so that we may hear. Excellent, Joel, keep up the great work. God bless and Maranatha
  • My grandmother had a unclean hateful goose... She was so MEAN. She use to chase us around the yard. 😆 I'm so blessed to have found you guys early on after finding Christ... better said He found me. I have learned so much from. FAI and as soon as I get on my feet I want to support as much as I can untill then FAI is deeply in my prayers. Bless you guys for all the brilliant and faithful work you do. 🙏
  • I believe that America is definitely Mystery Babylon, the reason I believe this is because of Jeremiah 50.
  • @sabbathd1
    What a great Blessing this teaching has been to my soul, thank you GOD BLESS YOU
  • This is, One of the main reason I got the FAI app , different perspective on important topics, in line with scripture
  • Thank you Brother Joel. This has realy got me thinking. I won't say what, I will wait and see what I get out of the rest of the study. BLESSINGS TO YOU AND YOUR DEAR WIFE AND FAMILY. MARANATHA
  • This should have 100 thousand views and thumbs up. Thank you Joel for your personal sacrifice