Peter Pan Stole My Son (Once Upon a Time: Season 3 Recap)

Published 2024-04-08
no i don't know why the witch looks like that i'm so sorry

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Extra thanks to Jared Olson for mastering the audio and improving this video for YOU!

Season three of Once Upon a Time (2011-2018) is simply the best one. There are four more seasons after this somehow? Save me??

00:00 - Introduction
03:42 - First Half
02:05:25 - Second Half
03:49:50 - Wrap Up

#onceuponatime #ouat #recap

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All Comments (21)
  • @Badusername2000
    i LOVE that when gold meets up with felix and he calls him Rumpelstiltskin, he does his little pose but he does is so half assed, like he doesnt give a single shit anymore
  • Snow turning into a bug and charming recognizing her as a bug gives me real, “would you love me as if I was a worm?” energy
  • As a fellow Neal lover, I am also devastated by all the lost potential of even more weird family dynamic and Henry having just SO MANY parents
  • @realoobi
    “i do not ship the pirate with that man. what they have is a lot weirder and sadder than that” is my new favorite way any relationship in any work of fiction has ever been described
  • @Trashley112
    Ah lovely, the season where they realize "ah fuck we ran out of backstory to tell in flashbacks" so they just have a timeskip memory potion so that they can have the flashbacks still
  • @harley69
    Totally totally totally agree with you on Neil -- completely wasted potential for the character relationship shenanigans. It would give Emma the opportunity to have AN ACTUAL FRIEND BESIDES HER WEIRD MOM. And Henry can have an adult he actually trusts. And Belle can have a support to hold on to for when Gold is an actual evil person again and again again. And the fact that they killed him in the worst way possible is just so disappointing
  • @nsb144
    I'm so glad you acknowledged how fucking weird the Charmings are to Emma this season. They keep trying to parent her, but any time they have an opportunity to like replace her with another baby or abandon her to go live in Neverland forever, they will take it. Also it's just assumed that David is the person Snow loves most. Emma's name isn't even brought up. I'm just saying, Emma's abandonment issues aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
  • @ClownTown
    "my special ability? i'm a mother" is the funniest thing you could say to the woman who's son you stole
  • Ok I just zoomed in closer on the whiteboard and Granny having 2 name tags that are Both “Granny” is SO fucking funny
  • "THEY'RE ALL IN THE ARMS OF THE ANGELS" bestie, sweetie, i think Cora went the other way
  • Truly incredible that Gold/Rumplestiltskin wasn’t the Cowardly Lion analog since his whole story is about him being a coward and learning how to have courage without hiding behind his power.
  • @QuietM4n
    The bit where Pan makes an offer to Hook, tells him not to tell the others then Hook immediately tells the others lives rent free in my mind
  • @Site_42
    The Neil Cassidy Alternate Future Ted Talk is now my headcanon, it’s brilliant and the show can’t take it away from me thank you.
  • @moxperidot1012
    Can't believe that The Solar Eclipse summoned the Whipjack Once Upon a Time Season 3 video. Hopefully we won't need to wait for the next astrological phenomenon for Season 4.
  • @ridley_grace
    i am OBSESSED with felix and pan. that is a crazy dynamic. i need you to imagine being felix for a second. youre his right hand man. youre his attack dog. youre more loyal to him than you are to yourself. he trusts only you. hes the only thing you need. you love him, in whatever way you want to define it. he loves you, in whatever way you want to define it. he lets you in on every plan. he trusts you to be the one to bring him what he needs to survive. he promises you eternal youth and immortality ruling as his right hand man. and then. when hes not even in his own body. he kills you. as you beg for your life. because youre the only thing hes ever loved. that is a CRAZY ASS dynamic and i NEED to know more about it. why is felix like that. why.
  • @Dudeman23rd
    3:41:02 I can't believe Snow actually pulled a "would you still love me if I was a worm" and it WORKED
  • @caseyoung1527
    Her mentioning the Black Fairy and that this is the first time we've heard of her, within the same two minutes as laughing that we simply don't know who Rumplestiltskin's mother is??? that's sixteen-shadowing or something my guy
  • @tyler-df3wy
    It would genuinely be so funny if Henry tried to explain a non-magical version of how Emma and Hook met. Just trying to tell a girl he likes about how his mum’s partner used to date his paternal grandmother then later adopted his dad. Between that and his adoptive mother being his step great grandmother, he’s got a great litmus test to see how people will react to the magic
  • I know its because Sebastian left to go to the MCU (and good for him because i am, at the end of the day, a Bucky Barnes *Stan*), but I love that Jefferson and his daughter just fuck off after Season 2. They find each other, they fuck off, and presumably live happily ever after in... Somewhere? Absolute King behavior 👑👑
  • @catazoe7535
    i remember being sooo into peter pan when i watched this at the age of 12... finding out he was in fact a middle-aged deadbeat father SHATTERED me lmao but it also was the plot twist that convinced me this was the best tv show of all time