Phuong is 6 months pregnant - Gardening - Leveling the new house floor _ Phuong's family life


コメント (16)
  • Tá um barrigáo lindo 😅😅 que essa criança venha com muita saúde ❤❤❤
  • You my Darling have worked really hard hard over the last few months and things have not been easy for you what with your husband going missing and mother in law things got really tough for you but now everything is changing and you deserve it I am so pleased for you and when baby comes try to rest for a while and enjoy your family and your new home
  • Вы оба трудоголики, живите дружно и всё у вас будет хорошо ❤❤❤❤❤
  • Too cute it starts showing you in the garden . First thoughts was barefoot and pregnant 😂😂. How precious honey how precious! There's a very old saying in the states men like to keep their women bare foot and pregnant!
  • Hello phulong family i know u r very hard working having lots of things to put forward but take time remember u r pregnant all the best of life to u God bless ❤️ 🙌
  • You have done a lot of work over the last few months I hope the house will be ready before the baby comes
  • @sallygass3637
    I wonder if they are going to pour cement for the floors.
  • Bună ziua. Am o întrebare.De ce acoperiți acele plante care este rostul de sunt acoperite?Am zis că ai pierdut sarcina cu supărările soacrei tale.Acum ești bine da?Copilul merge la școală sau este în vacanță de vară? Gata ai terminat cu construcția casei?Sau mai aveți de lucru la ea? Te vad că muncești pe acele calduri.Nu ai luat apă să bei.Este cald trebuie să te hidratezi.Ai grijă de tine. Sănătate și o zi plăcută. Maica Domnului să vă ajute și să vă binecuvinteze întreaga familie. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😢😮
  • Így nem nehéz apának a munka mert a fia segít.... hihihi :hand-pink-waving::face-blue-smiling::face-fuchsia-tongue-out::face-red-heart-shape::person-turqouise-waving:Hungary
  • Remember folks this is a story or a play not real life. Enjoy as I do too but keep reality in mind. You have some good questions!!
  • @nikolajc7617
  • 你地越南个个女人都喜欢露肚子好时尚吗?冇细女人的尊严你们不觉失礼么?😅😅😅😅😅