Soundtrack Gothic 3-Vista Point

Published 2008-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • @thegapcio123
    "Jedno jest pewne, wszystko będzie w porządku. [...]"
  • @armazi3005
    "Dad, why is my sister named Rose?" "Because your mother loves roses," says his father. "Thanks, dad." "No problem, Soundtrack Gothic 3-Vista Point "
  • @felejepaes
    Jak on będzie tak cały czas to nigdy do niczego nie dojdziemy
  • @kurek9999
    Nie wiem dlaczego, ale zawsze jak się najebie to puszczam ten utwór i się wzruszam.
  • 0:45 Damn, thats the moment when everything comes back to you, and you feel overwhelming feeling of nostalgia...
  • @JackShepard94
    Aż coś mnie w serce kłuje jak po tylu latach słyszę tę melodię. Jak mówi piosenka: "dużo bym dał, by przeżyć to znów..."
  • @garri5108
    Being a Russian, I don't know why played the German version. I was 9-10 years old, when I installed it, I didn't understand what RPG games were, I didn't know what quests were, for me this game was a rest for the soul. 90% of my time in the game I just explored the world. Along with the divine music I walked on the beautiful fields and hills (maybe opening the screenshots of the game, many will say that it is 360p, but in my memory there are pictures, as if I myself walked through these forests, villages). Always completed quests at random, never setting for a goal to complete quests. Remeber quick save in front of any cave, my God .. This music, these landscapes, this soulfulness stuck in my memory too much. Listening to vista point almost hurts me physically. I hear it and it is as if nostalgia chokes me. The number of years that have passed chockes me, the changes that have occurred during this time chockes me. As much as this song is beautiful, just as painful. I I understand that even if I download this game right now it will not be the same, I am not the same, the computer is not the same and the room is not the same. I don't know what happens to me when I turn on this soundtrack, I will quietly cry and try to never turn on this masterpiece, soundtrack of my childhood..
  • @lorf9303
    This comment section? 50% German, 50% Polish, 100% love.
  • @Akurotu
    for me, Gothic 3 has the best soundtrack in gaming history. :) beautiful game
  • @nanda_gamedev
    When I was a kid my father was playing the first 2 gothic games and he often allowed me to watch him play and it always was amazing. The characters feel like old friends now. I remember the map like an old house I used to live in. Definetly one of the greatest gaming experiences I ever had... <3
  • @CarniTato
    Gothic 3 is easily one of the most underrated games ever. Yes, it has its flaws and used to have a lot of bugs, but it manages to create a world and atmosphere like no other game. If you can overlook the mistakes, you will be rewarded by a special, magical masterpiece!
  • @hanswurscht7527
    Gothic 1 to 3 much more than a video game. Its just epic. They did such a great work together.
  • I te teksty ludzi w miescie. "Trzymaj sie" , "do zobaczenia" , "pogadamy pozniej"...
  • @MBBAR
    Ten utwór zaraził mnie i nie jestem w stanie go wyłączyć... Uwielbiam! <3
  • @MrVenomicc
    Gothic to gra, która wchodzi w pamięć. Trudno jest zapomnieć o przygodach naszego bezimiennego bohatera. Same soundtrack'i zachęcają do rozgrywki. Brawa dla Piranha Bytes za 3 piękne części. Pozdrawiam