Why You Should Give High-Rep Deadlifts A Shot l Road to 660 lbs


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  • Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! I appreciate you guys! Let me know what video topics you want covered next!
  • Some dude's don't realize how important volume is for strength, even if you aren't going to failure.
  • @Ian.lifts.
    In strongman they have deadlifts for reps as an event most of the time. Doing high rep deadlifts in training has worked exceptionally well as a peaking strategy for both deads for reps and a single. The recovery from one of those all out sets can be absolutely brutal though. Pete knows what he’s talking about.
  • Major advocate of high rep training to compliment heavy work
  • @KiwiMonsters
    First time i got 660lbs deadlift all i did prior to this lift for about 3-4months was max rep with 400lbs one giant set. My max before this was 620lbs. Wasnt aiming for a new max or anything really. Just wanted to push my limits and see how many i could do with 400lbs. And one day i decided to feel my way up and see how the strength was going since i felt my glutes and hamstrings really blew up with that rep approach. And just liftet 660 pretty easy without any belt or nothing.
  • @henryg3702
    Would love to see you voice over your workouts again.
  • @Mr_T_a4m
    I certainly love the high rep sets when we program these in!! Your set is unreal. Absolutely elite
  • @calsmith18
    Gunna try this. My deadlift has plateaued due to going heavy every week with little reps
  • I'd say this rings more true for shorter torso and longer arms. See it all the time with super high work capacity on deadlifts with these leverages. But no harm in lighter hypertrophy work regardless of level or leverage.
  • @brainletsYT
    george is a big high rep set advocator as well i remember
  • @talder123
    I remember Chris Hickson R.I.P and George Leeman do high rep deadlifts. And with heavy weight. Back in 2010, 2011 and 2012 even. They were touch and go deadlifts though. Did high rep deadlifts as a 17 year old. Did 315lbs for 10 reps, 365lbs for 1 rep, 405lbs for 1 rep conventional. Back in 2009. When I was 19 I did 405lbs for 15 reps and 405lbs for 16 reps easy. Back in 2011. I also saw you do high rep deadlifts at the time. I balanced both high rep and low rep squats and deadlifts and every compound lift. Not only did I get stronger and built work capacity. Also added muscle mass to my frame and got me jacked.
  • been doing alot of top set of 3-5reps then a amrap with 20-40% less than topset weight, followed by hams and back ext but glad to hear it from someone who knows far more than myself, also arms looking crazy jacked Pete thanks for the great vid!
  • The last time I went for a PR on the deadlift, I just wasn't ready for the weight. I was super frustrated so I decided "I'll do a backoff set at 405". Got down on the bar and just decided to GO with no stopping place in mind. Managed to get 7 reps, and on the 8th rep I had a minor upper glute tweak but I finished the rep. The minor tweak limited me for a couple weeks but MAN it felt good to know that I could just fucking OWN 4 plates like that. I've done the same before with 315 for 20. AMRAPs may be rough to recover from, but they sure do build confidence. It just feels good to know you can handle heavy loads for big sets and not just feel afraid of really going for it. Love to hear that one of the best deadlifters ever signs off on AMRAPs. Just gotta watch the form and avoid injury. For those curious, I'm 155 bodyweight, my best pull was 465 (3x BW), and I pull conventional.
  • @Phsoco
    I've only ever done high-rep deadlifts, I wouldn't know any other way. All because I followed Wendlers 5/3/1 and majority of the time on your 5+ week you'll hit 12 reps, then 3+ is around 10-12 reps and 1+ is nearly 10 reps. Doing a year of that added nearly 100lbs to my deadlift. Went from 365 for 5 to 435 for 6. It's one all out set, once per week.
  • @BB-bc8zu
    your 3x4 plus AMRAP really works bro, already PR'd in Bench & Squat will be next.
  • @clarity2115
    High reps 15-30+ reps for all compound main lifts helped me gain the most amount of muscle & strength following George Leemans style of training. Then peaking towards the 3-5 repsmonths later feels like lift work instead of feeling dizzy & gassed afterwards