🦜😢My Parakeet BANJO HUNG ITSELF 😔 😢 AGAIN🦜🦜...

Published 2024-04-23
hey wsup guys. this is a real video. today is 4/23. it is 6:03 pm. I woke up from sleeping because I work the graveyard shift so how about...I woke up to this. 😢yea. now this happened back in I believe September of last year with another bird of mine with a toy I got from Walmart. it hung itself on the toy. this was a cover I had over the cage that has been on there for a long time. they do like to pick at stuff but i had no idea it would pick the strings out of the cover and then hang itself on the cover omg. yall this is like my 20th bird I'm having to bury over the course of 6 years. seriously. I wish I would've captured the first bird lady year that done this but this is the 3 bird I've had to hang itself. now going to have to do a cage sweep and remove anything that they can latch onto and loop around. Bye banjo. 😢🦜🦜🦜

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