Every Woman John F. Kennedy Had an Affair With

Every Woman John F. Kennedy Had an Affair With

President John F. Kennedy, widely regarded as one of the most influential and charismatic leaders in American history, led the nation through some of the most pivotal moments of the 20th century. However, despite his political legacy, there was a darker side to John Kennedy’s love life.

Throughout his 10-year marriage to First Lady Jackie Kennedy, rumors of his infidelities ran wild. From alleged affairs with Hollywood icons like Marlene Dietrich to rumored relationships with Marilyn Monroe, Kennedy's list of romantic entanglements is extensive. Join us as we reveal details of every woman who had an affair with the 35th President of the United States, shedding light on this controversial aspect of his life.

コメント (21)
  • Clearly he disrespected EVERY woman. Ask how MANY young MEN he had killed, wounded, maimed, made mentally unbalanced forcing them to fight in Vietnam.
  • Oh my ! What a great woman is Sophia Loren Is ! I admired her decency and truly is one of a kind woman to walk away from JOHN F. KENNEDY immoral behaviors. Few women have moral values and one thing makes a woman more beautiful is when you respect yourself and walk away from sick men.
  • @vajee5
    Poor Jackie. He definitely was possessed by the demon of lust.
  • @tcng9808
    Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
  • He fooled around with the wrong one the last time. Sam Gianconna girl
  • Always had the feeling that they tried to badmouth him after his death to make his politics look unworthy too. But he probably was a womanizer alright
  • Where did he get the time or opportunity to do all this, with secret service around all the time ???
  • Poor Marilyn was gone too Soon he had her killed like everyone said to keep her Quiet😭😢
  • @collnss
    Wonder how many besides Loren turned him down.
  • I wonder if he, or the family, paid hush money to any of these women?
  • @zengirl43
    Jackie was not stupid. Every powerful man has many affairs. Whether they are handsome or ugly.
  • Sophia Lauren was my neighbor in Orlando. She lived in Bay Hill, across the road from The Groves.
  • @bruce8808
    I was only 5 years old in Nov. of 63 when J.F.K. was assasinated. I could barely remember that. I bought a DVD set of J.F.K. and the cuban missile crisis that went on back then. Some very interesting details of Johns life.