My Russian immigrant life after two years in Georgia & thoughts about the future (Q&A 2)

Published 2024-06-28
In this video I will answer some of your questions about my life as a Russian immigrant in Georgia, differences between Russia and Georgia, and about my future immigration plans:

0:00 intro
1:16 practicing Russian culture & adopting Georgian customs
3:20 languages I use in Georgia
4:41 attitude to Russian immigrants
9:57 concerns about Georgian government, foreign agent law
11:51 political views of Russians who fled Russia
13:55 what to do when my passport expires?
15:32 countries I can visit without a visa
15:57 difference between Russians and Georgians
21:20 is Georgia more liberal than Russia?
22:29 best thing about living in Tbilisi
23:01 funny things about Georgia
25:36 am I going to settle in Georgia
27:00 how Georgia changed me
28:48 what country would I choose
31:06 why I don't want to come to the US
34:25 why not to get political asylum in the West?
35:14 European countries I want to travel to
37:02 good byes

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All Comments (21)
  • Natasha❣️ As an older fellow woman I have to “scold”you, because I recognize the same mistake I made in my younger years. You definitely underestimate your skills!!! You speak as if you felt useless😮 You have a successful YouTube channel and produce interesting and meaningful content- this is no small thing and many people with marketing degree couldn’t succeed in that!!! This is definitely a strong point on your resume. Your English is also great! Please don’t think of your achievements so small. Also, I was very happy to hear you think of visiting Poland where I originally am from. If you make it to the EU you will definitely see many opportunities for yourself. Have you thought about eg. starting with applying for an internship in media houses - I really think your YouTube channel gives you an edge over people studying journalism and maybe you can combine that with getting additional degree- it is common in Germany where I live now that people first start some jobs to try out different things and then study for 2 years for such additional diploma (can be combined with work). But first and foremost please don’t think so low of your skills and yourself.
  • You’re a smart well balanced girl and your vids are interesting to watch. Take care and enjoy your life it passes by quickly. ✌️
  • @trev5163
    I remember when i was only one of a thousand followers of this channel. I’m so happy to see your success coming from your hard work. You’re great, keep up the great reporting, Natasha!
  • @liv0003
    You aren't"useless", you're a very intelligent girl, you speak English well, you have a talent for communicating and making videos and reports. Your videos are always interesting, even when you deal with complicated topics you always manage to communicate clearly and directly and always maintaining that irony that makes you stand out and gives you uniqueness. Always a pleasure to follow you👍
  • Good for you, for choosing your path. Stay strong and keep learning. Also stay safe. This is one American that wants to see you succeed.
  • Greetings from Copenhagen, Denmark, Scandinavia. It is always a pleasure to watch your videos and listen to your brave and intelligent comments. Wish you all the best.
  • @mwbright
    I'm so grateful that you are safe.
  • Natasha - thanks for your videos! Just want to let you know it's good to see you smiling and relaxing in a beautiful country.
  • I imagine being a political exile must be very, very difficult, particularly given the barriers in the West against Russian people. I'm sure I would feel very lonely, depressed, and useless as a person. Very, very few of us are true rolling stones, content to live without roots and connections. I do hope that eventually you will find a home for yourself in a country you can come to truly love and grow roots. I am very, very privileged to live a safe and happy life as a Canadian, and I wish the same for you. Your videos are wonderfully honest and authentic, and I enjoy watching them.
  • @harb9206
    Hello, good to see you back on Youtube, wonderful representation and narration of your experience in Georgia. I was not bored Listening and watching you, Great job.❤❤
  • @davidp9246
    Hi Natasha. Creepy boomer here (lol). Followed you for the past three years or so, and I think you’d make a brilliant reporter or foreign correspondent… just my opinion, but maybe worth bearing in mind. You have really good analytical and communication skills that many news outlets and current affairs channels and organisations may find indispensable.
  • Hi Natasha, you do not give yourself enough credit. Your English is pretty much perfect and you have great presentation and journalistic skills. Your YouTube videos are always an easy and interesting watch. You should have no fears for the future.
  • @LarryKapp1
    As always , I enjoyed your perspectives and video style.
  • What a journey it's been since I subscribed 3 years ago. I look forward to the continued chronicle of your life. Thanks!
  • @EricChipko
    Love your unique style and editing. Battery died and situation is falling apart. Let's capture every gory detail as you break down the tripod.
  • @lezazou5006
    You are not useless 😂 I like your intelligence, honesty and modesty
  • You are not useless at all: You are a journalist; a sociologist; an advocate; a politician; a documentary producer; a travel writer; an innate communications expert; an entrepreneur; a teacher - not bad for a young woman. You should go to university though; give some thought to Utrecht, which teaches courses in English and is well respected.
  • I always enjoy getting updates from you, Natasha, as I have been following you since you started your channel. You were the first Russian vlogger I followed, and since then I now follow eight other Russian vloggers, most who have left Russia. I really like all you guys! If all Russians were like you guys, it would be a different Russia. There would be peace! Friendship! I sympathize with your predicament. When I was your age, I was confused about many things such as what career I should choose, where I should live, and what I believe. Many of us are raised in certain religions, which we later leave. Even so, as a deist, I still believe in God. I think you will eventually figure things out. In any event, I hope you can visit the United States again. There have been a huge amount of immigrants from Russia and Eastern Europe that settled in western Pennsylvania, which is where I grew up and reside. The parents of one of my history teachers in high school were from Russia.
  • @anman1
    Viel Erfolg beim Deutsch lernen! ❤ Sprachen sind was Tolles 😊