The Great Renewable Energy Con explained by Dr Benny Peiser

Published 2022-05-03
Dr Benny Peiser of the UK-based Global Warming Policy Foundation explains how Europe’s net zero dreams have only led to soaring energy prices and dangerous dependence on Russian gas. He warns against Australia taking the same perilous road by allowing China to exploit our energy insecurity.

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All Comments (21)
  • @jimmyreid1458
    The lesson here is governments and especially politicians, are totally incapable of managing anything beyond re-election campaigns. Many have no experience running anything, yet they're making policy decisions with often catastrophic results.
  • @AusFirewing
    A subsidized energy industry sounds like the worst of both worlds. It isn't a market, because subsidies to established energy companies would prevent any competition being viable, and at the same time it's inevitable that people will complain about these 'private' companies being the problem.
  • Brilliant programme. If only our MPs would watch this broadcast. I remember British MP Steve Baker saying a few years ago that the Government needs to be honest with the public about the cost of Net Zero; if only that were true.
  • This needs far more exposure. The average person on the street needs to hear this, but you won't see it in the garbage mainstream media unfortunately.
  • “What I’m concerned about” is the colossal damage they will do to peoples lives, same as damage during the insanity of covid
  • This is correct discussion. I’m a UK citizen and energy has risen by at least 3x. The government interventions are totally off the mark relying on taxation of the workers (yet again as usual) ignoring that they can’t afford their bills either. So we have a situation where everything is going up because of energy costs. Government are taking more taxes, central bank is increasing mortgages rates, and the middle classes are being eye wateringly screwed. It seems ironic that my energy bills have tripled (from £200 up to £600 per month) and our home is always cold and damp now. Total joke. I’m now being expected live like my mother brought up in a rented tenement slum in Manchester, with damp in the rooms and no central heating. Disgrace. So don’t talk to me about sustainability. You can shove it where the sun don’t shine 😂
  • Fantastic. Well done. We need to go through the suffering to turn this idiocy around. I can only hope the false prophets who preach this lie, and those who bow down and worship them, are made accountable.
  • @petermarsh4993
    Thanks for the excellent discussion. I, like many other optimists thought that Green, Cheap and Reliable were locked together. Practical experience shows me that Green, Expensive and Unreliable is the actual reality. So sad, we were all conned.
  • @seanflynn5553
    Great, well done IPA. More in-depth conversations like this, please!
  • @richard1342
    I would just ask - does Boris Johnson understand this? We have a total disaster going on in the UK (as elsewhere) as a result of bad energy strategy over decades. Excellent conversation.
  • Found this in April 2023. A very compelling conversation that has clearly hit the mark, looking back at it now. Truth lasts. Thank you.
  • We are on stand alone solar power and believe me it only takes 3 days of overcast weather to grind our system down to a standstill. Thank God for the diesel backup. The reason we went solar was simple, we objected to buying poles, wires and a transformer but owning nothing and then having the privilege of paying electricity bills. It's like buying a shop, stocking the shelves then giving it to Coles or Woollies and buying the stock off them. On grid was going to cost us $60K stand alone cost us $34K and no bills other than a small amount of diesel.
  • Great content... Im a Kiwi in NZ...There is only one reason all this world nonsense is that I mean that leadership is mans greatest fail...after years of Knowledge is Power and all those Leadership programmes and seminars, nobody has sat down and said...;what is this Leadership BS?' I study history...All and I mean all leaders of some sort have caused ALL human suffering.. humans have this leader BS going on..its nonsense.... I am totally against any form of leadership.... You can blame greens,left and right,climate change and a whole raft of other all comes down to someone wanting to be a leader because they think they have the answers....along side religion, it is humans greatest fail in human history....... Leaders....all overrated and human destroying....cheers
  • @skufty
    Mark my will start caring when thousands of people start freezing to death in the winters!
  • @earbjr4715
    Gentlemen, I thank you for sound rational information.
  • @mceliniak
    It is so good to hear some sane conversation on energy topic.
  • @andrewmayo608
    Another great discussion with lots of common sense to those of us who can see through the Net Zero illogical lunacy.I do wish more people would wake up and see this for what it is A Cult.and a very very costly Cult to all of us.
  • @kaybee5150
    Why have we never heard of Dr Benny Peiser here in the UK. He should be on the TV and in the papers talking about this Net Zero con.
  • Interesting that both Boris & Morrison are both history… no longer leaders of their countries.
  • Churchill said that democracies is the worst of all political systems except for every other one, meaning that democracy has real problems and i believe that one of these problems is the politicians addiction to popularity. The greens movement became so popular that the politicians could no longer accnore them,so they had to get involved and thats when everything went to hell as per normal.