Some jokes I stole from Twitter 2

Published 2021-04-16
These are some jokes
I stole from Twitter...

The guy at the liquor store wrote me a prescription. I mean, he called it a receipt, but whatever...

I spotted an albino Dalmatian. It was the least we could do for him.

My wife speaks four languages: English, eyerolls, door slams and sighs.

My friend fell in love with an electrician, it was shocking. His sister fell in love with a carpenter, but she got nailed.
Reply: I bet when she broke up with the electrician, she was jolted. When your friend partied with the carpenter, they got hammered!

Just put air in my tires. Cost $1.25
I asked the guy,Why so much?
He said, "Inflation!"

Someone tweeted that they had just baked some synonym buns. I replied, "Just like the ones grammar used to make?"

Thief threatens to call police on mom who left child in the back seat of the car... that he stole.

I accidentally mixed holy water with laxatives. I guess that means I’m going to start a religious movement.

Grandson looking at grandmother’s Driver's License...
He laughs...
Grandma: “What’s so funny?”
Grandson: “Grandma, you got an F in sex?”

A thief broke into my house last night, looking for money. So I got out of bed to look with him. But we didn't find any.

I can't afford an Ancestry DNA kit, so I just announced I won the lottery. I didn't really win the lottery, but now I know who all my relatives are.

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