I'm gone (at least for now)


コメント (21)
  • @a6d
    Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: clcr.me/a6d_Raid and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 day
  • @xem_ity
    A6d is one of many examples of how cancel culture can ruin someone’s career, glad he has a stable job though, but it’s a shame people hate him so much, I don’t understand them and never will. It’s good that you’re not forcing yourself to make videos, honestly I couldn’t care less, it’s not like I think about when a6d is gonna make a new video every second of the day (but I still enjoy the content, if course) Twitter is a shithole, and this is the finest example of the reason why.
  • so sad to see that toxic kids won’t stop coming at your throat and completely understand that you lost motivation but just know we still support you <3
  • @ghostea08
    will support you no matter what u decide to do. being "the guy everyone hates" can rlly take a toll on ur mental health, and im glad you arent forcing urself to do something u know you arent happy doing.
  • @zpanazura
    I missed you man and hope you are goung to be better and actually be happy at least for you if not for content, i would love for the weirdest talkshow to be back and im sure everyone would but don't stress yourself, if you can be happy trough taking a break from yt of being off for most of the time, by all means, be happy dude!
  • I'm so sorry that people treat you like that, I completely understand why you lost motivation. cancel culture is extremely toxic and will go for anyone's throat if they make a wrong step :/
  • @bootje99
    i still like you even with the 'controversies'. also streamers like forsen and erobb say 'retard' without getting cancelled . it's not fair
  • @Voxites
    Damn it's been a long time since i've subscribed to this channel. And seeing it go away because of cancel culture and demotivation is kinda sad. However i'm very happy that now you are doing the thing you love! Keep up, much support from me. <3
  • @varazi
    great to know you're doing fine! don't force yourself to do stuff you don't want to <3 also, it really sucks some people are, let's be real, ignoring you. unfortunately you cannot really do much about that :/ maybe it's time to move on.. who knows
  • @idk_matt
    gotta feel bad for him :'/ mans basically stopped pursuing youtube as a career because of things he never did/weren't his fault that his fanbase took out of hand. love your content but i prefer if you live happily and do what you enjoy :) been a fan of you for years and don't think this'll stop that >:D good luck with everything
  • @colinpogi
    It's not just the toxic fans that destroyed his career, it's the lack of support from his friends. His fellow content creators could have easily stopped all of this from happening if they had just supported him, they really thought that by backing him up, their career might get affected as well and that is understandable. Aside from that I really hope that a6d will enjoy his new job, hope that he finds more things that he loves, and overall end up happier.
  • Hey a6d! I know things have been rough for you in the past year or so, I wanted to tell you that I completely support your decision. I cannot imagine what you have gone through lately, to be honest if I was in your spot, I would've done the same thing. I hope you're doing well! <3
  • @harbi5460
    buddy, im so proud of you for your first priority being your mental health and not your channel and such. whatever decision you make, ill still support you either way;3
  • Your community may leave you, your friends may leave you, but RAID shadow legends will NEVER leave you. I miss ya, a6d.
  • Dont force urself to do something you dont like. We will support whatever decision you make