Getting Scammed by Return of Wilderness

All information I posted on reddit first.

First of I have to say that I know that I am stupid, but I was curious to see what Return of Wilderness was doing, yes I lost about 2b, but since that was only like 1/3 of my bank I am not to worried. I never bought or sold gold so I don't care about that too.

I was watching a video of ROW yesterday(since I think those are kinda funny), and saw that he was doubling money for people, and he was searching people to join in, so I thought why not double a 100m and have a funny skype call with ROW and sent him an email.

Everything from here on is on the video:

We added each other on skype and had a nice little chat, I gave him 100m he made me do another 200m and so on, this went on untill I gave him about 1.5b, at that point a friend of his was working on recovering my email(The one I use for stuff like youtube and Twitch(I have a seperate email on my RS Accs and that safed my ass)). So at that moment they told me they had my email(but later on I realized that no one logged into it(2 step on each email)). So they made me go in for another 500m. At this point I knew that it was a scam but thought it would maybe solve the problem.(It didn't and I went to sleep)

To show that ROW is actively trying to scam/hack people, something I haven't seen from him so far, I recorded the whole skype call, I can't be bothered to cut that stuff together right now, so I uploaded the uncut version.(Over 3hour long).

The thing I want to spread with this Vid, is showing that ROW is a scammer and is trying to social engeneer into peoples Accounts.

I give chrisarchieprods permission to use this video.

I give sparcmaclive permission to use this video.

I give oakdice permission to use this video.

Sine the Reddit mods of /r/2007scape deleted my post I am going to send this to the big youtubers, to get the word out there.

Had to blurr out a part of the video at 2:10:11 nothing happens there(Ingame) but I got a privacy complaint by ROW because his skype and face was on there.

コメント (21)
    Michael please pin this RETURN OF WILDERNESS CURRENTLY GOES UNDER THE YOUTUBE NAME “RUNESCAPE 2020”. He was live streaming yesterday and i called him out saying i recognise his voice and started messing with his head. I hope you’re doing good nowadays anyways M. Take care man
  • @gerfall
    3 hours? What the fuck is this? A Lord of The Rings movie?
  • In all seriousness you could 100% get him arrested, at 3:14:15 he threatens to send a bomb to your house. People get arrested for much less.
  • @RaikesyYT
    I'm glad you did this honestly, because people in the community Don't understand how much of a rodent ROW is. I can't say you didn't deserve to lose your items, but hopefully people who watch this will learn from your mistake.
  • Jagex should take down ROW's youtube again , who agrees?
  • @ItsIceyyy
    Take this further Michael they need a criminal record after they've pulled your personal information.. and threatened you and your family
  • I'm all about mental health awareness and all that, but I also hope these guys take a nap on the train tracks.
  • report this to the authorities for cyber crimes/hacking public databases, blackmail and threatening, etc. if you don't, i will.. but please do so. it'd be worth the ely to hear about ROW's trip to jail
  • Damn Michael I'm so sorry for you. My heart dropped when you said "I thought you were better then this Paul" :(((
  • physical abuse threat, lying, stealing, invasion of privacy. This is goes deeper then runescape buddy
  • @DushaneB
    Almost 8 years later and this video remains a beautiful case study on psychology and manipulation
  • I still find this hilarious imagine trusting this guy
  • @poodoo138
    This is seriously fucked up. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Losing RS gp is one thing, but threatening you and your family is so much more. Thanks for posting the video to expose these scumbags. Are you planning on taking legal action?
  • @Einar979
    i really hope you report him to the police for this shit.. to hack your email and to threath you like that is highly against the law..
  • After watching this, I truly never want to hear the saying 'You are so close"
  • @MrKaywe
    I hope that you take this case further. Btw, if anyone else didn't know the guy in the skype called "Bryan" is actually not Bryan. His name is Ryan Wolley, if you knew RoW like i do back in the day he used to do scam videos with him. You said that you watched his videos for a long time and i'm actually suprised that you didn't recognize him. He has deleted all his videos on youtube but this is his real name because he did runescape videos with RoW back in the day and also did streams with him. Take care.
  • You should really take legal action against these guys. I used to enjoy rows content but this is criminal right here. Trust me, take legal action against him. Thumbs up this comment so that he can see this and show him your support!
  • @ljrz2630
    This can genuinely be reported to the police. Please do it. You have enough evidence.