한달매출 3200만원 아기 2명키우는 20대 부부가 직장 관두고 장사하는 이유

#humanstory #Selfemployed #franchise

This video was filmed with the support of production costs for '덮덮밥'(toppingtoppingrice.com) franchise.

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✔time stamp
00:27 Please introduce yourself.
00:33 Your children woke up early.
00:39 How old are you?
00:48 When are you going to work?
00:56 How long have you been doing business?
01:03 I don't think it would have been easy to raise a kid at the age of 24.
01:11 Is there anything else you did before?
01:23 What's the name of the kids?
01:28 You leave your first child to the daycare center and go to work.
01:40 Are you working with your wife?
01:46 Is it baby food?
01:57 there's no staff member?
02:01 How much sales are you making?
02:11 Who made this for you?
02:17 How did you two meet?
02:46 How did you start your business while working as a heavy equipment operator?
03:08 What kind of work did you do?
03:14 When your husband opened a shop,
03:22 It's your first time doing business.
03:46 Isn't it hard to do both?
04:13 There are times when you're busy working, right?
04:51 Do you work without a day off?
05:08 To the point where you dedicate your youth to your husband, did you like him a lot?
05:19 Who decided to get married?
05:28 Didn't your parents stop you?
05:47 What's the hardest part of your business?
06:13 When you work as heavy equipment operater,
06:21 Don't you regret doing business?
06:33 Did you take care of kids by yourself before you started working?
06:53 Were you good at housework?
07:09 Both of you are busy moving in the morning.
07:23 What kind of shop are you running now?
07:36 How do you feel when you're always busy in the morning?
07:53 Then did you really do it all by yourself at first?
08:15 the staff, I guess they're helping your prepare ingredients in the morning, right?
08:19 Your children are meek.
08:42 He doesn't want to go to kindergarten?
09:12 Doesn't it feel like going to school?
09:23 Do you normally not have much conversation?
09:42 When your husband said he is going to open a shop. What did you say?
10:01 What time do you finish work?
10:20 Does your wife cook for you when you get home?
10:42 Do the HQ deliver the ingredients?
10:47 There's no dining hall in the restaurant.
10:55 What do you do when you come to work?
11:03 Are you an employee here?
11:06 Morning time in all restaurants are busy.
11:16 You said you used to work as a heavy equipment operator.
11:46 You said you were going to do it by yourself at first.
11:59 you had never worked in the kitchen. Was it possible to cook?
12:26 The sales are
12:33 Was the sales good from the start?
12:51 Your husband had a hard time when he worked alone.
13:00 The shop is really small.
13:05 When you open a shop like this, How much did it cost?
13:25 What are you working on now?
13:44 How did you feel when your husband asked you to marry him?
14:05 When is the hardest time doing business like this?
14:21 At first, this franchise. How did you know and start?
14:47 Help your husband prepare the ingredients in the morning,
14:57 Isn't it hard to learn how to use heavy equipment at first?
15:20 I haven't done much social activities either.
15:34 What's your goal in the future?
16:02 You've been pressed for time until now.
16:13 You opened here without debt?
16:26 You probably didn't know how to cook at first, weren't you scared?
16:44 There are many ways to work in the restaurant industry.
17:13 How much profit do you make per month on delivery these days?
17:27 Where did you buy that helmet?
17:38 How many menus are there?
17:53 This looks good. What is it?
18:07 What's the advantage of this franchise?
18:25 How do you feel when you're so busy like this?
19:08 How much do you earn per month?
19:28 When is your husband the coolest?
19:41 When is your wife the prettiest?
19:50 When do you hate your husband the most?
19:59 When do you hate your wife the most?
20:13 You come to this shop often for delivering.
20:29 Where are you going now?
20:31 When the shop is busy, do you go for a deliverying like this?
20:40 When your husband has to deliver food, how do you feel?
20:59 Would you like to send a video message to your husband?
21:55 So If you take this opportunity to say something to your wife.
23:08 How did you feel about shooting today?
23:14 Lastly, for those who are watching HumanStory, If you'd like to say something.
23:26 HumanStory, Cheer up!

コメント (21)
  • 남편분이 정말 진국이시네..... 나이에 맞지 않게 진중하고 차분하고 남자다움.
  • 남자분은 진중하고 여자분은 소녀같으시네요 마지막에 서로 하고싶은말이 미안하고 고맙고 사랑한다는게 눈물이나네요ㅠㅠㅠ 정말행복하시고 건강하셨으면 합니다
  • 이런부부들만 있으면 세상이 얼마나 살만하겠어요? 주어진 여건속에서 아이들 열심히 키우고 묵묵히 부모로써 책임을다하는 모습이 정말 감동적이네요 매출도 쑥쑥올라 부자됐으면 좋겠네요 응원합니다 ^^
  • 남편이 나이도 어린데 진지하고 철이 완전 들었네요.멋지다.
  • 와.....진짜...마지막에 남자사장님 눈물꾹 참으면서 인터뷰할때 너무 울컥했어요...진짜 잘되셨으면 좋겠어요
  • 여자분 마인드가 참 좋다. 어떤 일이든 그냥 좋은게 좋은거지 하고 담담하고 담대하게 받아들이시는거같네요. 참 멋져요
  • 아이고 아기 둘 키우면서 장사한다는게 정말 쉬운게 아닌데...어린 부부가 정말 대단하다고 생각하고 열심히 사시는 모습이 정말 좋네요....
  • 둘다 너무성실하고 착하네요..부부가 서로 응원해주고, 아껴주는게 느껴집니다.신랑분도 나이에 비해 엄~~청 철이들었고, 아내를 사랑하는 진정한 남자네요. 아내분도 착실히 신랑과 함께해주니 얼마나 보기가좋은지요..둘다 인성이 바로잡힌 훌륭한 젊은이 입니다^^
  • 남편이 24살, 와이프가 23살때 만나서 아무것도 없이 서로 이렇게나 열심히 사는데 왜 눈물을 흘립니까 그렇게 열심히 살지 못한 사람들에게 참 귀감이 되는 좋은영상이네요 힘들어도 서로를 의지하며 좋은날 위해 기운들 내자구요 "우리모두" 화이팅 ❤
  • 지금은 힘들겠지만 애들 그만큼 빨리 키워놓고나면 40대쯤엔 진짜 편하게 넉넉하게 사실것 같네요.. 젊은 사장님,사모님 화이팅 입니다ㅎㅎ
  • 관상은 과학인게 진짜 맞네요. 부부가 선남선녀에 몸도 정신도 건강한 분들 같아요. 더 더 행복하세요!!
  • 젊은 친구들이 어린나이에 이렇게 번듯하게 아이둘이나 잘키우고 열심히 사는거 정말 오랫만에 보는거 같네. 지금 젊고 힘든 기억들 나중에 나이들어서 그때 정말 힘들었지만 서로가 힘이 되어주어 견뎌냈다는거가 정말 자랑스러울껍니다.
  • 서로에게 미안하다는건 서로에게 최선을 다하고 있다고 생각하네요. 아름다운 부부네요. 돈많이 버셔서 아이들과 행복하게 사시길
  • 남편이 어린 나이인데도 책임감이 강한 멋진 남자네요 아내분도 남편에 대한 애정이 많으시고~ 살아보니 부부는 측은지심이더라고요~~
  • 서로를 생각하는 마음이 너무 보기 좋아요. 인성 바른 젊은이들이네요.
  • 남편,아내 두분다 어린데 철도 있고 책임감,진중함,성실함이 다 있네요 꼭 더 성공할 거에요 넘 예쁘네요~~~
  • 댓글 안 달수가 없내요. 젊으신 나이에 아이둘과 가정을 책임지는 두분의 모습이 너무 좋고 멋지십니다. 네 가족의 행복을 기원합니다♡♡♡
  • 이 부부는 서로 항상 미안하고 항상 고맙고 항상 사랑한다고 말하네요. 앞으로도 이런 마음이라면 절대 문제 없을것 같습니다. 힘내세요!!