We're Returning to Kenya! Donation Link in the Description!

Many of you know my wife, Christina, and I have a deep love for Africa and its people. I spent five years of my childhood living in Botswana with my parents. We have numerous memories of precious relationships made and still kept, life in the village among the native villagers, celebrations around the campfire, and learning to bake pizza in the ground. After 20 years back in the U.S. my parents wanted to share with our spouses an opportunity to experience the village the family “grew up” in. Thus igniting Christina’s heart for Africa and its people as she began to build and strengthen relationships with people she had heard stories about for so many years. Last year, Christina and I were invited to join a team to Kenya (you might remember the slideshow), where we experienced heart wrenching poverty in the largest slums in Africa, assisted in building a fenced garden for an orphanage, heard personal stories of women who have been transformed by the opportunity of a job to support their family and watched children thrive with access to an education. 
We are excited to continue our journey by traveling back to Kenya with Newhope Church for 10 days in January 2019. On this trip our group is partnering with 410 Bridge to support the village of Irigithathi, located at the base of Mt. Kenya, in becoming a self-sustainable village. We will be participating in activities with children at the school, assisting with community projects, and better understanding what daily life is like in Irigithathi by taking part in home visits with local families. We will return to Street Hope, an organization that teaches men and women job skills like beading, sewing, and how to run a store to allow individuals to leave the sex trade industry. Our team will learn about the work these men and women are doing, hear their life stories and encourage them in their life changes. We will also return to the Ark Orphanage to assist with building projects, spend quality time with the children, and see how their new garden is doing! We will reunite with the women of Mercy House, an organization that helps pregnant teen mothers in Nairobi, Kenya. Lastly, Christina is beyond excited to meet and spend the day with her sponsor child, Angel! She began sponsoring Angel a few months ago after seeing the impact sponsorship made on children during our trip last year. She is looking forward to meeting Angel in person, being able to participate with her in her favorite activity, drawing, and hopefully meeting some of her family.
As I share my excitement for this trip with you, I hope to find a team of people who will support us in this amazing opportunity to touch the lives of those in need. First, I ask for your thoughts and prayers for me, Christina and the rest of the team. Please keep our families, our health, our itinerary and our travel in your thoughts as our trip quickly approaches. I also ask that you keep in mind the people we encounter in Kenya, that we can build new relationships and grow existing ones from last year. Second, if you are able to assist financially with our trip, you can give online by going to app.managedmissions.com/MyTrip/GivingBack2019. All support is due by December 20th 2018.
Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through thoughts and prayer, or both, all of your support is greatly appreciated. I look forward to sharing pictures, video and stories not only of the impact our trip has made on those in Kenya, but how it has continued to impact and transform us when we return in January. For sponsors who donate $100 or more, we will be sharing a soft cover journal of stories and photos of our experiences, the people we meet, and other fun details of our trip so you can see the impact of your donation.

With Gratitude,

Stephen and Christina Rardon 

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コメント (9)
  • Wow what a golden heart may the lord continue to you and bless you more
  • Hope you don't mind stephen, I shared it on my Facebook page. My church has a group that goes to Africa a couple times a year, as well as Columbia and a few others.
  • Came across your YouTube account. I'd love to get a look at my house I just bought with your Fluke thermal camera. I'm in clayton. Will look you up. Great story on your travels!
  • excellent video stephen. Everything you do for the poorest and most needy people in the world, God will give you very rewarding for your gratitude equal to all your family. Everything I saw in your video reminds me of the poverty that people in my country El Salvador suffer and it is so sad that everyone is full of great needs. Thank you and God bless you and your family.
  • Have you done any new videos? Just wishing you and your wife a safe trip to Africa. Safe travels and prayers.
  • next time ni kenya soot me mail thank good work people hvac go
  • @1984juant
    I dont understand how people can destroy their own land! Is this pure laziness and careless? Greetings