My Giant Centipede Escaped in the House!

I got my first giant Centipede!.... And then something happened to it.
#StoryTimeAnimation #AnimatedStories #centipede

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Yeah... I really didn't mean for this video to take so long to come out. Initially I only wanted to take a few weeks off but of course those few weeks turned into a few months. I might make a video talking about that XD. I'm just glad this one is done, and now I can get to work on the next one.

コメント (21)
  • An uncle of mine had a centipede once. One of his favorite stories is how one day the centipede managed to escape and after a couple of hours he found it... eating a friggin tarantula it just killed. 20 years later my uncle still wishes he had seen the battle between those two.
  • As someone who wants to raise bugs/arachnids at some point this is fascinating. As someone who is piss terrified of specifically centipedes, this is is probably my worst nightmare.
  • I use to have a ball python that lived in a pretty big tank. The top of the tank had pretty firm grasps that made it a pain to pull off, but I thought it was good enough to keep the snake from getting out, including the heat lamp that was weighing the top down with a couple of old dictionary books. But one day, while I was just chilling out on the couch and watching tv, my cat was looking super freaked out by the tv. I was confused and assumed it was looking at some ghosts or shit, like normal cats do. I got up to check behind the coffee table, and sure enough, I saw that little snake just mosey along across the living room right in front of the tv. No idea how he got out, but I rushed him right back into his enclosure. All I know is, snakes are tricksy bastards.
  • I don't understand how you aren't already as big as Jaiden. Your bug drawings and animations are the best I've seen on this platform. You gained yourself a new subscriber sir. I hope to see you absolutely blow up soon.
  • Most snakes that are kept as pets are usually safer than centipedes XD And more cuddly, although it's kind of concerning thinking about whether they just enjoy you as a heated tree stump that they can crawl up on or if they feel hungry...
  • My hedgehog escaped her enclosure a couple times. The first time I found her nestled in my mountain of plushies, the second… she didn’t even go anywhere, she just sat right outside the cage like a doofus 😂 I miss her
  • @An86384
    I one day found my hamster in the kitchen: not only he managed to open his cage (I have no clue how, but since then I always put a weight on the cage so he can't open it), but he also managed to travel trought the entire house, sneaking past the cat. And as if it wasn't enough, he did all of it with a broken leg.
  • Sounds like you're doing pretty good! The only inverts I own are the darkling beetles I breed for superworms, so I don't much about keeping bugs, but I would recommend you join an online group for invertebrate pet owners. They could have some great advice for figuring out how to catch Grievous, and probably tips on how to better secure his tank. Also when you do find him, if he ends up getting sick then it'll be really helpful to have a ton of experienced owners giving you advice.
  • @Skeranda
    As a snake owner I can assure you that even we respect centipedes. A lot. The Clint reference absolutely sent me, that was great. Since I started keeping snakes and lizards I always heard that there'll come a time where AT LEAST one escapes, and I was like "Yep. Dreading that day." Since life needs to keep beating me down last month I discovered that one of my desert dwarf geckos somehow escaped her enclosure and has been missing since. #irresponsibleowner, F for Wawa, she'll be remembered. It happens to the best of us. Why won't they stay and accept our love
  • @Angalotro
    The ants on the tofu's house: "We have rumors of a giant centipede going under these places and we are here to confirm it"
  • I love the reference to Clint’s reptiles. His videos are amazing.
  • Seriously doubt the centiped has strayed too far from your home Young Yong Tales. Odds are good that it's still near your home. It likely has made the area near your home its territory. Hunting insects at will and keeping out of sight most of the time which isn't that tough considering how quickly they can scurry around with those one hundred feet. One sure way to tell if it is still hanging around your home outside or even inside is paying attention at the insect population. If you notice that it's no longer increasing but instead stable or decreasing gradually then the centiped is obviously hunting regularly and efficiently. As for the species as a pet I'd suggest a common house centiped instead. Way less dangerous and easier to obtain. But if you want another one of the same species then good luck keeping it a second time around. New subscriber btw. Like the Jurassic Park references in your video.
  • @LoL-sp3wu
    So my theory is that the centipede went on an existential crisis after seeing all the things he missed in his old enclosure so when he burrowed into the substrate he forgot to come out and suffocated then the beetles ate his dead corpse
  • I had a lot of centipedes, they can climb very high and must have a lock. They are flexible and can squeeze through tight spaces. Centipedes, when burrowing, might not ever come out again. You can leave prey in/in front of the burrow. If it refuses, then it might be melting or dead.
  • Grievous is such an awesome name for a centipede. Good choice. But centipedes do have all those legs so if they have some room to push he could've lifted the lid and squirmed his way out.