Bus Crash Recovery By Excavator Kobelco SK75 And CAT 320D2 Extended

Limbersa Bus Crash Recovery By Excavator Kobelco SK75 And CAT 320D2 Extended. Tuesday 2, January 2018 a tourism buses loose control on the steep road then crashes into deep cliff. 29 passenger injured and sent to the hospital for medical recovery. This buses successfully recovered from the crashes site on Thursday 4, January 2018. Two excavator used to finish the job, CAT 320D2 Excavator and Kobelco SK75 Excavator. It took 6 hours to recover the buses. There is no crane service that can handle and recover this crashes buses before. All this recovery action, damage risk was monitored and allowed by the Bus owner. Plants and trees damage by the recovery impact are paid, Field structure, including the slope, bank and other damage structure are paid and replaced.

Berita Kedaulatan Rakyat Terkait Evakuasi Bus :

All About Heavy Equipment Like Digger Excavator Truck and Construction Work Progress.
Semua Tentang Alat Berat Excavator Truk dan Pekerjaan Konstruksi.


コメント (20)
  • Ya Alloh kpn 2 neh..nek arep nyupir yo ..siap ke..konsen kesehatan ra loyo..jo pasake .. nek ono sirasate .. panjengan ra enk rasake yo..ganti se..supir liyone ngono..yo ..iyosih..kbh 2 kuwi opo ngerti nek arep blai naas kclkaan Astagfirlloh haladzim...jane piye to.. supire ngantuk opo awak ra enk sehat ..yo ramaido kbh 2 dipekso rep gole duit rezeqi..mugo 2 ra ono sg korban ..alonan wae sg penting selamat sampai tujuan sa jane !? Tapi piye neh..ws mlubu kebunn koyo ngono ..lumayan curam tempate .. Masyaalloh Alhamdulilah iso bis kuwi diangkat neh wah rekoso luar bioso Untuk semuanya saja para penolong Jen Luar Biasa smg sht trs dan panjang umur sg jiwa penolong Trimasih ya Alloh 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲 hususnya buat pengalaman para supir harus lebih hati 2 lagi .. kabeh penumpange yo nyawo dadi kudu Ati 2 bangettt....nyowo longko ng toko para supir 2 bnr hrus hati 2 sekali Bismillah .. suksek Aamiiinnn buat semuanya yg bergerak mengangkat bis trsbt smg amlmu trctat mnmbh aml amln ibadah kalian semuanya sj lah 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
  • 20 puntos para los operadores y todo el personal que participo, buen trabajo, no estba facil, saludos desde Maracaibo Venezuela.
  • That guy trying to push the 15 ton bus by hand at 40:50 reallu made the difference!😄
  • @Rereryiop
    Salut kpd team evakuasi terutama bapakke sik nyopir bus , jyannn ekspresi wajahe santai tenan 👍😅 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
  • God bless to the owner of the bus,but most esp. To all the passengers,hope they are all ok in the hands of the lord.lucky to the owner of the land.
  • I am amazed that there was absolutely no concern for the safety of the dozens of people including small babies. I cannot even imagine something like that taking place in the US, or any modern western country.
  • Gostei do modo de agir desses pessoal, tralham em equipe um ajudando o outro . Se aqui no lugar que moro fossem assim, mais é tudo diferente. Aqui os pessoal são mais cabeçudos
  • subhanallah, hebat tim Evakuasi,,,,jedag jedug daadaku lihat,,,smga di dlm lndngan Allah swt Amiin
  • @Masedi911
    Evakuasi bis nyemplung ke jurang,, nonton full durasi mantap 👍 salam sehat sukses
  • ... Just great engineering, absolutely superb, everyone needs to be thanked for a super job, building up a bank for the cats operate and a roadway for the bus to roll out on...
  • Welcome to the 21st century where excavator have to pave way before entering where a bus easily entered😄😃
  • photography is very cool I thank this channelI follow all your actions always I thank the person who is filming Good skill in photography The most important thing is that he does not shake his hand Always be honored i love indonesia purwakarta
  • Excellent Video ! It is easy to be a Monday Morning Quarter, some may opine "Oh they should have done it this way or that way. But only the Locals know the Terrain and the Equipment available at Hand. They Workers Proved themselves, another Success Story in the Annuals of the Recovery Team. ........ from Sacramento, California.
  • Akhirnya terjawab rasa penasaran bagaimana evakuasi kendaraan berat yang mengalami kecelakkan seperti ini, khususnya di dalam negeri sendiri. Suwun Mas.
  • Excelente trabajo el de las dos excavadoras,son profesionales en lo que hacen.Eso fue toda una coreografia.Lo disfrute de comienzo a fin.
  • Gut gemacht Jungs!!Hier in Europa wird solch Bergung mit einem Telekran mit Seilwinde gemacht aber es geht auch mit 2 Bagger, ihr seid wirklich gut.- Und wir nicht besser! Ich hab solche, wie auch andere Bergung über 35 Jahre beruflich gemacht. ...Bravo