Pakistan's General Muhammad Zia ul-Haq cheated Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto? (BBC Hindi)

पाकिस्तान के पहले तानाशाह अयूब ख़ाँ की तरह जनरल ज़िया उल हक़ के पास सत्ता पर काबिज़ होने का कोई 'ब्लू प्रिंट' नहीं था. दरअसल, ज़ुल्फ़िकार अली भुट्टो के कुछ ग़लत फ़ैसलों और पाकिस्तान नेशनल अलायंस के नेताओं के बढ़ावा देने की वजह से सत्ता उन्हें एक तरह से तश्तरी पर रख कर दे दी गई थी. लेकिन एक बार सत्ता का स्वाद चख लेने के बाद जनरल ज़िया ने अपने प्रतिद्वंदियों को मात देने की जो क्षमता दिखाई, उसके उदाहरण बहुत कम मिलते हैं.
पाकिस्तान के शासकों पर रेहान फ़ज़ल की विशेष सिरीज़ की अंतिम कड़ी. इस बार विवेचना जनरल ज़िया उल-हक़ के जीवन पर.
तस्वीरें: गेटी इमेजेस, रॉयटर्स, ईपीए,

コメント (21)
  • @samikdhar273
    "the higher you go, the harder you fall"... so prophetic.. he fell from 30K feet above and died..
  • @v2talk
    Bhutto's heirs, Indira's heirs, Muzib's heirs have all enjoyed power long after Pakistan's partition. However, no one from Zia family remains in any position of notice, they just vanished into thin air
  • लोमड़ी पर भरोसा नहीं करने की सबक मिलता है इस incident से और double face लोगो को पहचानो
  • All the main characters of 1971 fiasco died an unnatural death in a gruesome way: Indra Gandhi, Shaikh Mujib, Z. A. Bhutto. Family members of these three also got blows from time to time.
  • Mugambo's character in Mr India movie is inspired by Gen. Zia..!
  • When Bhutto was martyred Hundreds of thousands of people wanted to see his face but not allowed and when zia died thousands of people gathered to see his face but there was no face.
  • After that ....Judges of Supreme Court admits that they were under pressure at that time
  • @Anergy1
    Bhoto kills marit in army chief selection for zia And zia kill bhoto for that mistake. Tit for tat
  • His autocratic reign of injustice, terror, nepotism and corruption of his own constituency will mar his good deeds if there were any.
  • @naman2835
    He is looking like lead devil villan of ramse brother's horror movie.
  • As for as I remember Bhutto did not file Merci Petition saying if I file Merci Petition it will amount to accepting the crime that I did not commit But you say otherwise. In those days I was quite vehemently following the developments in Pakistan, because the things there were so interesting International media called the event (hanging of Bhutto ) as Judicial Murder of Bhutto
  • @imgn8r715
    Worst possible prime minister killed by the worst possible dictator. Reminds of an Amir Khan dialogue, "Uss (Pakistan in this case) ka toe badluckich kharaab hai"
  • @vinay2519
    To know in details described in through video please read book Pakistan at helm by Tilak Devasheer
  • Most superb and patriotic lier I have ever seen after he convinced America that Pak doesn't have nuclear weapons
  • The fact that Pakistani prime minister still end up in jail in 2019, it’s incredible
  • Wow. Listen To His First Words And See How His Plane Blew Out In The Sky & Nothing Of This Dictator Was Found.
  • It's a pity not a single soul had the strength and guts to stood up against this devil Satan
  • rehan sir I heartily thanks to you. Very interesting style telling you BBC hindi