I Learnt to Ski in 4 hours - ft. crashing into a wall...

Published 2022-12-19

All Comments (21)
  • @Swizzle9708
    Every new skier feels so awkward and think they look stupid but literally everyone starts like that.
  • @tumbs496
    As a ski instructor myself, this is fun to watch. Most people truly don’t learn that quick
  • @dhpug3014
    YouTube is getting real comfortable giving me double un skippable ads
  • I have never heard you say you felt like a fool before. Alex, you have done so many new things. We who watch you would never call you a fool for trying your best with all your endeavours. I watch you because I admire what you are doing with your life. I am 75 now, and if I am lucky I have at least 10 years left. Go for it Alex. Live your best life while you can! 💕🇦🇺
  • Okay... I am not kidding, but for your first few hours skiing, you did INCREDIBLE. I haven't seen many people who have learned so quickly.
  • @yckieh568
    I’ve only started skiing this season and have yet to get proper ski lesson. To say I’ve fallen so many damn times is an understatement. I even cried on the beginner slope as a 28 year old. This video is motivating me to learn more. Never give up and never surrender.
  • It's everyone's mtn - never apologize - skiers, snowboards, experts and newbies - this is where we all come together. Good luck this year!
  • @Molly-jh4kz
    As someone who's been skiing for 20 years this was delightful to watch.
  • I live in Colorado, and I love skiing. I’ll admit, I was quite ahead of myself when I first started taking lessons thinking that skiing would be a breeze just because I know how to rollerblade. I was very wrong! Skiing is hard! I found out pretty soon everyone started out the same way: lots of falling and mistakes. It’s important to not give up. Skiing is so rewarding! It’s what I do almost every weekend now.
  • @daver7013
    You look about the same as I did when I first started to ski. it took me three days before I felt confident enough to think I was a skier. Don’t give up. And don’t wait too long to go out again. Your confidence builds day by day. I’m 67 and I ski and snowboard. I love the mountains and the snow. Good luck to you.
  • If there is one thing you shouldn't apologise over is "getting in the way of other skiers" because the understanding is, if you're in from you have the right of way. It's the people behind you who have to account for your place and being. And I don't think there's a single skier who who say that learning and pushing yourself is bad. Everyone loves to see someone improve.
  • @kateb5170
    Great video! Loved the scenery and your positive attitude! I have just learned how to ski this Christmas at 40+. It is important to have an instructor, who explains you patiently about basics of skiing and I watched some videos too. At first I thought I will never do it, but by day 3 after practicing a lot on green bunny slopes at my own pace I could feel how fun it is and why people love skiing. I think it is important to understand to turn a lot and control your speed by turning often. When it clicked to me I felt more relaxed and did not tense my body as much, just turned and I felt so free and optimistic. When I finally was brave enough to go on a longer slope, still green one, I felt amazing first third of the ride, then I started to panic and stopped turning as much and fell few times. Then it was important to regain the confidence and not to panic, seeing other learners helped too. I am so proud of myself that in 3 days I made a lot of progress and would love to keep up with my kids on blue slopes next skiing vacation.
  • I went skiing for the first time last week. Heavenly Lake Tahoe. 35 years old. No lessons- trial by fire (or ice). Holy crap when I first went down the hill (blue), I had my skies parallel going straight down. I must have hit 50 miles per hour. I freaked out and tried to do a hockey stop, in which I was somewhat successful. I landed on a snow bank, and fortunately, I went skiing the day after a huge storm, so the powder broke my fall. There was a perfect indentation of me on the snow bank. Took me almost 5 minutes to get back to my feet. Then I ate it again, and again. But Like Rocky Balboa, I kept at it. No way was I going to give up on my dream of skiing. Finally, I got the hang of breaking and slowing down. But by that time, I was pretty bruised and cramping up. Now, I'm a pretty big guy- 6'1" 230 lb with size 14 snow boots. I didn't know how hard it was to carve/rotate motion with my skis. I'm working on my weight, flexibility, and my leg strength for next time. But what a rush. I loved it.
  • @murrayfox5146
    This was so amazing watching you learn!! As a ski instructor your instructor and friend did quite a great job teaching you the fundamentals of skiing!! Ditch the poles until you start doing full parallel turns! By getting rid of the poles it will allow you to focus on your turning and stopping:) good job!! Skiing is such a great sport and is a lifetime of fun!!
  • @kel4023
    this is so motivational!!! i went skiing as a complete beginner in new zealand just recently and stacked it at the top of the kids conveyor belt on my first day, but at the end of my time there i was able to confidently ski some good runs without falling. it's definitely all about mastering the little skills and putting them all together as you build confidence.
  • @JellyLancelot
    Skiing priority works on down hill having priority, skiers up the hill have to accommodate. So don’t worry about getting in the way! Also, for your first go you’re really good, everyone starts looking like Bambi on ice. It’s easier when you’re a kid learning (low center of gravity, no fear, heal quickly, etc), and I was lucky to learn and get pretty masterful as a kid, it takes far more courage as an adult so massive props!
  • @hazzarules123
    as a ski instructor myself it brings as huge smile to my face seeing you want to learn to ski! it is much harder to learn the older you get so never too late to start. Loved the video as always Alex keep it up!
  • I went skiing yesterday effectively for the first time (I took a 1.5 hour lesson last year but the instructor was terrible and I never got off the bunny hill because I couldn’t figure out turning). I had a much better instructor yesterday who actually took us up the lift and down the green trails (easiest). After the lesson I bought a ticket and went up on my own. I wiped out at least a dozen times if not more trying to perfect the turning process (I wasn’t using the pizza wedge), but every time I picked up speed I psyched myself out and bailed. My left leg also seemed to be slightly weaker, so my right turns were not working out as well as my left turns. There were so many times where I wanted to be done for the day, but each time I said to myself “No. I paid for the lift ticket. I’m getting my money’s worth even if it kills me. I’m going until I can turn right properly.” I skied from noon to 5pm. Each time I went down the hill I wiped out less and less. Finally, on the last 4-5 times, I finally started getting the muscle coordination down to turn right almost as good as I did left. I could pretty much reliably get a nice wide turn to either side and stop if I wanted to. I could pick up some speed without getting psyched out. The last 4-5 times down the hill I only fell once or twice out of all of them. I was so proud of myself for persevering because it paid off! I got a decent enough at skiing to the point where I feel like I could go back and not kill myself. I got a long way to go before I can call myself a “good” skier, but I proved to myself that I can do it!
  • @josezandy2802
    What I really like about starting skiing is no one judged you if you fall cause every1 remember what starting was like
  • @pppoopo995
    This is why im glad i was skiing the other type of skis a long time before I started skiing. Ive been in the slopes 6 times and im already hitting jumps as tall as me. So i could basicaøly skip everything he has to do now.