Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts: Motivation, Personality and Development

Published 2013-12-31
Learn how Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories helped shape our modern understanding of human motivation and personality development.

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All Comments (21)
  • @bubbaloop574
    Here's the rest of the video: The ego operates according to the reality principle. The reality principle is the idea that the desires of the id must be satisfied in a method that is both socially appropriate and realistic. The ego must mediate the demands of the id, the superego, and reality. Instinct and Motivation According to Freud You now know how our consciousness interacts to determine behavior according to Freud, but what motivates our behavior? The answer to this is that we are motivated by our instincts. Freud described two types of instincts. Life instincts are one motivational drive described by Freud. Freud also uses the term libido, or sexual energy, for life instincts. Life instincts serve the purpose of survival and encourage growth, development, and creativity. Freud considers all pleasurable acts life instincts. Death instincts are another type of motivational drive described by Freud. Death instincts account for our aggressive tendencies. Freud believed that managing this aggression is a major challenge of human nature. Freud's Psychosexual Development Freud took his theories on personality and used them to form a developmental theory. He called this theory psychosexual development. Freud postulates five stages of chronological development that begin in infancy. These stages are oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. Key developmental tasks are characteristic of each stage. Freud believed the first three stages are the most important. These three stages occur before the age of six and form the foundation for personality development. Lesson Summary Freud's theories, especially his idea of the unconscious mind, have had a lasting impact on the field of psychology. He described three levels of consciousness: the unconscious, the preconscious, and conscious. He also described three parts of the personality. The first part of the personality to develop is the id, the ego develops next, and the superego develops last. These personality components work together to determine behavior. Behavior is motivated by instinct. There are two types of instinct described by Freud: life instincts and death instincts. Freud also formed a developmental theory he called psychosexual development. This theory includes five stages of chronological development. Learning Outcomes This video is here to help you learn to: Identify who Sigmund Freud was and what his psychoanalytic theory was Define the three levels of consciousness Describe the Id, Superego and Ego Identify the two types of instincts, according to Freud Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development
  • @ananddoobay5292
    Plot twist: The video cutting off is a test of id, ego and superego.
  • @haiza1471
    Well this 2 minute video made me understood what I was reading for the last half an hour
  • Who's watching this in 2020 and went to the comments to see other's reaction and see that they had the same reaction as you are NGA NABITIN!
  • I like how at least 2 years later (based on other complaints) there has clearly been zero effort to properly edit this video which clearly just cuts off at random. Good lookin out owner, no fucks to give. I dig your style.
  • @ritikyadav4940
    Freud believed that the nature of the conflicts among the id, ego, and superego change over time as a person grows from child to adult.He maintained that these conflicts progress through a series of five basic stages, each with a different focus-oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.
  • @beatmcat8796
    Hi, can you pls upload the full video at the earliest as it get cut in an abrupt way in the end. Thank you and this is extremely helpful
  • @nimsdiary_
    I admire how this video is made but missing its second part is sad😢 broke my concentration
  • @hafenihangula2270
    Thank you! I now understand what is Superego, Ego and Id. Thank you
  • @hopemabunda2926
    I have an exam in ,two weeks thanks so much ths is very understandable
  • Where is the second part, I love this explanation and how it makes since to understand Freud Theory 😢