Moment House votes to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas

Published 2024-02-13
The U.S. House voted Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, with the Republican majority determined to punish the Biden administration over its handling of the U.S-Mexico border after failing last week in a politically embarrassing setback. #alejandromayorkas #house #impeachment

(AP production by Javier Arciga)

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All Comments (21)
  • @MrRedneckrc
    Smoke and Mirrors they did absolutely nothing but waste more of our money.
  • @genedandy
    Don’t get too exited. Nothing will happen.
  • @ggs762
    What a clown show. How embarrassing for our country.
  • @augggie
    But it’s just a show, nothing will happen 😂😂😂
  • @Nigelrathbone1
    They're so proud to do nothing. And they have the power to do something, but don't.
  • @bdb3350
    The fact we didn't hear him say "Mr. Mayorkas please empty your desk and turn in your employee badge. Your services are no longer needed." is proof nothing will happen.
  • @brianspeigel1714
    I love the cheering line they actually did something. If only they worked on actual legislation imagine where we’d be.
  • Ha! This and kicking Kevin McCarthy out of office are literally the only things this Republican-led House has accomplished. Can anyone tell me ONE piece of legislation they've passed to help the American people?
  • @stingylizard
    And yet they refuse to tackle the border situation. All hat,no cattle.
  • @wweinmann1949
    This is about the dumbest thing they could do. There's no way the Senate is going to convict.
  • @RockFoxTLIMS
    Great job GOP. In another 10 years maybe you'll do something else that is productive
  • @crystalsky9512
    I want the names of the Republicans that voted against impeachment... Period.
  • @raisnaix
    I think I am starting to understand how the sane Germans felt in 1932...