High School 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and Now


コメント (21)
  • @Niquatg
    We can all agree, phones killed it for everyone.
  • That was me in 0:14 right side the one giving a flower to the girl and I can say the 50’s was the decade of my life, I enlisted in the US Navy at 1955 and married to a beautiful wife a year later at 56! She sadly passed away last October and I always cherish these moments of back then and realize how my generation was lucky! Loved everything back then and I wish I could go back, now I’m a retired 92 year old veteran and I hope I make to be one of the oldest individuals in the planet. Thank you!
  • 70’s Childhood, 80’s high school. I feel absolutely blessed & grateful for the amazing life during those years. I wish everyone would stop using social media and cell phones, try to experience what we did…it’s so healthy and amazing. Go back to having landline phones, free tv with 5 channels. Your days blossom with laughter, creativity, quality relationships with friends & family, riding bikes, drive in movies, roller skating on weekends, slumber parties, cooking with grandma, respecting your parents & teachers, … too much wonderful to type. I lived through the best of times and cherish it.
  • Being a teenager in the 80s was definitely special. Didn't fully appreciate it until much later in life.
  • It so crazy to think that our parents saw the 70's/80's in HD like woah.
  • Honestly, anything before social media was a time to be alive. I was born in ‘98. I can remember life without smart phones and social media. HOWEVER, the 80s is so uniquely different. You guys had some of the biggest names in music at their peak. I can only imagine what parties, school dances and concerts were like.
  • I'm kid of today's generation but for some reason I really liked the 60s and 70's really much more than now. Everything clothes, how the children back then we're looking and acting. We need more of this now.
  • I almost forgot that there was no such thing as high school in the 90's.
  • @jetknight7562
    80s was truly a memorial to have been a kid in that year..
  • As a child of the 1970's and a teenager of the 80's...I will not trade what I had for the world!
  • It surprises me how depressed everyone looks nowadays in contrast to the past.😥
  • I was born in 1973 I was a later 80's high schooler. I would take any of those years compared to 2022. I have a kid that graduated in 2020 one is going next year in 2023 and the other one in 2024. I could honestly say as much as I thought school sucked back then, it really sucks now. Watching what is going on nowadays I appreciate my generation even more. I miss those days.
  • I’ll be honest, the 80’s seem pretty fun..
  • Crazy to think the ones who graduated in the... 50’s are between 87-78 60’s are between 77-68 70’s are between 67-58 80’s are between 57-48 90’s are between 47-38
  • My daughter is 13. I was with her and three of her friends the other day. They all started talking about how they all feel like talking on the phone is better than texting! 😮 I was pleasantly surprised. They can’t be the only kids their age to feel that way. 🙏 It gave me some hope. ❤️