Stock Market Daily Update For April 23rd

Published 2024-04-23
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These charts and updates are for educational and entertainment purposes only.
Disclaimer: You should - NOT - buy or sell any securities based on this report. Always consult with your own financial adviser and read, understand, and remember all publicly available fundamental data before buying or selling any securities. Trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. You must know, that at any moment, an unexpected event may happen that may influence any stock price. Analysis is derived from data believed to be accurate, but such accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. It should not be assumed that such analysis, past or future, will be profitable or will equal past performance or guarantee future performance or trends. All trading and investment decisions are the sole responsibility of the reader. We are not out to solicit anyone and all information provided via email remains private. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason on our free and paid services.HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM. ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS IS THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK IN ACTUAL TRADING. FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS. THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS.

All Comments (6)
  • I like the new price targets. Telling us which stocks the models are showing is extremely helpful. Without the stock names for the models it is very vague for your readers. It is helpful to see what you are seeing. It helps because we have to do our own research and knowing which stock you are looking at means we can judge for ourselves if we have a similar consensus. Ultimately, over time this process will help us to know if we should send your discord channel the funds to join. Thank you.
  • 4:01 So a drive up to previous highs over the next 2 weeks on the spy and gold taking a dump?
  • @Notaslave1961
    Glen consider Martin Armstong's work that shows we are at a point where capital flees sovereign debt and that will elevate equities, confidence away from government (sovereign debt) and into tangible assetts including stocks, at least you own something of real existence and not certificates of confiscation.
  • @ElmoTrades
    Glenn.. dont get squeezed..... please... then u disappear for 1 week..