The Western Mind

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of Western civilization, tracing its rich history from ancient Greece and Rome through the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and beyond. Delve into the ideological underpinnings that shaped its history and ideological origins, uncovering how these achievements continue to shape the modern worldview. Join us as we unravel the complexities and enduring legacy of Western civilization.

00:00 Intro
00:10 Origen
01:00 German
01:39 Church
02:12 The fall of the Western Empire
03:54 Dark Age
07:18 Christianity
09:22 Death of the Family
10:08 Individualism
11:04 Woman Right
11:44 Secularization
12:12 Rise Of The West
16:31 Age of Imperialism
20:14 End of An Era
22:13 Outro

Tchaikovsky, Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairies


#Polandball #Countryball #Civilizasion #VideoEssay #History
#USA #England #Franch #German #West

コメント (12)
  • ? Why no comments ? edit OH, people are not commenting because this is a pro german fantasy story. I see.
  • This is just weird, Rome didn't fall before being divided. Western empire fell hundreds of years after they got divided.
  • @Clericus
    Everyone the creator is a fricking Indonesian who speaks English with a bad accent so why do you say that he is Eurocentric and Pro German? He is just covering the most influential points because this is just a 30 min video so don’t expect a 2500 page book
  • @BornKafir
    @3:13 Are you just making up your own alternate timeline? Do you genuinely not know what magna carta was and why it happened? On what basis are you assuming East or Asia didn't have rich and high born Nobility? How do you think eunuchs in Chinese court had so much damn power if the Emperor truly held absolute power? Or how did Jannisari stole power if Sultan had absolute power over all? Or why muslim factions were fighting amongst themselves to be the leader if Khalifa held absolute power over everyone and everything? This genuinely seems like fan fiction. Written by someone completely blinded by Eurocentrism.
  • I watched this video while visiting the loo, it showed in my recommended, I immediately recognized the kraut-like countryballs style cartoons and since I am drawn to historical analysis, I decided to watch it, although the AI generated voice really annoyed me throughout the viewing. I now realize that the rest room was the correct place of watching such a video, after a 20 minutes rumbling about Feudalism, I spotted many inaccuracies, mainly an Anglo-Saxon centric view of society, crediting the Germanic tribes for the bill of rights and our democratic institutions instead of the Greco-Roman civilization? At that moment I paused the video and started thinking hard of any historical explanation I could think of that would explain such an analysis, I failed to find it. Moving on I noticed another inaccuracy, mainly crediting the Roman-Catholic church for every social engineering that took place, this time I knew this is wrong, but not wishing to cut the video short, I decided to finish it. Another blow to the stomach was crediting the Roman-Catholic church for scientific advances and "surpassing the Islamic world in tolerance", while exactly the opposite happened, the church persecuted any sense of free thinking, I need not explain what they did to Astronomers, Doctors in respect to anatomy, Biologists and Geneticists in respect to the origins of the human species, anyone that actually finished the 9-grade compulsory education in Europe knows this. At the end the "author" makes some remarks regarding Communism, which is completely wrong, but knowing that many people post-1991 criticize states like the Soviet Union, I did not give it any significance, finally the author talks about Neo-Liberalism (without really understanding what it means), at this point I realized that I 've fallen victim to a reactionary essay, that concludes that art and academic education is a "betrayal" of western values? Institutions such as universities funded in the high medieval era, are older than the Aztec Empire by a century or two, it is the pinnacle of western knowledge and way of thinking, of course our reactionary little oriental fellow from Indonesia ignored this parameter and decided to lament the falling-off of church's influence in society. If anything the western civilization reached its peak because it was the first civilization to challenge the rigid rules of religion imposed on him as shackles from another bygone era, something the great Chinese civilization over-fixating with their Confucian, Taoist and Legalist influences never managed to do so. As mentioned this individualist approach is the cornerstone of success, as morality is nothing but subjective, overthrowing the shackles of authority and superstition is the driving vessel. I also want to note that the most significant contributions arising from the west the Enlightenment and the Industrial revolution receive scarce or no praise at all. Finally what the author suggests, of a bond between people via religion is nothing but a shackle that has been broken centuries now and is not coming back. As we stand in the 21st century we have a TOTAL DOMINATION of the western civilization, almost every part of the world thinks like us, has institutions like we do, dresses like we do, follows our art, has imposed our calendar and our metric system (except the US for some reason), the west never fell, the west dominated our globe called earth, you can point out to some forgotten tribes in Somalia, Afghanistan or the Amazonian jungles but truth be told, we are all the west today, and what made us all western is the things you look down upon, art, philosophy and the academic institutions. If you read this message, spare yourself from a total waste of your time, 23.5 minutes are mor enough to have lunch, take a shower, shave or watch anything else for entertainment or educational purposes.
  • @Mookeals
    White Horseman ( Revelation 6:1-2 )
  • good video but why not use your real voice snestead of the gay ai voice
  • yeah animation is nice, but arguments are 2 dimensional. I would have go into detail why but it would be my waste o time. Rather I will tell you this if you stop the clock some other time like 1600 900 100 rather than 2024 you could exactly apply the same arguments to the dominant power. So, it is just a generic analysis of what happened
  • @993JAM
    So latin america doesn't exist? lol