Ennio Morricone ● Film Music Collection Volume 2 - The Greatest Composer of all Time - HD

Goodbye Ennio Morricone. One of the greatest composers of all time, with his innovative sounds and unforgettable movie scores, Morricone revolutionised Cinema and TV screens watching (and listening) experience.
𝐂𝐇 pays tribute to Maestro with a beautiful selection of 30 breathtaking film music scores.
Thank you Maestro. Your music will live forever.

The playlist 🎶

1. Principe del Deserto: Il Figlio E La Nostalgia
2. La Ragion Pura: Dedicato a Maria
3. The Sicilian Clan
4. This Kind of Love: Giovanna e Federico
5. . Novecento: Romanzo
6. La Monaca di Monza: Falsa Tranquillita'
7. Cinema Paradiso: Love Theme
8. La Califfa: Ricordo di un amico
9. Via Mala: Ninna Nanna Per Una Bambola
10. Matrimonio con Vizietto: Tu sei qui per me
11. La Califfa: Notturno
12. La banchiera: Amorosamente Scherzoso
13. Il Pentito: Messagio
14. La Monaca di Monza: Titoli
15. Novecento: Olmo e Alfredo
16. Mosca Addio: Suoni dai giardini
17. This Kind of Love: La madre
18. Principe del deserto: Morte di Mulay
19. La donna invisibile: Incontro trasversale
20. I Comme Icare: Sentimental
21. Matrimonio con Vizietto - Castelli di Scozia
22. Gioco Senza Fine: The Love Game
23. The Night and the Moment: A Candele Spente
24. Compańeros: A Meta' Strada
25. My name is Nobody: A bird's Tale
26. The Night and the Moment: Main Theme
27. Revolver: Anna
28. I Comme Icare: La Vérité et le Soleil
29. La Ragion Pura: Stella Cadente
30. La Califfa: Sotto la Pioggia

#enniomorricone #soundtracks #cinemaparadiso
#composer #moviethemes #filmmusic

コメント (21)
  • Un uomo semplice e riservato, con l'anima di un angelo. Sei vivo nella tua celestiale musica. E l'anima vola, i sogni si fondono con le note, tutto va oltre e riesci ad immaginare un posto migliore. Come avrei voluto conoscerti, guardare nei tuoi occhi e trovare quell'amore per la vita che trasmettevi con la tua musica. Ti voglio bene
  • April 2023 iam listening to Ennio... Oh my GOD... He was a genius..... My late husband loved his music.... I can understand why he did.... 💞
  • R. I. P. Maestro! The world is poorer without you, but your music will live forever.
  • Ennio's last tour was spring-early summer 2019. He said it would be his last. I believed him, so I coaxed my my wife, who had terminal cancer, into flying from Chicago to see him on his very last concert, on June 29, in Lucca (her payoff was a trip three days later to Opera Verona; another wonderment). On a sweltering night, 40,000 of us jammed into the outdoors Walls of Lucca and listened to the magic he coaxed from an orchestra of 100, a choir of 200. My wife had many good days before she died, on April 3, 2020. That night in Lucca was one of the best. Thank you, Ennio. Your music lifted her spirits, mightily. It lifts everyone's spirits.
  • Heavenly, I am sure GOD listens when you play these. GOD bless and Keep You. Protect Your hands.
  • I have always felt that the Great Composers of Classical Musics were Angels who came to handle us Musical enjoyment. I just learned that Ennio Morricone died in 2020. My eyes are overflowed with tears. Ennio is one of the Angels. Thank you, RIP and Blessings.
  • toll zu sehen daß so viele Nationalitäten sich wenigstens in einer Sache einig sind. I wish you all peace on earth.
  • Il giorno ,del mio funerale sarà questa la musica che mi farà volare in cielo.
  • We lost the great composer . I pray for his soul . Goodbye It's a long farewell Goodbye . Your works are the treasure of our world . From Tokyo of the Land of the Rising Sun .
  • Thank you Maestro for wonderful music. Forever in my heart!🙏❤️🇮🇹🇸🇪 R I P
  • Si Ennio, con la tua musica ci fai vivere, ci rinfranchi, ci fai sognare, pensare al passato, al presente e quello che potrebbe essere il futuro. Ti amiamo tutti, perché sei l'espressione viva del nostro sentimento.
  • "your music can never be more or less than you are as a human being" , and I truly believe that is why Ennio's music is so special : he is simply a great human being.! - Quincy Jones
  • @dmg1866
    So sad knowing you're gone from this world but I know Heaven is rejoicing. We will miss you but your music will live on. RIP Maestro.
  • Arrivederci caro maestro adesso sono gli angeli che ascolltano la tua meravigliosa musica e sicuramente ne saranno estasiati come lo siamo stati noi su questa terra grazie maestro
  • Era il genio della musica di tutti i tempi, grazie Maestro.
  • A Genius like my italian compatriot Morricone should never die, hope a day science can avoid death of men like him. World has lost a priceless treasure! Ciao caro Maestro Ennio
  • Grande è la persona che riesce a scrivere capolavori che toccano tutte le corde dei sentimenti umani .grazie Ennio
  • Thank God for a man who used all the talents he was blessed with. To those have have, more will be given....and he was rewarded with so much inorder to give joy to millions.
  • Cuando tenía 16 años lo descubrí por primera vez , hurgando entre los discos de mi padre , en 1983 yo era un adolescente , desde niño estuve acostumbrado a escuchar buena música , por lo que la música instrumental no me era desconocida . A esa edad ya había escuchado a Ray Conniff , Frank Pourcel , Richard Clayderman , Fausto Papetti , pero creo que descubrir a Ennio Morricone me transportó a otra dimensión , con matices que van desde lo más tierno y sublime de sus melodías hasta la alta energía que siento al escuchar sus westerns . Siento una admiración especial por el autor de la misión , de Malena , de Cinema Paradisso , del grito del viento , de Chimai y de cientos de temas que no me cansaría de nombrar y de escuchar . Morricone al igual que un servidor fue un gran amante del ajedrez , es otra de las cosas , de las grandes cosas que me identifican con el . Hoy que ese romano ilustre , que envíó al cielo sus mejores acordes y que su inolvidable música se esparce por las praderas del oeste , lo escucho nuevamente , y lo recuerdo con esa admiración que empezó aquel día de 1983 y que nunca morirá . Hasta siempre admirado señor , Gran Maestro de la música .