Acting Secret Service chief, FBI official to testify about Trump assassination attempt

Publicado 2024-07-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • SS did not attend morning brief and a 3.5B$ budget does not include handing out encrypted walkies on a proprietary channel.
  • @Roxwins
    It’s weird how the Congress members fall over themselves to thank them for their service.
  • @LadonnaDrane
    Everyone who witnessed ahould be beought in at the same time to do proper questioning these people well we ll get back with you just the same thing when departments for all these missing children said.
  • @kikirae7138
    A 20 year old loner didn’t pull this off by himself.. let’s stop playing games.
  • The cradle of life belongs to Galileo that’s the orb that was found in the next movie
  • @LadonnaDrane
    Start planning some detailed questions that you want proof to. Others about theirselves they can answer
  • The clock that they found in the movie tomb, raider is Azriel the Angels clock
  • @LadonnaDrane
    When lyolur lreally protecting someone you send people taller there were short pwople sent. I saw them.
  • @LadonnaDrane
    God knows the whole truth and has exspressed it. All can run who have commited crimes but they cant hide we all have an angel some have seen their angel while others have not. God or donalds angel had been with him that day god had said his ear would be tickled theres also another attemp planned God said the vice had a target on her back things are being done from within your gov. I dont know who they are but their are more snowdens to come out with videos, phone conversations and desk evidence
  • That’s to look at that belong to Galileo and it goes into that metal device that they already found and then it’s supposed to be like a version of the star inside of sort of like an atlas or a globe
  • @tom634eso
    ASK you this why would any secret service agent from now on put the life on danger or even would like to do the job , they get handelt like the worst persons on earth in hearings. It’s a spit in the face what some senators do here! Don’t forget this are the people that put their life in line for you , treat them a bit better. And those who failt this day should be disciplined of course