This Cloud Of Smoke Is Controlling Our Weather…

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In this video we are talking about the wildfires, smoke, and future potential severe weather.

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コメント (21)
  • I live in southern Idaho and we have been absolutely pounded by thunderstorms for the past two months. It’s unlike anything I’ve seen in my past 25 years here. Things are crazy right now.
  • There’s a video where a meteorologist recorded the satellite timeframe looking at the Quebec region, and it shows many fires started in that region at exactly the same time. This was no accident. They were set on purpose.
  • The sky over Cincinnati Ohio has been completely grey with the smoke for the last month. Its wild! Hopefully the fires get put out soon
  • @Rick-Williams59
    It brought a whole new meaning to Great Smoky Mountains, we're unable to see most of the mountains here in NC because of all the smoke.
  • @TRGTornado
    Thanks Ryan for talking about the smoke! You are the only person I could find who uploaded about this smoke other than news channels! Thanks for all you do!
  • @MissHellKitten
    Those "smoke particles" sure look a lot like the same color of a cloud from an ammonium nitrate explosion... like the ammonium nitrate that just went missing off a train that derailed in the U.S. the other week. And its also pretty wild how a large number of these fires in quebec all lit up at once, and was caught on video doing so.. things to think about..
  • @TypoMaker
    I’m in Northwestern Pennsylvania, and the Aqi has been reaching 130+ ppm on a regular basis…. Normally the wildfires out in the western US will put the Aqi at about 120 and it only stays there for 1 or 2 days and then drops down…. I live in a rural area our typical air quality tends to be from 15 to 40 ppm. So seeing 130+ is unheard of for Aqi …. I had to stop listening to the police scanner, because I estimate 80% of the calls being dispatched were for difficulty breathing, and with me having asthma, hearing dispatches over and over again for difficulty breathing hit too close to home and reminded me of my own mortality. BUT I truely appreciate that you are covering the smoke issue this video helped me make sense of what we are seeing here. Today (same day you uploaded this video) the Aqi dropped to 65 ppm this morning so I was able to venture out and go for a short walk. I wore an N95 mask though to reduce my risk of having an asthma attack, and it was the first time in nearly 2 weeks that my eyes didn’t burn or water while I was outside. Everyone I’ve encountered locally has red watery eyes from smoke irritation some may be red from other causes, but everyone overall has red watery eyes…. My mom said she’s never seen smoke this bad here in her entire life… she’s a boomer so lots of years to look back on. I’ve been watching http://air for air quality so I can gauge how safe or unsafe it is for me to be out… hoping the rest of the summer isn’t like this :(
  • @rob4750
    Maryland smoke is bad today, over 350 AQI in Frederick, MD this morning. Same levels as NYC yesterday.
  • I'm actually a Canadian viewer who watches to make sure I'm up to date on weather events hitting family in the US. I'm pretty close to NY and it was wild seeing how bad it got down there for you guys in the cities. We had to wear respirators outside but you all got HIT! Sorry for our second-hand smoke 😬
  • @DMWB57
    Since the fast snow melt up here in NW Wisconsin it did seem like the wild fire smoke above us in Canada was dissipating any Spring storms we usually get in May/June so we've gotten really dry. We need rain badly!! Praying things normalize a bit next week. It's been strange how the news/weather people haven't discussed how the smoke can cause drought like this? I appreciate that you covered what I supected was happening.
  • @tiamarrow6366
    All of my friends are in NY and they said that yesterday was the worst, like it smelled so bad like a bonfire and the sky was orange….my best friend actually thought the world was ending, and pretty much a lot of restaurants in our area closed early because of it.
  • @lisamr40
    Thanks Ryan for explaining the entire smoke situation. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. We've had an orange sun for days in the mornings. The smell of smoke was horrible yesterday. As of right now, (noon on 6/8) its not that bad, for now. Thanks for your informative videos.
  • @scottanos9981
    No smoke here in Utah. The summer has been lovely this year 😊
  • @johnchedsey1306
    I used to live near Seattle and started to dread every August because of the wildfire smoke drifting in from pretty much any direction. The summer of 2020 was downright awful when it hit, giving us the worst air quality in the world at the time. I have nothing but empathy for those on the east coast dealing with it. Stay safe as possible!
  • @creartsyivy
    We've been seeing the smoke in upstate SC the past few days! It's making our mountains look very hazy, you couldn't even see the distant mountains yesterday it got so thick!
  • @ShineyPenny654
    I'm in NC near Charlotte & it's crazy that the haze is coming this far
  • I live in Brooklyn, NY, and when I saw the sky was yellow and orange smoke everywhere. It smelled like a campfire from the Forest. That's how I described it. I hope those wildfires in the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Alberta are put out.
  • @chaz5229
    When I got up Thursday morning...I walked all around my house to make sure it wasn't MY house on fire somewhere upstairs. Then I looked around and saw it for miles so I thought "maybe someone is dumb enough to be burning". I never heard any sirens...just a haze and the yeah...something is burning. I live out in the deep country so I could see it for miles across fields. Later on..I found out where it was coming's crazy. I feel so bad for people up there in that area.