Lost boy claims there were creatures in these woods

Published 2022-02-28

All Comments (21)
  • @cyndimoring9389
    My friend was in the navy as a chopper pilot. He was called to an emergency at sea, a boat had sunk, the parents drowned, but the children survived because the dolphins were holding them up.
  • About 5 years ago I rescued a big dog that was going to be euthanized if nobody took him. I didn't have anywhere to keep him, so I talked my sister into taking him. 3 years ago that same dog saved her when a couple thugs broke into her home in the middle of the night with plans to hurt her. Animals really can be amazing.
  • I was a small kid and always bullied. I could hide somewhere and cry till I felt better. Our neighbour had this kitten, I never minded cats and she never gave af about me either. So one day inwas beaten, mom wasn't around so I had nowhere to run to for comfort. I went behind the house and sat down crying. Suddenly, this neighbour's cat came to me and sat on my lap, I forgot about crying! I felt peace inside. Since then, I love cats. That cat inspired me to love animals. I'm 24 now and a veterinary assistant. I never looked back since that day. I'm always there if an animal needs me❤
  • @xoxotous4814
    My grandmother experienced something similar when she was a kid. I am from a small state in India and my grandmother is from a very remote rural village. Their village got roads and electricity just recently. The people living there have been living with nature their whole lives. My dad used to tell me about what happened to her when she got lost in the forest once when she was very young. My grandma's an orphan and was running away from her family or something and then got lost in the forest. She cried and cried until a tiger approached her. The tiger protected her and led her back to her village. We have an old saying that tigers or wild animals have a lot of love for orphans and children who are vulnerable. That they will always protect them because they can sense their vulnerability. My grandma survived because of that tiger. But sadly the wild animals are extinct in that area because of poaching😢 humans really are the worst kindsof animals. Its shameful.
  • @MsMaxine306
    I hate seeing animals mistreated so when my husband brought a kitten home I reluctantly excepted him. That kitten grew to be a beautiful cat who favored my husband as a sleeping buddy. I woke one morning with a terrible headache, I stayed in that condition for a little more than 12hrs(my worked two jobs) and not one minute did Mr Taffy leave from beside me. As soon as my husband put his key in the door he ran to him with a meow I never heard then came back quicky in the bedroom which made my husband move faster than usual, he called the ambulance. I didn't know I had bleeding on the brain but I believe Mr Taffy did❤
  • Been a woodsman for over 40 years. I have seen and heard things that can't be explained. I won't go in the woods alone at night. Not even with my gun.
  • My husband had found a stray cat and took it in. He’d had it for a couple years before we met. It favored him but would occasionally accept pets from me. My husband was on a trip when I was 8 months pregnant. I love to cook for other people, but if it’s just me it’s soup out of a can. After 2 days the cat started bringing home dead animals. She brought home enough rats, squirrels and snakes to feed a family of five everyday. When he came home, she never did it again. I truly think she was saying, “Hey! You gotta eat more for the baby.” RIP Diamond
  • I must be the only one who has ever spent 3 hours straight reading a comments section 😅
  • There was a girl in Ethiopia who was kidnapped and the men tried to rape her. 2 lions came and attacked the men and stayed next to the girl. Her parents came and they allowed them to get her. Animals are amazing. I enjoyed everyone sharing their stories.
  • @colleen523
    Not a wilderness story here but still in the same vein about animals. When my Mom died I went to pick up her cat to come live with me. Now this cat would run away from people, even my Mom, and NEVER let you touch her (turns out she had colitis and was in pain. I took her to the vet and with a few pills she was cured :) So, she would never let anyone touch her…but the night I brought her home, I was laying down and crying on my bed, and she jumped up and came to me🥹 She taught me that animals are earth angels. Her name was Prissy :)
  • @MeganBurson
    Got one. We live in an extremely rural area and my daughter was coming home around 12am and this truck full of men bumped her car as she was going through an intersection. There was nobody out there but them. (I taught her to never get out but she didnt listen) she got out and so did 4 other mexican men, she said they were saying something in spanish she couldn't understand but as they approached her they FREAKED, she said they acted like they seen something and threw up their hands and started walking back to their truck really fast saying "we sorry, we dont want trouble". My daughter is tiny. Think 5' and it was around 12am and they intentionally hit her car. I think they were up to something nefarious, but she had (what I've always called) "the thing" with her. She couldn'tsee it but they could. Its been with me my entire life and now it watches over her. ❤
  • @eetoved1758
    My neighborhood's rough old feral tom cat disliked people. A lot. But one day he approached me, looking directly into my eyes, making really strange noises. I was a bit freaked out, thinking he must have rabies or something, if he was willing to approach a human. I talked to him a little, looked him over for injuries from a couple feet away. He kept up his insistent monologue for a few minutes. I was confused. Then he darted away. I went in the house. Within about a minute, the house was hit by THE HEAVIEST, most sudden rainstorm we'd ever experienced. I think the cat had felt the vibrations through the ground, of something major approaching, and came to warn me to take shelter. Protective instincts are real.
  • @aurora8749
    Since everyone is sharing stories about experiences with animals I'll share mine. I've always been afraid of dogs because when i was 4 a seemingly friendly one bit my 6 year old sisters face and ripped part of her lip off, she had it stitched back on. So anyway when I was 16 I had got expelled from school for absences and was walking home. As i was walking i noticed a group of gangster looking kids across the street from me and instantly got this bad sick feeling like they were going to do something evil. I kept my head down and ignored them but pretty soon they started yelling at me and throwing rocks. They were just about to run over to me when out of nowhere these 2 large Rottweilers come running up beside me. I hear the gangster kids go,"woah. Wtf?" I felt a bit scared but the dogs just stayed on either side of me, they didnt even make eye contact with me the whole time and they stayed on either side of me all the way home which was about a mile. They casually walked away as soon as I started walking up my driveway. Idk where these dogs came from but i believe they saved my life. I think they saw the gangster kids throwing rocks and harassing me, felt I was in danger and came to protect me. It is one of the coolest, most unexplainable experience I've had.
  • well here in Colombia 2 little kids and a baby (about 6 months old) were found the other day after having survived 40 days alone lost in the Amazon after their plane crashed. Nobody knows how they survived that long with so many dangers. Their mother died in the crash and they were malnourished so they were taken to a hospital for a full checkup. Social services is taking care of them but still...it really is a miracle they survived. Personally I think something or someone was looking out for these kids making sure they survived long enough to be found by the army and volunteers.
  • @kickitlikekirra
    I'm also in awe of David, the 8yo who found him! Comfortable riding solo at 8AM, chin up and head on a swivel. He saw someone in need and RECOGNIZED the need for action, then he took action. Two brave young men who I would guess have great parents who teach and guide them with great love and care. Thanks to everyone sharing their amazing stories in this comment section!
  • @amandaleigh9358
    I live in the big woods in the mountains of NC and we have a big momma mountain lion that patrols through our property. She has free rein of our woods and she keeps the bears away from the house and yard. We see her regularly, at least a couple times a week in the woods at the edge of yard. I can’t explain it but she’s a friendly neighbor
  • My brother was lost in the mountains when he was little. The volunteers and family members kept looking for him. He had trail mix and two bottles of water in his backpack. The weather was starting to get cold. The first night he said he had dogs keep him warm as he fell asleep. He said they got him to walk by pulling on his pants plus he said they walk with him between them side by side He stayed out two nights and they kept him warm. On the third morning they got him to where the volunteer camp had been setup. Two guys were taking care of the camp when they heard wolves howling and my little brother walking with them. The men went out to him and wolves got back and watched until they saw he was with them and they turn and ran away.
  • @aatsista
    One time when I was in senior high, growing up in a rural area, I was underage drinking with some friends. We all decided to break off into groups during that night and as most everyone paired off to make out or go find the others, I found myself alone. I was very drunk, could hardly walk (yes, I know great friends, huh?) I decided to try walk to my "cool" aunt's house across town not knowing anyone else in the community who I was close enough to who wouldn't call my parents to come get me & therefore get me into a lot of trouble, being not even 18 yet. It was pitch dark out with people's yardlights far between long stretches of gravel roads. I remember a heavy set women, maybe about in her mid 20's walking up to me on the road & asking for a cigarette, she seemed drunk too and I swear I had seen her before but couldn't place her name. She started joking around with me as we chatted and complained that she couldn't walk anymore and that we should go see if this abandoned house was open so we can rest there until it gets light out, it was about 3AM during summer, with daylight being only about a couple house away I agreed cos I was so drunk. She tried all the doors and finally found a window where we stepped into this abandoned house that still had all the furniture, there was no power but the water was running cos I remember getting a drink. We laid down on a sofabed and I still remember talking to her when I finally glanced over where she was and there was no one there. I know I didn't pass out and miss her climbing back out the window, she was just gone. To this day I swear, she was a ghost who kept me company quite possibly saving me from getting lost or run over on the road. When I think about it, I feel a terrified feeling in the pit of my stomach cos maybe she may have been the person who used to live in that house. 😕👻
  • I love how everyone is sharing their stories and im reading as many as i can..love it❤
  • @bcatblues725
    Animals have always had better humanity towards us than we have ever had towards them